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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Global Financial Crisis by Yale University

2,313 ratings

About the Course

Former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Timothy F. Geithner and Professor Andrew Metrick survey the causes, events, policy responses, and aftermath of the recent global financial crisis....

Top reviews


Apr 9, 2017

Great course indeed. I was following the materials and videos of the crisis for a long time and this course perfectly summarized everthing back by data analysis. Highly recommended to all enthusiasts.


Mar 16, 2018

Excellent course on the GFC, I would highly recommend this to anyone wanting to learn more about the crisis. The instructors were very good and took a complex subject and made it very understandable.

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1 - 25 of 468 Reviews for The Global Financial Crisis

By Dinesh R


May 22, 2016

a) There clearly was a huge amount of criminal behavior that contributed to the crisis. The presenters appear to approach the subject half-heartedly, and focus their energies on disproving the possibility without sufficiently examining it.

b) A lot of the review questions focus on remembering facts rather than on understanding the causes and effects. For example, what is the relevance of being able to remember that job losses at the height of the crisis were of the order of 880k a month or 200k a month??

c) It is obvious to anyone with even trivial financial expertise that the financial system today is weaker than it was before the crisis. The too big to fail are bigger today (by a large margin) and interest rates are too low (remember the search for yield was the motivation for the creation of the exotic securities which blew up the system). Secy Geithner's focus in week 8 comes across as a personal defence of his actions rather an objective analysis of what was done and should have been done.

By Philip N


Aug 28, 2016

A strong overview of the crisis that balances the depth and breadth of the material well.


Balance of narrative and data.

Logical sequencing gives a nice structure and a more digestible package.

Excellent level of detail, neither missing the forest for the trees nor ignoring the trees altogether.


Does not address alternative theories or interpretations of the crisis, even to shoot them down.

Several quizzes were poorly-constructed, featuring obvious typos or nonsensical statements.

Additional module to update the material (stale since mid-2015) was promised, but not delivered.

By Maria S


Apr 14, 2020

The material is meticulously explained in a calm , experienced manner. Readings add depth and further support graphs and lecture. What an interesting time to be learning about the crisis of 08-09

By Akshay U H


Mar 4, 2019

A well-paced primer on various terminology in banking and finance. But while considering the various causes - understates the risk in various financial assets, does not consider into account various factors such as human error and shady machinations in the investment banking industry(Conflict of interest, resistance to regulations), predatory lending. And does not talk about the Behind The Scenes of most of the major falls - just touches on the topics at face value which raises more questions than it answers.

By Abdurrahman


May 26, 2020

The course gives us a comprehensive perspective on what happened during the GFC 2008-2009 both in the US and the Eurozone, the lessons learned will be very fundamental for Central Bankers like me.

By Fahad S


Dec 10, 2018

Just completed this course in a 2-week whirlwind. The structure is very conducive to watching a couple of hours to finish half a week in one sitting, or also (if you prefer) more bite-sized portions of learning.

Andrew Metrick and Tim Geithner are highly knowledgeable and engaging teachers with a lightness of touch that conceals a masterful grasp of their subject. They use apt analogies to break down what are, in some cases, quite complex financial constructions to make them comprehensible to a lay audience (while my education was in the sciences, I consider myself a novice in economics and finance - though perhaps not any more). I found myself looking up the occasional phrase or acronym but almost every specialist term was fully defined in the lectures.

One of the highlights of the course was having a direct insight from someone who was, not just there on the ground in '07-'09, but in many ways the conductor of the US response to the crisis. Having Secretary Geithner as a lecturer initially sold me on this course, and I was not disappointed. There is a messiness to the GFC that can be overwhelming in some of the deep dives, as you might expect with such a complex historical event, but in the final lectures he brings it together with some simple (and reassuring) rules about how a government might proceed in the future, in the knowledge that crises do occur and cannot be predicted. Geithner has the bearing of a financial Confucian; quiet and thoughtful, yet exacting; emphasising fiscal and financial prudence for governments and bank-like institutions, while showing compassion and concern for those citizens that bore the brunt of the crisis. I hope and expect that some of these important teachings are enshrined and elevated to the high status that they deserve.

By Mike K


Jan 16, 2019

A little long and repetitive, but very in depth. Yale is by far the best at the videos and getting guest speakers that are interesting. Definitely feel well informed about the global financial crisis and the origins of financial crises in general.

By Bamiro


Aug 23, 2020

My country, Nigeria is taking on a lot of debt from China and I feel almost every citizen should learn about how greed and bubble thinking can lead to Financial Crisis exercebated by short-sighted Government approach to Economics and slow-walking by Congress . I might not agree with the Secetary Of treasury under President Obama on many things but it was such a great course to analyze what went wrong from his perspective leading up to the Great Financial crisis. The Lead Professor was quite simply world class in his delivery.

By Sriram R


Dec 21, 2016

Extremely insightful course. Financial crisis analysed really well and explained in very simple terms. Something that has been missing in various book, movies,etc ( on the crisis ).

Must course for every individual.

By Jim C


Mar 16, 2018

Excellent course on the GFC, I would highly recommend this to anyone wanting to learn more about the crisis. The instructors were very good and took a complex subject and made it very understandable.

By Rashi K A


Sep 1, 2018

This course was excellent. The short yet crisp lectures have given me a fair perspective of what came before, during and to an extent after the GFC. I feel I will greatly benefit from this knowledge.

By Atheek A


May 18, 2020

Interesting course. Would have been better if it was not based on data from 4 years ago.

On the technical side, please fix Mr. Geithner's mike. His perpetually audible deep exhalation is mildly distracting.

Thank you!

By celia n


Apr 22, 2022

Quantas informaçõeers ouvimos ao assitir um jornal por exemplo e deixamos passar desapercebido por não compreender o impacto que tal informação tem em nossas vidas?

E temos a tendência em não nos informamos de questões que acontecem no exterior, por achar é o que isso pode me afetar, seja por questão de egoísmo ou por ignorância não sei descrever.

Ao conversar com algumas pessoas percebo que algumas pessoas não se atentam a muitas questões é um delas e a fquestão financeira do nosso país. Como a nosssa questão econômica afetas todas as áreas.

Esse Curso me trouxe vários gatilhos e muitos questionamentos pessoais.

Foi gratificante entender um pouco de um assunto tão complexo.

Uma nova percepção para informações até então desconhecidas.

A didática do curso trás muitas questões válidas para o nosso contexto atual.

By Jaime E R A


Feb 10, 2021

El curso permite interactuar con conceptos económicos, sociales y políticos; lo cual me brinda un pensamiento mas holístico y proponer soluciones integrales desde el ámbito humano sobre todo, ya que si pensamos que dejando de lado el impacto y efecto que logran tener políticas y normas orientadas a la capitalización, recaudación y acumulación, sobre el ser humano, no vamos a tener éxito en una armonía financiera futura, desarrollada y la cual es difícil que las personas sobrevivan.

Una herramienta poderosa es la educación financiera regulada, controlada y supervisada: además de la ética de gobierno, las cuales deben confluir y armonizar las herramientas necesarias para evitar eventos lamentables que duran en el tiempo, y que pueden desestabilizar un pais o region.

By Henrik G


Nov 6, 2016

My selves being in the middle of the financial crisis and working for a sovereign financial institution without having a major stake on the line is like being at war without a license to kill or die for.

I think both T. Geithner and A Metrick gave us a very realistic and honest picture of the current affairs of the Global Economic Crisis from 2007 and on wards.

Considering Geithners special position as Secretary of the Treasury at the time it is therefore very firsthand and insightful information however there is always the risk of contamination from what was done as opposed to what could have been done.

Great Course - a must for economists!

Best – Henrik Gjerning, Data Scientist and Economist

By Mike Y W


Mar 21, 2018

The breadth and width of topics covered in this course met my high expectations (it is Yale after all), but it would be nice if the course could be updated (I wouldn't mind paying more) with extra materials added in (or perhaps a new course or courses, "The GFC, Part II/III") for the past few years as I get the feeling this course was created in 2014. In addition, it would be nice if Secretary Geithner could have taught an extra week or two, and go more into the years leading to the GFC and the years immediately after it from his point of view. As a final suggestion, if there was a Yale specialization for market stress (or similar), including this course, I'd be all over it.

By Abhinav A


Jul 23, 2016

Best material I could ever find related to Global Financial Crisis. As a student of Economics, this course was very helpful it is must for someone who just wants to know what happened in an easy to understand and practical manner.

Both the faculties are of very high stature and have closely observed the crisis. Professor Andrew is a financial economist and explains beautifully the events and timeline of GFC and Professor Geithner was himself involved in all policy reactions and his role has been highly appreciated worldwide as President of New York Fed. Awesome experience really. Thanks Coursera. It's like a dream come true to be taught by such eminent personalities.

By Andre Z


Dec 5, 2023

This course has been of great benefit to me as a professional. These were intense and fruitful days, within which I learned a lot and received an invaluable analyze and financial experience. I am grateful to all those who have offered me financial knowledge and precious suggestions, in particular to Mr. Andrew Metrick, Professor of Finance and Management, to Mr. Timothy F.Geithner, to Yale School of Management and Coursera team, who encouraged and supported the drafting of this course. I recommend this course to people who want to take their financial and analyze knowledge to a higher level, accelerate their goals and increase their winning as a economist.

By Matthew


Oct 19, 2016

A topic that you've heard pieces of, read headlines about, and heard plenty of opinions on... but to truly dig into the mathematics and behavior behind a generation defining event was incredible. The content was delivered logically, and in a way that leads the student to think on their own. Students are pushed to think why certain events had the consequences that they did. Historical behavior, market reaction, and the impact on the future are all evaluated and discussed. It's a behavioral macroeconomic course that uses the financial crisis as it's exhibit A. I recommend this course to anyone participating the financial or labor markets today.

By Ruslan K


Dec 1, 2016

This is the greatest course I've ever attend. The knowledge and expertise of the Prof. Metrick and Mr.Geithner is over expectations. The course is very complex, well delivered (with simple and understandable language, reasoning and supporting materials), information is extremely concentrated, and huge knowledge of the authors is felt behind the scenes. The only think I lack is off-line (real life) attendance to the discussion with authors on questions that arise during the course. Hope, once I'll have an opportunity to attend Mr. Geithner and Mr. Metrics lectures and seminars and/or Yale university other real life courses

By Toucan S


Jun 19, 2023

Due to the substantial historical and academic background associated to the Global Fin Crisis, the instructors were able to compile and summarize such a topic in an easy to understand course. Having subscribed to the course shortly after the collapse of a few US and European banks in early 2023 (Silicon Valley, Signature Bank, First Republic, Credit Suisse), I got access to unique and key insights that enabled me to understand the possible causes of such collapses. The inclusion of an extra Module 10 with the details of Silicon Vally Bank events leading to its collapse was very important to me.

By G V


Apr 16, 2016

This course is highly insightful and does a holistic evaluation of the financial catastrophe. I personally searched various parts of the internet to learn about the Global Financial Crisis, but none was as informative and EVIDENCE BASED as this course. One example of this was: while several online portals criticized the US government for being too lenient during the housing boom, the course says (rightly) that there is little evidence to support this claim.

To top it off, the course is quite affordable, costing 29 $, thereby giving a compelling reason to buy.

By Eugene B N


Aug 14, 2016

Put simply, this course is well put together. Professor Andrew Metrick is an engaging lecturer and the materials assigned are very helpful in understanding the topic.

If i have any recommendations i would suggest for a break down of abbreviations and concepts as i especially struggled given my non-financial background. Also, i still haven't figured out the discussion forum as in my opinion isn't as engaging.

In all, thank you for a brilliant work...still redo and redo this course. :)

By Lam A T


Jun 10, 2020

The course is interesting , but need to update data into more previous event (the current data is fine but a little outdated) ,the professor presentation are short ,straight to the point and easy to understand ,the reading material are helpful ,overall it's a great course ,it only need to update the data to somewhat newer event ,and i gain a new insight from this course and many thanks to the professor and his team for their contribution on providing such great experience for us.

By Alex H


Nov 24, 2016

This is an excellent history class on the recent housing collapse and financial crisis, but it also does a masterful job of succinctly and clearly explaining/illustrating the underlying causes of the entire global financial crisis, as well as to the individual events throughout the multi year ordeal. Slides are very well put together with some very informative data. I'd suggest this class to anyone who wants an updated understanding of global finance and modern day banking.