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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learn to Speak Korean 1 by Yonsei University

11,475 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to Learn to Speak Korean 1! This course is for beginner students who are familiar with the Korean alphabet, Hangeul. Through this course students will learn the skills essential for daily interactions with Koreans while living in Korea. This course consists of six modules, and each module is composed of five units. Each unit has vocabulary, grammar and expressions, conversation practice, video clips, quizzes, a workbook, and vocabulary lists. In order to assist students with their independent studies, Korean learning materials such as lecture notes, workbooks, and vocabulary lists detailing each day’s lecture are also provided. The vocabulary lists are accompanied by English, Chinese, and Japanese translations. I hope that you enjoy all this program has to offer over the next six weeks. After studying in this program, you will be able to have a real Korean conversation with your newly acquired knowledge of the Korean language. Thank you! Your Course Team Chief Contents Developer: Sang Mee Han Contents Developers: Bock Ja Lee, Yoo Kyung Choi, Ha Min Cho, Ju Eun Kim Production Assistants: Jin Hee Kim, Eun Hye Kim...

Top reviews


Jan 18, 2021

I find it hard and confusing at first but eventually I had fun. I love Korea so much that is why I want to learn Hangul. Also I will visit Korea when the pandemic is over. Thank you Yonsei University.


Mar 22, 2023

10/10 for this starter course for anyone looking forward to learn basic korean as a stepping stone. The teacher is the most calm person i've ever seen and her way of teaching is amazing. 감사합니다- Tushar

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651 - 675 of 2,844 Reviews for Learn to Speak Korean 1

By Karla C

Aug 20, 2017

I really enjoy it, it was easy to understand, have good practices, help me a lot with my basic studies, hope you open soon more Korean levels or courses

By Twinkle S

Aug 30, 2023

it would be more credential if you provide the certificate with the name of the person taking the course. Thank you so much for providing this course .


Feb 14, 2021

Everything was well explained. The concept and technique behind teaching Korean Language is exemplary. Thank you Yonsei University, DOST, and Coursera!

By Dannys T G A

Aug 17, 2020

Un curso excelente.. Las clases explicada super bien.. Los temas desmenuzados de forma que todo sea bien comprendido.. Me encanto y lo super recomiendo

By Ingrid s

Apr 30, 2020

I really think this course let me advance much more in learning Korean. I'm still interested in continuing more courses, if they ever become available.

By Daniela R

Sep 11, 2023

One of the best courses I have tried. The teacher was very clear in explanations! COngratulations for this course!!! I really loved it and enjoyed it!

By 318 R F P

Nov 6, 2021

It's really fun to be given the oppurtunity to learn Korean here, this knowledge will definitely be useful for me later, Thank you so much Teacher <3.

By Eymi W

Oct 2, 2021

I learned a lot with this course. I enjoy it! :) .The teacher Sang Mee Han is wonderful at teaching!. I look forward to another Korean course. 감사합니다!

By Ngam A

Aug 13, 2021

Teacher explain everything really easy to understand. I wish Yonsei Uni. will make more of this kind of lesson. I really enjoy study Korean. Thank you

By Veda C

Feb 27, 2021

I really wanted to learn Korean and this course really helped me .I am so happy about it.I really want to thank the instructor.Kamsamnida sunsaengnim.

By Cyprian J Q D

Nov 1, 2020

This course is really easy to understand. Although I would like a bit more questions to answer during quizzes because they are (as of now) quite easy.

By Yvonne C

Nov 15, 2017

I gained a deeper and clearer understanding on the sentence construction and grammar after this course. Wish Yonsei come out with intermediate course!

By Parichart L

Jul 7, 2017

This course is very helpful for those who want to learn Korean. The instructor is also speak English very clear, so it easy to understand the lessons.

By Ignacio C

May 27, 2017

Excelente curso para adquirir los conocimientos basicos de una manera facil y sencilla, sin llegar a frustrarse en el camino, totalmente recomendable.

By Maryka S

Aug 11, 2022

I have been studying Korean on my own for a few years. This course reinforced what I already knew and built on it in an organized manner! Thank you!

By Alicia R

Nov 9, 2021


Spanish: Si tienes un nivel básico de inglés puedes hacer el curso, explica bastante bien y con ejemplos reales cosas básicas de Coreano.

By Salma A

Mar 26, 2021

all courses are amazing. I can learn how to speak and read hangeul. so far, I like it so many theories and hopefully to learn to speak Korean 2 soon

By Ryska C

Jan 6, 2021

thankyou verry much. I learn a lot of new language in korean.

The teacher was kind and the lesson was awesome. I really enjoying this class.

감사합니다 :)

By Josue C T

Nov 2, 2020

This course is amazing! Take it. Maybe it's not going to help you with all the grammar, but I am sure this will give you a way to achieve your goals.

By S. S

Oct 19, 2020

The course had a good pace and well planned syllabus. Good for a beginner with basic knowledge. I liked the professor's way of communication as well.

By Yaratiga B (

Jun 1, 2020

Step by step additional vocabulary , grammar , listening and dialogue made me clearly understand how to use Korean language in everyday life. 감사합니다.

By Ma. P R S

May 15, 2020

The teacher is good and the pace is nice. I am just sad there is no "Learn to Speak Korean 2", but I hope they will do it in the future.


By L B

Aug 2, 2017

This course has helped me get a better understanding on the foundation of speaking Korean. If you are beginning this is a great course to start with.

By Kirsty O

Jul 22, 2017

Thoroughly enjoyed it, sorry it's over. Will be revising the material covered and memorising the vocabulary whilst awaiting the next one! Thank you.

By Amanda T

May 1, 2017

I learned a lot taking this course! It was a really helpful start to my learning journey. I hope that they offer more in depth courses in the future!