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Learner Reviews & Feedback for How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (Project-Centered Course) by École Polytechnique

2,660 ratings

About the Course

What you will achieve: In this project-based course, you will outline a complete scientific paper, choose an appropriate journal to which you'll submit the finished paper for publication, and prepare a checklist that will allow you to independently judge whether your paper is ready to submit. What you'll need to get started: This course is designed for students who have previous experience with academic research - you should be eager to adapt our writing and publishing advice to an existing personal project. If you just finished your graduate dissertation, just began your PhD, or are at a different stage of your academic journey or career and just want to publish your work, this course is for you. *About Project-Centered Courses: Project-Centered Courses are designed to help you complete a personally meaningful real-world project, with your instructor and a community of learners with similar goals providing guidance and suggestions along the way. By actively applying new concepts as you learn, you’ll master the course content more efficiently; you’ll also get a head start on using the skills you gain to make positive changes in your life and career. When you complete the course, you’ll have a finished project that you’ll be proud to use and share....

Top reviews


Nov 21, 2021

I really liked the course and the contents are great. Except for the language problem, everything else is very good, and really enjoyed learning from peers and instructors. Thank you for the platform.


Apr 12, 2020

The content was very good and explanation was excellent just there was a slight problem with instructors accent but don't worry you will get used to it no time but the course is excellent and helpful

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51 - 75 of 944 Reviews for How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (Project-Centered Course)

By Kiran R

Nov 28, 2018

Very good, introductory course. The tips and interviews are very helpful. Worth taking for every researchers.

By Yachao S

Mar 14, 2018

Gain lots of information about paper reviewing and tips for scientific paper writing.

By rasha a

May 11, 2020

its help my to understand how to write a good paper

By Malik K

Aug 17, 2017

I very appreciated making the checklist but was sad that there were no more forum activity in particular from the teaching staff.

It was extremely demotivating to notice a bug in the grade notification and to have no answer from the staff.

I understand that the aim of the course was for the phd student to master its content before sharing knowledge. If every teacher enjoyes learning while teaching, student should not feel as second class learner (first been the teacher) unless stated right away at the beginning of the course. Sadely I had that impression without having been notified before.

As for the energy in the video, it's surprising at first but great. Keep making them so engaging with measured voice intonation and appropriate gestures.

Thank you all

By Seyed M T

Mar 31, 2020

This course was overall very useful. I was quite sure I chose the right course when I was looking at the syllabus. But I found some parts are missing in this course, like a more in-depth detail on the writing structure for each section of a paper. Instructions on the writing structure were very abstract and general.

Instructors were also very good and capable. Some of them had a strong accent when talking in English, which is totally fine. But the problem was that the subtitles were completely misleading the learner about what the instructor was talking about. They seemed to have been auto-generated and were corrupt. It would have been much better to have an accurate subtitle, especially for the instructors who have a thick accent.

By Marina I

Oct 26, 2016

The content of the course is extremely useful for young emerging scientists like myself; however, the videos were very hard to follow because the team speaks fast and with a very strong French accent. The materials are well-prepared, but my attention kept drifting away from the content due to language impairment. Also, some of the introductory notes were lacking proper grammar and I believe that, in a course with such a theme, this is simply unacceptable. With a bit of work, I think this can be a very useful tool in writing scientific papers!

By Deleted A

Feb 16, 2019

The lecturers cannot pronounce some words correctly. We can only understand them by subtitle.

By Lucilia B

Dec 26, 2018

Abordagem superficial. Eu esperava que os temas fossem trabalhados com maior profundidade.

By George C M F

Apr 10, 2019

Good course - light and instructive.

By Elena F G

Apr 20, 2020

El curso en sí es para personas principiantes donde te dan información básica. No me ha gustado mucho que algunas tareas tengan que ser corregidas por otras personas que se apuntan al curso y no por los encargados en sí del curso, así como algunos artículos o información complementaria. Si estás empezando este es tu curso, pero si ya se tiene un poco de idea se queda bastante corto.

By Miren B

Mar 10, 2016

I find this to be very very basic advice on how to write a scientific paper. I can't even see where the "project" is coming, plus the strong accent of instructors makes it really hard to follow sometimes -- even with the subtitles. To make things even better, accessing the quizzes is imposible unless you pay for the certificate. I found the course disappointing.

By Son N

May 30, 2016

The contains of the course is not really enough for improve the writing skill for scientific paper. Those advices mention in the video is common and that's it. No more practice or example to help the learner understand or apply that concept to their writing.


Sep 13, 2019

English of instructors wasn't very good.

I was expecting more info. and teaching methods on how to realy write and about plagiarism(styles like Harvard style, APA, etc....)

By Haris O

Mar 1, 2017

This course is rather superficial, it sadly did not provide practical tips that go beyond common sense.

By Liesbeth V

Oct 3, 2024

Something I found good about this course were the interviews, it was very helpful. But this was maybe the only helpful thing. They talk about the important of proper written English but I think proper spoken English and good articulation and pronunciation are important. Often the articulation was so bad that the transcript generator didn't even understand or understood incorrectly. On the content: there was a lot of repetition and they didn't go into much detail on how to actually write and publish a manuscript. On top of that where the references outdated. This course was definitely not worth the money I spent. A better course that goes into more detail and gives you actually helpful insights is the Writing in the Sciences Course (Stanford).

By Cícero H P S

Sep 20, 2017

O curso não foi feito para pessoas que não dominam a língua inglesa, de modo que foi bastante dificultoso cumprir algumas tarefas. Também devo acrescer que imaginei um outro tipo de curso, vez que sequer faço doutorado, ou seja, o curso não foi feito para mim. Nada tenho a reclamar das vídeo-aulas, mas estes pontos acima tratados me desapontaram. Talvez tenha sido uma falha minha não pesquisar acerca do curso antes de iniciá-lo, mas, de toda forma, as críticas quanto a não ser um curso para pessoas que não dominam o inglês se mantêm.

By Helena V B

Sep 7, 2020

This review is not about the course itself but the unenrollment.

I am not able to unenroll this course which is kind of annoying because I am not able to follow this course due to personal reasons. So I would like to unenroll but it is not possible which is kind of stupid.

I do think this is a great course for PhD students, but not for me since I'm not even close to a PhD

By Furkhan

Jun 24, 2016

It is a great effort to try to explain writing an academic paper. I appreciate it. And unfortunately, these guys have an awful English accent. It is almost impossible to understand. Moreover, their sentences are so long and complicated that makes it impossible to get it. Nice try but it doesn't work :(

Best regards,

Dr. Furkan

By Ashish K

Jul 11, 2017

there are no tools that has given to check plagiarism of documents.

By Mercede E

Sep 13, 2016

Not professional at all!

By Hossein S

Dec 9, 2016

Not what expected ...

By Muneera a

Aug 24, 2017

it's unclear english

By Leila O

May 16, 2020

Many thanks to the Course Team.

The content, as well as the presentations, were rigorous.

The course was very beneficial to me.

Now, I've my Personalized Research Paper Writing Checklist. This tool may help me take a step back on my work, in an organized way. This could help me categorize more precisely what I have to check in terms of form and content when writing a paper. I built it based on the sequences developed in the course and adapted it to my domain interest. It will also be the tool to use for a process reviewing.

I appreciated the two assignments (Abstract and Checklist) in their two aspects: elaboration and pee-reviewing.

I appreciated a lot the methodology with which the content was delivered. Knowing that the process is iterative, I congratulate the course team on the choice of sequencing adopted ".

Good continuation.

Best regards, Leila.

By Nina

Aug 24, 2020

The course is well structured and covers all of the most important criteria for research paper writing. Including a peer-review checklist is an excellent idea because at the end of the course you are left with the perfect outline to begin writing your own research papers. One issue I faced, however, was that somebody plagiarised my whole checklist shortly after they reviewed it. They gave me 100 points in the peer review and then copy-pasted my entire checklist exactly as it was into their own document and submitted it as their own. They did not even change the wording or formatting. I am not sure how this can be avoided in the future, but I hope nobody else does this as I put in several hours of work into my checklist and do not appreciate somebody else taking credit for it.

By Rabail Q

Jul 26, 2020

This was an excellent course for someone who is a novice researcher. Even though I have a few publications under my belt I still found this course useful. The course is very systematic and makes hard concepts simple. The assignments are well-designed. Though the element of peer-review of assignments can be tricky (you have to rely on someone else's understanding to pass the course), I appreciate the spirit behind it (which can be misused). Overall, I would highly recommend this course. I would suggest it will be great if you do this course if you have a working paper. I was working on one and I could immediately apply what I was learning on that paper. This course helped me review my own work.