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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

91,678 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


Sep 7, 2015

I am a more effective learner as a result of this course. It has also, surprisingly, increased my enjoyment while learning. Thanks to Barbara and Terry for a well presented and informative production.


Nov 6, 2016

Amazing course, I learned a lot of new techniques for self motivation, and effecient learning. Now, I feel more confident to take further steps in improving and developing myself. Thank you so much :)

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626 - 650 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects


Dec 8, 2020

This course taught me how to avoid the illusion of competence when I think I know or have learned something right and to learn something substantial rather than superficial using new techniques. Also through group interaction and practice I can discover a different perspective that I had not thought of. In this course I also learned to believe more in my abilities and not to be influenced so much by the comments of others which are sometimes not constructive. To have people by my side who support my decisions and do not hold me back for their own reasons.

I enjoyed this course because I learned many things that I can follow in my daily life in a fun and meaningful way.

By wadlin d

Oct 6, 2021

This course was very helpful I learned a lot about procrastination. Before this course i was stuck after the que, now I know how to apply my will power to shift my way of thinking. These new skills allows me to get more done by over coming procrastination. This course also gave me the insight that all things are possible to learn if you just compress them down in small chuncks over time.

I enjoyed every bit of it and i feel as is my memory of things will also increase.

I would like to have a refresher course just so the hardest concepts can be revisited.

so that i may master them.

This course should be called your "Beginners Manual For The Brain".

Thanks A Million.

By Colin R

Jan 3, 2020

Very valuable, this course is a must. I now realise as a programmer I was getting myself so stressed because I was using only the focused mode of thinking, I needed to always have one eye on the bigger picture and use the diffused mode of thinking a lot more to make sure my assumptions were correct and I was generally on the correct path.

Another big take away for me was chunking and recalling what you've learned. Also the pomodoro technique to overcome procrastination. Process over product is one key takeaway, it's better to have a consistent approach rather than have the finished product in mind when you're working on something.

Thank you for an amazing course!

By Christos N

Jun 3, 2017

Maybe the best lesson of my life, the Mother of all lessons! The one lesson where theory and practice happen simultaneously, as the lesson is also easy to learn (if it was hard to learn it would be self-contradictory, but certainly not! A most user-friendly lesson, and two adorable and excellent professors :) ) Reminded me of: "“Muad'Dib learned rapidly because his first training was in how to learn. And the first lesson of all was the basic trust that he could learn. It's shocking to find how many people do not believe they can learn, and how many more believe learning to be difficult. Muad'Dib knew that every experience carries its lesson.” ― Frank Herbert, Dune"

By Deleted A

Jul 7, 2020

I simply loved this course! It not only made me realize a lot of the things I was already incorporating in my studying, but helped me pick and sort the effective techniques whilst introducing others. The course also features optional interviews which can help get insight into learning certain subject areas from renowned experts. I also loved how interactive each video is, with a small quiz or short que at the end of many of them. Dr. Barbara really knows how to draw the audience’s attention and I found myself wanting to learn more at every point. Thanks to Barbara Oakley and Terrence Sejnowski for this wonderful course on learning how to learn. Cheers :))

By Chinmaya K M

Mar 31, 2020

Hi, To everybody who is reading this. I am from India and I take this course during the time of march 2020. I really really enjoy the course material and the content. As a student, You should take this because it will answer your query with reasoning. How much it is important to exercise for learning? How to approach a test? How to handle pre-exam stress and a lot more? Some concept is fresh for me. I bet you you will not waste your time by completing this awesome course. It should be studied in an Indian school. Some point to our Instructors. The course material delivering can be more fun through animation and more example. Lastly, Thanks for learning how to learn

By Kathleen M

Jul 19, 2017

This course was fantastic - well-paced, encouraging, and stimulating! I liked that I could engage at the level that time and other endeavors permitted me, and I had several takeaways that I am already putting to use. I mean, I just used the word einstellung in the context of my work with my boss - it's great! Learning How to Learn is the first MOOC that I ever finished, and it inspired me to pursue other learning opportunities that pique my interest, regardless of their direct correlation to my job, my current skillset and 'innate' abilities. I'm definitely going to stop counting myself due to age or talent - anything is possible if you set yourself up for success!

By Ann R

Aug 12, 2020

I found so much helpful advice in this course. I just wish I had this when course when I went back to school to get my Library Technician Diploma. I definitely would have benefited from all the tips and techniques given in this course. For example how to get over the imposter syndrome and procrastination. I have used the pomodoro method to get over my procrastination. I also like the interviews with Dr. Richard Felder and Dr. Rebecca Brent. They gave my great ideas on how to get over my test taking anxiety. I have thoroughly enjoyed taking this course and would recommend it to anyone who is having trouble with learning new subjects especially later in life.

By Aryan R

Jun 6, 2020

This course delivers on what it promises, a clear and concise instruction on how to get better at learning. A lot of these concepts seem like common sense but unfortunately they are not common in practice which should be the goal of all that have taken this course and what they should do in the future. Furthermore, some concepts like the Einstellung effect or the Memory Palace do not seem useful and seem contradictory BUT they are SOO NOT! I used the memory palace technique with my own room and I remembered a really long list of things, I was amazed. What we need is humility and curiosity when viewing this course and apply these techniques without shame or doubt!

By Christian P

Jun 3, 2020

I haven't written a review for a product/service good or bad in around 8 years cause of my ADHD, but this course is so important that I have to go through temporary pain to tell you guys this. take this course. It will change everything. Just make sure you write down everything you learn and study it. That's the most important tip. Every week is just as important as the first. You will regret not sticking through the entire course. It even gives you some important life advice. Anyone is capable of achieving what they want, and this course will show you why and how. This course is the type of stuff you learn and say "Dang, I can't wait to pass this on to my kids."

By Eugen G

Feb 4, 2020

It is a good idea to go through this course before other topics

Coming back to the material and continuing can be tough sometimes but it's worth the effort because the concepts can help in other areas as well (such as handling complex tasks)

The quizzes can cause some anxiety (it's a test...) but the questions selected and the way the answers are written will help fixing the most important ideas so they are very helpful in the end, also proving one of the concepts (that self tests are great for learning)

I felt the need to go over some parts of the material several times (using the notes) which means that times allocated for the course did not match the estimations.

By Dylan P

Dec 17, 2019

I wish I have taken this course when 30 years ago when I have so much difficulties in learning. It provided valuable insights to how to learn anything, and even go as far as your daily habit, your mental health and physical health, all of those are linked! You can't study well without a good mental health and physical condition, and this course give advice on how to achieve all those requirements. As I have already read Mind for numbers, this course reinforced and retain my knowledge gain, and in addition, it provided extra reading material, exercise and most important of all, the forums and social page for interaction which you can't get just by reading the book.

By Mariló F

Oct 7, 2019

I finished university long time ago and although I am a curious person who is always reading, and informally learning about a wide variety of topics, I am considering going back to study more formally and that is why i took the course.I have found it very well structured, starting with the basics of how our brains work to slowly deepen into different aspects of learning, as well as practical tips and techniques that are applicable not only for academic studies but also for daily life. Even the way the course is constantly testing is a great way to practice the theory.The instructors are clearly very knowledgeable and Dr. Oakley makes the videos quite entertaining.

By Lilian M

Jun 12, 2019

I joined Cousera a few months ago focused on improving my knowledge bank. I wanted to brush up on things I memorized in college before graduating in preparation for the corporate world. I feel so lucky that this was my first course. I now have a better reason to keep learning, in and out of cousera.

LH2L is a revolutionary work of art that will change the life of anybody who remains disciplined enough to go through the whole course. It teaches techniques and practices that you wish you knew before attending any school. Especially higher learning.

The methods, which I ended up using in the course itself are 100% effective, you just have to trust it.

Happy learning.

By David J B J

Oct 9, 2017

This was first MOOC I have taken because I read about it in a NY Times review. It was an excellent course and well laid out. This course should be taken by everyone; from high school students to anyone in their career wanting to sharpen their ability to learn in a rapidly changing environment. It gives you good logic for how the brain learns, sound tools to use immediately and confidence that you can master new material or refresh old concepts. I also like how the instructors went back and forth between the practical application and delved into the scientific structure and inner workings of the brain so it reinforced why the learning concepts will actually work.

By Pascal r

Aug 23, 2015

Really liked this class. Teachers are excellent in the way built the videos and learning material. They really master their subject and make it very accessible to anyone to understand. Content is not complicated and extremely useful concept in every day life. Wish I had this class and understood best how the brain learn better and more effectively before spending so many years in the education system wasting precious hours with the wrong techniques! Human are gifted by having such a incredible ability to learn, it would be a waste to not learn who to use our cognitive and learning abilities to its greatest potential.

Thank you very much Barbara and Terrence,


By Madhav M

Sep 20, 2020

I have done 5 courses here and I consider this course the best of all. I loved the way they taught with funny examples that are easy to understand and help us to remember better what we learnt. This course doesn't puts any pressure on students of assignment and the tests are also designed in a way that helps the people go recall what was taught and by doing this we are able to retain what was taught to us. The words ,examples, stories, researches and many more things made it even better to understand the terms . Even the optional videos were every informative and one should definitely see them. I respect the teachers for their efforts for this valuable course.

By Sunilkumar P

May 14, 2021

A wonderful course with lots of insights on how brain works, how we can keep the curiosity in learning, many ideas and tips on how to handle procrastination. I really enjoyed every session of the training. Its so well explained and easy to understand. The last 4 weeks have got me into starting new habits (like promodoro technique, doing the most difficult thing first, importance of taking breaks and rewarding oneself when something is done, maintaining a to do list and many more things) and working towards some of the things that i have been procrastinating for a long time! Highly recommend this course to anyone who would like to stay curious and keep learning!

By Ruslan K

Jun 13, 2020

The course tells about two different "modes" of mind work: focused and diffuse, and what each of them is for. It also gives practical advises about how to deal with procrastination, how to remember new material and how to prepare for tests. The course is amazing. Information is divided into small well-formed chunks. Video lectures are not longer than 7 minutes, so you I was not get tired while watching them. Dr. Oakley's lectures are so clear and easy to understand even for non-English speakers, like me.

I would like to thank Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski for their efforts.Definitely recommend everyone to take this course regardless of the area of studying.

By Francesco B

Apr 18, 2020

When I started this course I was very curious to know how, an On Line Course should have been of help for my learning projects.

Not only I found it really interesting, but after the very first videos I decided to stop any other learning activity, waiting to get to the end of the course in order to be more effective and not waste time with all other courses.

I so much appreciate the arguments, that I strongly recommend the course not only to students, but also to teachers (whatever their subject or level). Putting into practice all the information discussed within the course, should be useful to "guide" students and to help them to grow up avoiding false believes.

By Tatjana D

Jun 26, 2019

this course is fantastic! while it all might sound familiar, it gave me fantastic tools how to retain what i learn instead of making a soup out of my brain by studying without results. I learned the importance of stopping and taking a break when a problem doesn't get resolved after 20+ minutes, the importance of exercise, sleep or simply a brake to unleash the more creative, diffuse working mind, to always start tackling bigger problems during tests first but let go and do smaller if after a certain time i didnt succeed. the importance of Recall and continuos Testing yourself and the importance of regular practice. Thank you professors, it was time well spent!

By Andhika W (

Mar 2, 2025

"Learning How to Learn" on Coursera is an excellent course that provides practical strategies for mastering complex subjects. Taught by Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski, the course explains how the brain processes and retains information, covering topics like focused and diffuse thinking, chunking, and effective study techniques. The engaging content, real-world applications, and scientifically backed methods make it valuable for students, professionals, and lifelong learners. Whether you're struggling with a difficult subject or looking to improve your learning efficiency, this course offers powerful tools to enhance comprehension and retention.

By Vorobyeva P

May 9, 2020

I'm very grateful for this course Learning how to learn to Barbara Oakley and Terence Sejnowski and Coursera platform. I spend 4 productive weeks studying the main rules and principles of learning during isolation. That knowledge and skills will definitely help me in my future life and career. Also I've been seriously thinking to become of a master of this course to adapt it for middle school students in Russia. I think these skills will be truly supportive for those who has difficulties in learning, memorization, chunking, for those who being stressed during the exams and passing the tests, for those who doubts in their own abilities, potential and talents.

By Monika K

Nov 8, 2016

I always feel exhausted and reluctant to study or learn new things because my previous learning style was ineffective! This course tell you how to learn effectively and efficiently, with a relax way, easy to understand (even if your english is not good like me), and appliable in any fields . The coaches, Dr. Barbara and Dr. Terrence delivered their lectures as if they were talking to you directly and knew what are your problems during learning, why you have these and how to solve these problems. Each lesson will ask your feedback and I suggest you to fill it. I am really recommend this course to every one, no matter what or who you are, and how old you are!

By Deleted A

Feb 17, 2016

You will definitely take with you a lasting impression on how your brain works along with how to treat it so that you could learn more faster. Getting rid of old habits and incorporating the new habits will take some time and practice. The instructors a great and the interviews with those that desire to learn an abundance of information and sharing their experience with you is very inspiring!

Thank you all for allowing me to improve my views on learning and the opportunity of taking a course this rich with content on how to better my thinking power. You all are great, God Bless! Keep up the work for us and I definitely look forward to contributing one day....