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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Chinese for Beginners by Peking University

19,796 ratings

About the Course

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Chinese culture and language with our ABC Chinese course for beginners. This comprehensive course provides an introduction to Mandarin phonetics and essential daily expressions, enabling learners to achieve a fundamental understanding and confidently engage in basic conversations. Our carefully crafted curriculum covers practical topics and real-life situations, ranging from exchanging personal information and discussing daily schedules to conversing about food, prices, city life, weather, and hobbies. The diverse selection of reading materials and interactive activities ensures a rich and stimulating learning experience, piquing learners' interests throughout the course. No need to worry about learning Chinese characters – this course focuses on speaking skills, making it accessible and enjoyable. Elevate your learning with a thrilling bonus feature: virtually travel to China and hone your speaking skills with our immersive game, playable on a VR headset or desktop. Embark on a scavenger hunt, talk to vendors, encounter fellow travelers, and explore a traditional market, all while applying your Chinese skills in a real-world environment....

Top reviews


Jun 17, 2020

Awesome experience it was a comprehensive and informative course. I learnt alot. Thank you coursera for providing us such a nice and global platform to enhance skills and knowlegde by sitting at home.


Sep 17, 2016

Thanks for this course. I like it and this language really so necessary for me and my job. My company in New Zealand - ESKA Ltd (, and we are work with aliens from China.

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251 - 275 of 5,519 Reviews for Chinese for Beginners

By Kelly

Oct 17, 2015

I'm so sad that this course is complete! This was a wonderful class with a very good instructor whose logical and gentle approach made learning easy! I would highly recommend making additional courses in Chinese language. Luckily, there is a class in Chinese characters available, but I would love to see Xiaoyu Liu!

By Juan P T

Jul 28, 2020

Generally good course for beginners, can be easily followed especially for busy people. Topics are well structured and focused on the pronunciation too. Maybe need only at least a peer-reviewed assginment to verify our understanding on some, if not all, of the topics mentioned to further enhance our learning. 谢谢你!

By Julie

Nov 13, 2019

I have really enjoyed learning Chinese everyday with this course. It's been clear and easy to understand and a pleasure to watch the videos/take the quizzes! Thank you so much for a wonderful introduction-I am looking forward to starting your next course and learning lots more, before I move to Shanghai next year!

By phanchitru

Apr 24, 2018

Thanks a million, Dr. Xiaoyu Liu for a very condensed course that covers basic daily conversations. The course not only brings beginners fundamental conversation sentence structures with simple vocabulary but also very clear pronunciation and intonation, accompanied with an enthusiastic delivery manner. Thank you!

By Emerson C D

Jun 7, 2017

Maravilhoso curso em Chines / Mandarim. Apesar ser ministrado no idioma Inglês, a instrutora apresentou de forma clara e de fácil compreensão.

Gostei muito da forma de ser alertado quanto as tarefas a serem atingidas, pois me auxiliou na execução e entrega em tempo hábil.

Muito obrigado equipe Coursera e Liú Xiaoyu!

By Konda S

Jun 1, 2020

I found this course very useful and interesting. I mean, it was difficult for me in the first week of this course. However, I began to understood that Chinese is something that should be learned with these three aspects: Interest, Patience and Concentration. Then onwards, I started doing very well in this course.

By Galina Y

Mar 10, 2018

Thank you for providing me such a wonderful possibility to study Chinese!!! It's awesome thats now I can say standart and so important things in it!

I didn't purchaise the course, because I just like to study languages, that are "difficult" for others. Its a kind of hobby :)

Wish you luck in all of your beginnings

By Liseth Q

Feb 4, 2023

This was an amazing experience. He aprendido mucho con este curso. Ingrese sin saber absolutamente nada, pero este curso me ha brindado la oportunidad de conocer el idioma de otros países como lo es China, con un lenguaje enriquezido. Mil Gracias a la Maestra Liu Xiaoyu, por la bonita manera de explicar. Xie Xie

By Thanchanok T

Nov 21, 2020

This course is good for people who are new to Chinese and want to learn Chinese language. Teaching at the basic; alphabet, pronunciation, etc. This course also have a lot of example in many situations so I can learn how to apply and communicate in Chinese, Quiz in every unit makes me remember words in each unit.

By hsuzin h

Sep 15, 2020

This is a great course. The teacher is very good at teaching. Students are able to answer quizzes through watching lecture videos. And there are also extended exercises and reading to practice more. The teaching is with pictures ,so we can easily remember what the word is. I recommend you to attend this course.

By Pathaimas S

Apr 29, 2020

I love this course, it helped me improve my Chinese communication skill.

I've learned to pronounce correctly and read in pinyin as well.

Each video is pretty short and easy to catch up.

Teacher is very great, her pronunciation to each word is very clear both in Chinese and English.

Thank you very much! Xie xie!


Aug 3, 2020

Muchas gracias realmente es muy fácil de comprender, la metodología que se utiliza es acorde con el nivel de comprensión en el nivel básico que nos encontramos, ademas las practicas hacen de ello una experiencia única, practicar en casa con mi familia me ha ayudado a dar mayor fluidez respecto a lo aprendido.

By Tiziana G

May 7, 2017

Teacher is great. With her calm and kind voice, she makes chinese so easy to pronounce. The course is very well structured and flexible. It covers all basic topics for a beginner in very short time and effort. It also gives the opportunity to practise more if you are so lucky to have time to do it. Thank you!

By Mirela K

May 5, 2020

This course is good for beginners. They teach you all the necessary things without making it hard for you. After this course, I can talk on different topics, not only about my family and hobbies but also how to communicate while shopping and how to explain how I feel in case I am sick. I highly recommend it.

By Ha N B

Sep 25, 2021

This is a great course for beginners to learn Chinese. The instructor speak clearly and easy to understand. But you should put the Mandarin together with the Pinyin so that the learners can easier to use know which Pinyin goes with which Mandarin in each situation. Besides, we can apply them into our lives.

By Jennifer M M

Jul 14, 2020

I had to speed as usual but it was a fantastic experience. I would like to do a course with a Japanese lady that looks like my mother, it would be the best way to hook people to learn a language. I enjoyed very much with this chinese lady, she was marvellous. congratulations to the coursera team and to her.

By Touqeer A

May 20, 2021

Although the Chinese Language is difficult to learn.But nothing is so powerful than hard work and self-belief which is my strength. I really learn lots of new things. Now I am able to read (Pinyin) and speak Chinese. It's a very useful course to learn the Chinese Language. Very helpful for beginners.


By Liliana

Aug 18, 2020

Me gustó mucho este curso, tenía un conocimiento nulo del idioma, aunque si bien aun no me creo capaz de comunicarme de forma oral, si soy capaz de comprender oraciones escritas, aprendí vocabulario, puedo identificar palabras en una conversación. Me gustó tanto el idioma que continuo aprendiéndolo.


By Fendi

Aug 20, 2015

Great videos, awesome explanations, amazing background history, fun ad libs, and professionally done!! I am looking forward to sharing my new skills and hopefully taking all subsequent courses offered in this series. She has ignited my desire/excitement to learn Chinese! Where is course 2 already?!?!??! :)

By agnes c

Jun 8, 2020

I have learned a lot from the course. I just hope that I was able to submit the activities and exercises I did. And someone will check the grammar/structure of my sentences.

The review quizzes are quite short, some of the test are not more than ten items. Looking forward for another free lessons. Thank you

By Eugenia V

Aug 14, 2016

One should keep in mind that the course is only a guidance. It is way not enough to achieve any fluency. But it is a good starting point. The teacher is charming, and the vocabulary you are going to learn is really useful in many real life situations. Just keep practicing independently as much as you can!

By Đào T N

May 10, 2021

This course gave me a golden opportunity to start learning Chinese. After finishing all lessons, I nơ can make basic conversation with my Chinese friends online. They said they could understand what I said so that I'm so happy. I appreciate all efforts that the professor had put in. Thank you so much !!!

By Tam U

Apr 6, 2020

This course is exactly what i’m looking for. Learn chinese without chinese alphabet, this might sounds strange but I gain much more when I study any language by learn how to speak first. Finally, I would like to thank you my teacher, Liu laoshi, for the best chinese learning experience ever! xiexie ni 🥰

By Vijayanand S

May 29, 2020

Chinese is a wonderful yet a hard language to learn for a non native speaker. But this course has been designed in such a way that, anyone who has zero exposure about the Chinese language and culture, can truly gain confidence to learn and use short Chinese phrases in daily routine. Highly recommended.

By Như H N

Apr 4, 2020

This course is beginner-friendly, very easy to understand and learn. The instructor has an amazing voice with clear pronunciation in both Chinese and English. The course covers a wide range of conversational topics that are familiar and useful in daily life. Thank you very much for a fantastic program!