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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Trading, Machine Learning & GCP by Google Cloud

865 ratings

About the Course

In this course, you’ll learn about the fundamentals of trading, including the concept of trend, returns, stop-loss, and volatility. You will learn how to identify the profit source and structure of basic quantitative trading strategies. This course will help you gauge how well the model generalizes its learning, explain the differences between regression and forecasting, and identify the steps needed to create development and implementation backtesters. By the end of the course, you will be able to use Google Cloud Platform to build basic machine learning models in Jupyter Notebooks. To be successful in this course, you should have advanced competency in Python programming and familiarity with pertinent libraries for machine learning, such as Scikit-Learn, StatsModels, and Pandas. Experience with SQL is recommended. You should have a background in statistics (expected values and standard deviation, Gaussian distributions, higher moments, probability, linear regressions) and foundational knowledge of financial markets (equities, bonds, derivatives, market structure, hedging)....

Top reviews


May 29, 2020

Very interesting course, I totally agree that there are very few courses that cover time-series analysis. I haven't tried BigQuery before. Looking forward to next courses in this specialization.


Jan 30, 2020

Excellent! But, I am missing some of the prerequisites since I just wanted to take a chance and try things out, but feel like proceeding further might lead to some stumbling blocks.

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201 - 225 of 234 Reviews for Introduction to Trading, Machine Learning & GCP

By Jonathan S


Sep 13, 2020

Actual programming was nonexistent, the assignments just had you run already-written jupyter notebooks

By Ayush k


Nov 15, 2023

The lecture content is great but the labs are not working at all... moving on to a different course

By Michael K


Jan 23, 2020

Lacks depth of most topics , too brief of an introduction

By Yaron G


Jun 22, 2020

Not sure it is good material for real tradings bots

By Harshit M


Jun 12, 2020

No labs or quizzes for auditing students

By Guillermo B


Aug 7, 2020

Very few real practical exercises.

By Atif H


Jul 16, 2022

too basic.

By Egor D


Jan 25, 2023

The overview of finance is fine, but the ML is instructed in a very basic and bad manner. The labs are just a torture. All you need is either copy-paste commands from the instruction or run all the cells in the notebook. No thinking, no sir. And in order to do these "assignments" they don't use coursera's local notebooks and grader, no. They use GCP, in incognito mode, and there are problems: 1. GCP's interface changed, so some of the labs' guidelines are not much relevant and you need to find stuff yourself.

2. For jupyter notebook, the education notebook itself is not the most time-consuming part. You will login to GCP, create notebook, wait ten minutes for it to be created (but GCP won't show it, you need to close the tab and relogin to GCP again to see "open jupyterlab"). And then, after 10 minutes you run and read all the cells for a minute. Yep, time management

3. Btw, GCP is in incognito mode. What if it forgets you right in the middle of "education" process? Say you do "git clone" or run the notebook and bum, nothing works, GCP asks you to re-login. Yea, boy, start all over: login, create notebook, wait for it to say "open jupyterlab", etc... Summary, the finance part seem good and clear. ML part is weak. Labs are just torture to waste of time and nerves. Questions they ask also are unclear and structured in a pattern matching manner of "words from lecture - question". One of the worst courses I've ever head. I hope they won't train Neural nets in SQL in the next ones (god bless)

By Steven K


Dec 22, 2019

The required labs for passing are not uploaded and there is no support in the discussion forums. This means you can not effectively undertake this course without recreating the required cloud systems yourself.

Also, the content is massively outdated and uses an old version of tensor flow which is now deprecated. The course feels like its around 3 years old but only just been uploaded to coursera now.

Very poor experience in my humble opinion and I want my 2 hours of troubleshooting this back.

By Andrey R


Jan 18, 2025

Absolutely irrelevant and outdated content. None of instructions are reflecting current state of Google Cloud. Google Cloud is absolutely unnecessary for the course and could be easily replaced by a local Jupyter notebook. Notebooks provided produce errors and warnings in almost every cell. The course is really bad. The only reason I stayed was the guy from New York Institute of Finance who talks very basic but very usefull stuff.

By Conor W


Jan 21, 2020

A waste of time and money really. Appears to cobbled together from other courses. It doesnt flow, instead jumps around on random topics and none of them link up. It can jump from very basic concepts to suddenly covering complex topics in the in a 2 minute video. The "graded" exercises are pointless. Just following a series of (convoluted) steps and nothing is learned and nothing is actually graded. Dont waste you time with this.

By Allen S


Aug 24, 2020

There could be some useful information in there but even with subtitles, the horrible audio quality makes it much too painful to wade through. I gave up and cancelled the course. I'm very disappointed as my cloud experience is entirely AWS and I was looking forward to learning about the Google Cloud alternative. How could a company as strong as Google produce such a staggeringly poor introduction to their platform?

By Oleksii Y


Jun 25, 2024

Total disaster. There's no "AI Platform" in google cloud platform and you need to go there to do your labs. Don't buy it, please... Even if I downloaded the ipynb with !git command I still cannot open it in a colab enterprise platform. And, I don't like the millman, because his hands are uncontrollable and it is almost impossible to watch the videos because of it.

By Luiz P F


Oct 22, 2020

There seems to much detail lacking in both ML and Trading aspects of the course. Moreover, the practice labs are not interactive and don't build up to add much to the content. There's not much exploration during labs either. Overall, a very poor introduction.

By Jodon K


Jun 1, 2021

The lectures are good. The coursework is atrociously bad. It appears to be pulled from a bunch of unrelated courses on both ML and BigQuery. The lectures are worth a listen, but I didn't come away having learned anything about programming ML for Trading.

By liweipace


Mar 13, 2020

It not available in China whatsoever. The course works fine. Yet the Qwiklabs are dumb. Even if you log in with a VPN, google will still block you because of geographic location, which is China. You should mention that at the info page or fix the problem.

By Amos E


Jun 28, 2021

The finance presentations were well-done. Unfortunately they have nothing to do with the other videos, or the assignments, which are about using GCP and machine learning in general. They have nothing to do with application of the financial material.

By Edward L


Feb 7, 2020

Constant headaches trying to get GCP to work. Even if you do get it to run without crashing (unlikely) you don't really learn much in the labs because they are already 100% written for you - its just run this code we provided.

By Jeremy H


Oct 5, 2023

Unable to access required course materials (

By Sangusanthoshreddy R


Apr 25, 2020

More of theory.

Labs are not very poor. Doesn't explain the important part of code.

Intuition is not explained well.

Waste of money

By Adriano A


Jul 23, 2020

I can't stand the voice and the gestures of one of instructors, they really bother me. Sorry. Leaving because of this.

By Xiaolin Q


May 31, 2021

You basically pay for getting an advertisement. Nothing is actually taught except for introducing the "amazing" GCP.

By S. H M


May 29, 2022

Everything was superficially stated and the assignments were not clear and workable at all

By Jacob


Jan 22, 2025

Learned very little about actually building ML models. Everything is just copy-paste