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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems by University of California, Irvine

13,273 ratings

About the Course

The explosive growth of the “Internet of Things” is changing our world and the rapid drop in price for typical IoT components is allowing people to innovate new designs and products at home. In this first class in the specialization you will learn the importance of IoT in society, the current components of typical IoT devices and trends for the future. IoT design considerations, constraints and interfacing between the physical world and your device will also be covered. You will also learn how to make design trade-offs between hardware and software. We'll also cover key components of networking to ensure that students understand how to connect their device to the Internet. Please note that this course does not include discussion forums. Upon completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Define the term “Internet of Things” 2. State the technological trends which have led to IoT 3. Describe the impact of IoT on society 4. Define what an embedded system is in terms of its interface 5. Enumerate and describe the components of an embedded system 6. Describe the interactions of embedded systems with the physical world 7. Name the core hardware components most commonly used in IoT devices 8. Describe the interaction between software and hardware in an IoT device 9. Describe the role of an operating system to support software in an IoT device 10. Explain the use of networking and basic networking hardware 11. Describe the structure of the Internet 12. Describe the meaning of a “network protocol” 13. Explain MANETs and their relation to IoT...

Top reviews


Oct 16, 2021

Good course series if you are new to IOT and embedded systems. The instructor gives weekly assignments and it is easy to understand. Highly recommend to people who is new to IOT and Embedded systems.


Oct 1, 2020

This is really a very good course for the people who want to understand the IoT & Cloud computing from basic to enhanced level. The practical approach of assignment of each area is fantastic.

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26 - 50 of 3,329 Reviews for Introduction to the Internet of Things and Embedded Systems

By Jean J

Mar 12, 2018

The worst course I've seen so far. The contents are very superficial, the videos seem to have no structure (the lecturer seems really unprepared, talking out of his head). After watching the videos I felt like i didn't learn anything, all i know is that some cars or fridges can use IoT (without any e

By Man G

Mar 5, 2016

The peer review is a bad bad idea.

By Henry W

Jun 7, 2020

ineffective and boring. quantity is put over quantity as videos and readings can be skipped, and most information in them isn't questioned in quiz.

By 48_B_Jay_Awale

May 21, 2020

I am sorry to say but my name on the certificate is mistaken. Please can anyone help me with that.

By Aditya N S K

Feb 25, 2019

Too many peer review questions

By Jose G G M

Nov 30, 2023

The course is too basic, if you have a degree in electrical engineer, computer science or similar, this course could not contribute to you in a sense.

By Nikhil V

May 31, 2019

Good course. Helps learners learn about the IoT devices in the easiest way.

By Dale R A

Mar 4, 2018

I took this one second. Really liked it. Thank you Mr. Harris. However, about the whole specialization in general and Coursera in general.

1.) Forums would be really useful on this, maybe it is hard to moderate I understand. Maybe you could suggest some online discussion spaces that you use

2.) I am in the project capstone final course now and came back here to see the microcontrollers I had researched in course #1.. but can't get to my homework. I lost that work which I thought I would be able to look back on. To help with this, if I guess Coursera does not persist your homework, the courses which have textbox inputs should be maybe switched to attaching documents, so the user will tend to have saved the document on their computer.

Thank you I have and am learning a lot. My project will really help me around the house too. This was a great series and worthy of the money I paid to support it the past few months. Keep up the good work. P.S. Ian G. Harris is popular

By Adrian R

Feb 5, 2021

A very basic introduction to IoT and Embedded Systems. Recordings are high quality, speaker is fluent and knowledgeable. Assignments are easy for the most part. Some minimal technical knowledge is expected. You will hear terms that you may need to look up online. Thankfully this domain is vastly documented and there are plenty of forums with enthusiasts online. I did notice some peer submitted assignments were plagiarized which renders this certificate worthless to HR. So, take this course for learning or entertaining reasons, not for the certificate alone because in the end, it's not the the certificate that will matter when you get hired or when you ask for the promotion.

By Jon F

Mar 5, 2017

This is by far the best course I have taken on Coursera, or any other open online course. In fact, I would rate it as a top five courses ever including my undergraduate and graduate education at preeminent US universities. Professor Harris does an excellent job of giving the learner a survey of fundamental computing, IoT and networking concepts. While somewhat technical, the course is far from boring and his style/approach make it easy for even non-technical learners to follow the coursework. I thoroughly enjoyed the course, learned a lot and look forward to continuing the experience in the full Specialization.

By Pranav K

Jul 26, 2020

This course is really best for those students who are starting their journey in learning IoT. This course provides best content from start to end providing video lectures in which every concept is taught in details and in easy language. Along with quiz the assignment submission really helps a lot to learn more about IoT. By reviewing the peer's assignment one can learn a lot and think out of the box. I am thankful to Coursera and Prof. Ian Harris and his team from University of California-Irvine for offering this course. I hope your course team will definitely come up with such interesting courses in near future.

By Thomas h M

Mar 6, 2018

Good introduction. Instructor well organized, concise. The only improvement would be to have more power points such that I wouldn't have to do so much snipping and pasting. The ppts you use are very good, just add more. Many of us will use excel and snipping tools to aid in retaining this class. This method is better than saving the mp4's because we can quickly scan excel pages.

I would add more technical info. The wireshark was cool but expand on it more.

Thank you for your time Dr. Harris and all you others who put this together.


Mar 26, 2017

An great introductory course for those looking to get started into IOT ,great if you're looking for breadth rather than depth , which I feel is essential because of nature of IoT as a domain requires one to be familiar with multiple fields like embedded systems , types of programming languages ,networking , micro-controllers etc simultaneously . Prof. Harris explains complex things in really simple manner without overwhelming the learner which I think is necessary for a beginner to retain interest in exploring further .

By Janna H

Feb 26, 2017

This information was new to me. With a lot of work to watch and rewatch the lectures, I learned A LOT. I had to redo the homework for two separate weeks because I have no background in this field. I found it helpful to grade many more than the required homework assignment because then I learned from my other classmates. It was a challenging class but also interesting. I'm very excited to take the next class in the specialization, Aruduino and C Programming.

By Barbara M R

Jan 17, 2016

Well explained and structured course as an intro to the Internet of the Thing, the professor is very clear in his explanations and the tours and videos exploring real life instruments he uses in his laboratory helps you to keep the theory he teaches in connection to the practice. Recommended for anyone wanting to have an idea about the domain. Not only technically speaking but also as a review of the implications of technologies in daily life.

By Luis F

Oct 27, 2020

Great course for newcomers in this IoT world. Professor Harris transmit information in such an intuitive and clear way, with day-to-day examples and witty analogies, so a very specific and relatively complex subject turns very understandable. This course will provide you the very basics of IoT but is design to guarantee that you will acquire consistent foundations in this subject to proceed to further courses with more specific applications

By Muniah M

Aug 11, 2020

The best thing about this course is absolutely the assignments at the end of each week. They help the student tremendously in understanding the videos and relate the videos to the real world and real applications. Another amazing thing about it is how it introduces the IOT subject from scratch but eventually, you feel that you learnt a lot even though you still in the introductory course.

By Dr A C S

Jan 28, 2017

This course is very fundamental information about IOT and basic of embedded systems.

Every one can easily got clear idea about the basic microcontroller and its application of IOT,also how to connect with real world and handled the remotly access the information and contolled any type of devices. Using interfacing of tool analyse the entire any type of networks connected with your systems.


Sep 19, 2015

It is a really cool course, and i'm starting to really enjoy it, especially because of the explanations brought by the professor and also the difficulty on the quizzes wich doesn't show where you were wrong. wich means you'll review almost everything if you are unsure about your answers. thank you for giving us this great opportunity !

By Preetam K S

Jul 1, 2020

Professor Ian Harris has made me love this subject. Nice way of teaching and keeping student's interests up through out the course, especially in the peer graded assignments we have to select objects and analyze them of our own, which is an extra-ordinary way of learning and keeping our interest on. Thanks for this great course!

By Syed W A R

Mar 13, 2022

This course is something more than an introduction oriented course. Learnt a lot. Keep it up Coursera and UOC.

By Danny C

Dec 12, 2023

good course but the peer reviews I'm not a fan and this course has a ton of them.

By Soo X W

Aug 14, 2020

The course introduces the basics of Internet connections, communication protocols and IoT boards. Quite comprehensive. Felt a little boring with all the technical stuff. Some videos are outdated.

I learned some things but the peer assessment aspect of this course is trash, I see so many plagiarised answers, incomplete answers, many of the answers have little to no effort put into it. I gave some people low marks and I received extremely unfair grading, I got 0 for a marking rubric like this "Did they provide a URL?" despite including URLs

The assessment questions should be overhauled. I did not learn much from the assignments and it was a chore to complete and pass them.

By Alok M

May 7, 2016

This course is OK for introduction if you're not already familiar with the IoT devices and embedded systems. But if you already have done some projects in IoT and Embedded systems and are familiar with what they are then you don't need this course. This course is designed for a complete beginner who doesn't have any idea what IoT and embedded systems are (and now that you're researching about a course on IoT you probably have an idea what they are) and as a guy who had already done some projects in this area in undergrad, I found the content to be very simple and lacking any new things to add to my knowledge. But if you are a complete beginner then go for it.

By Matthew S

Aug 16, 2016

The content of the course is reasonable and gives an introduction to the uninitiated. The peer review sysetm however relies on the experience and knowledge of others which is a flaw in how some of the coursera modules are evaluated.

If you are looking to expand your technical knowledge, opt for a course the has an automated test system (such as the courses on Data Structures and Algorithms).

If you are just considering studying engineering, this course and specialization will be a decent and simplistic introduction into the field.