Jun 14, 2020
Um dos melhores cursos que já tive online. Boas explicações, bom exemplos, bons professores e bons temas. A sugerir e partilhar. Muito benéfico para quem quer entrar no mundo da inovação e da criação.
May 14, 2020
Well organised and with a lot of commitment from the faculty. I would like to see deeper discussions on most of the topic. It felt like the faculty was trying to oversimplify ideas. Thank you
By Dmitri P
•Aug 18, 2018
The course is itself an innovative approach to outline the roadmap to carry out your innovation. To me it is invaluable since it matches perfectly with my objectives for disruptive innovation at the National Meteo Centre where I work and where I am acting, as I learned as a broker. It has englightened me and inspired even more. I will use the course as my handbook in present and future endeavours with most definite intention to recommend it. All lecturers did a great job, thank you!
By payal b
•Jun 13, 2020
Very knowledgable and great course. The resource persons have beautifully explained the content and each Module is supported by Q & A round and Quiz so that the learner can rate his understanding and if needed the same Module could be revised again to have a better understanding of the concept. The final Module comprises of Final Quiz comprehensively designed to understand and rate the knowledge of the learner. I strongly recommend this Course.
By Kalyan C
•Jul 12, 2023
Innovation Management from Erasmus University is a really simple yet comprehensive training course on fundamentals of Innovation Management. I liked the course approach which provided overview of Innovation, and how the leadership needs to nurture innovation culture in the organizations. Idea generation, diversity were explained well too. Overall I recommend this course anyone who wants to learn about Innovation management fundamentals.
By Anh L N
•Jun 30, 2019
This short course is very good to have a basic understanding about innovation management. Some popular concepts in creativity, innovation life cycle, innovation strategy and portfolio management are briefly described and discussed, so are well-known tools to facilitate effective brain-storming or evaluating values of an innovation. I have learned lots from this course and been able to relate many concepts to my current work.
By René N
•Oct 15, 2024
In my opinion, this course is very useful for me because it is a manner to get current knowledge over aspects to take in account when I develop any business or entrepreneurship or Company. This course let me know how to do an analysis of any strategy and its critical points to reduce the risk and uncertainy related that but with agility and focus in the goals to get a susseccful business. Thank you so much!!
By Orsolya G
•Sep 4, 2023
It was nice to meet virtually the great colleagues of the Erasmus University, who shared their knowledge about Innovation Management.
The course was not too challenging, but it required work on our own and - at least in my opinion - it was a well-, but differently-structured view of innovation management.
I liked that the complexity of this topic was presented in a way, that motivated us to read more.
By matteo b
•Sep 20, 2020
I am a Management student at an undergraduate level in Italy and I found this course amazingly interesting! It includes some concepts and practical business tools and practices that are rarely taught in class.
Some examples of these cool concepts and tools are Sociograms, Stage-gate models, Buckets definition in the context of Project selection and many more.
Very much recommended!
By Samuel H
•Aug 22, 2020
Great stuff here! Really enjoyed this course. So much information, but it was broken up into small enough pieces where I could absorb the information at a good rate. I had to turn on closed captions a few times because of the heavy accents, but other than that I got a lot out of this class that will definitely help me in my job.
By Jignesh P S
•May 24, 2018
This is really a great course for Innovation Management, Tools is going to help me into innovation management. I would like to thank you all the faculty who has given us the good knowledge on innovation management. I would also like to thank you coursera for providing us good learning platform.
Quote : All World is one family
By Joel G P
•Aug 22, 2022
This Innovation Management course provided by Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University through Coursera provides insightful ideas that will be so useful on my interests in renewable energy innovations. With the course's self-paced lessons, I did have the opportunity of learning despite my fulltime employment job.
By Luis C
•Oct 6, 2020
Great online course, complete and cristal clear, the excercises and quizzes help ypu with adquiring the knwoledge. Also liked the interviews with c suite level from big companies talking about real life experiences with innovation, and how they have been able to succeed with this processes, just amazing course, thaks!!!!
By Pavel
•Jan 11, 2021
I really liked the course !!!! He is saturated with interesting, important knowledge about managing innovations. Lections are easy to learn, excellent speakers. Thanks to everyone who has prepared this course. !!!! The desire to create a specialization innovation management will be very good. Succeed in your work.
By Andri A
•Sep 6, 2017
Wonderful course. Introduces major important areas and principles. Valuable interviewes with lead industry experts. Some lectures are hard to follow (week 5 and 7) dues to speaker's pronounciation and language speed - for that I wish Coursera did a better auditing. And concerning content, I hoped for more detail
By Hector P V
•Feb 27, 2021
En este curso aprenderás conceptos sobre innovación, sobre procesos creativos, sobre gestión de la innovación desde su concepción hasta concretar productos y procesos. Muy útil para todo tipo de áreas del conocimiento, materiales muy claros, ejemplos con empresas y productos actuales. Muy recomendado!
By Hani I A
•Aug 9, 2020
The course enriched my knowledge and made me more interested in pursuing my PhD in this field along with the technical innovations, as a sub-field. I would like to thank each instructor team member for their effort in preparing, directing and presenting the course in its final shape as we see it now.
By Migle A
•May 19, 2020
I really enjoyed this course. It was informative, easy to follow and it gave me new practical knowledge. I also enjoyed the tasks in each week of the course. Highly recommend to everyone who wants to broaden their perspective on how to manage innovation and creative ideas in a team/organisation.
By 王婉驊
•Jun 8, 2023
Seeing those classmate's creative and fantastic innovation,I open my mouth,excited and surprised,just can say'wonderful'and detailed and high qualify thinking,WOW!I'm looking forward to see the future and hope I'm a part of the smart ones and be able to join in one of the best companies.
By Giovanni C
•Jul 13, 2021
Thank you to Erasmus University and this course. It is really clear and interesting course about innovation, creativity, team and it will help me really much at work.
I will suggest this for whose is seeking a course that could match his/her interest with innovation, R&D and creativity.
By Saheed A
•Oct 10, 2016
Great course on how to manage Innovation programs and management expectations. You also learn the different stages of managing an Innovation program in any organization.It has really benefited me to learn about Innovation Management. Thank you Coursera & Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
By Gökay K
•Sep 28, 2020
I took 3 courses on innovation from 3 different regions AB-USA-AU. All of them were very fun and instructive. It brought more experience than the books I have read. Thank you to all the teachers who prepared it. I hope more advanced courses are prepared and we can be students again.
By Luís M B d M
•Mar 15, 2021
I enjoyed a lot doing this course not only because the professors are very interesting, the materials were very well structured and the information clear, but also because it provides useful tools to utilise in real life projects, specially for those that have do manage innovation.
By Horst H
•Nov 6, 2016
A very professional, content-rich, well-structured, all in all simply excellent course. Good speakers who absolutely know what they are talking about. All material provided as downloadable files - this is best practice. I profited very much from this course. Highly recommended.
By Shigeya F
•Dec 10, 2022
You can get a very good overview of what the innovation management is. The course is well organized as it touches upon major issues, and does not dive deep into details. It is indeed a good course for those who are going to learn Innovation management for the first time.
By Osama T
•Mar 9, 2025
Many thanks to RSM and all professors for such an insightful course on Innovation Management :) I liked the structure of the course and diverse elements discussed around Innovation Strategy. Keep up the good work and Looking very much forward for future courses :)
By Jack H
•Jul 22, 2020
Great overview of the innovation management process within companies. I found the interviews with representatives from firms such as Phillips quite valuable. This course content should be standard knowledge for leaders and managers at all levels of an organisation.