Jul 26, 2019
I really think this is a good way to get people that hasn't had interaction with GCP before on track, but it also is of really good use for regular users to discover more capabilities of the platform
Feb 5, 2020
This course gives good non-in-depth overview of GCP. You'll learn about most of options and tools GCP offers. Also I really liked that all labs are automated and don't suffer from peer-review issues.
By Dziyana K
•Mar 31, 2021
The course seems to be outdated, rather than that - it's very good. Good labs.
By Diego A S A
•Feb 25, 2021
Learning about the amazing universe of Google Cloud Platform while having fun!
By Abhishek
•Jun 4, 2020
it is very pleasure for me that i gain oppurtunity to take classes on coursera
By Jose L D
•May 12, 2020
I enjoyed this course a lot , except for the lab that is not working properly.
By Aishwarya V
•Dec 16, 2019
Awesome,,,, I learned so much from the course... this is a great start for GCP
By Olivia T
•Nov 10, 2019
Experience small issues with Labs.
Great video and note taking features overall
By Anthony T
•Apr 11, 2019
A great introduction that brings all the parts together in a condensed course.
By alok a
•Dec 28, 2018
IAM configuration should be covered as lab considering the importance it plays
By Jinal T
•Oct 3, 2018
Got to know the cloud platform better. But the hands-on part was a bit tedious
By peter a
•May 29, 2018
Excellent course. Information is presented very clearly. Labs were very useful
By Shashwat K
•Jan 7, 2021
It was a very nice course. The time for completing this course was quite less
By Dhanu S
•Dec 12, 2020
This Course good, there is video concept and also we can hand on Labs. Thanks
By Sumit M
•Jun 6, 2020
The theory part is awesome and well explained and concise. Labs are too easy.
By Maksim S
•Mar 13, 2020
Some labs provide outdated instructions. But overall this course pretty good.
By 하동욱
•Dec 1, 2019
It was easy and fun overall, but some of the content was based on the old UI.
By Anand V
•Oct 7, 2018
Really good over course to understand Google Cloud services and how it works.
By Eugenio O R
•May 31, 2018
There are some issues in the lab practices, aside from that excellent course.
By Tristan F
•Jan 29, 2018
It would have been better if Cloud IOT Core and Cloud Firestore were covered,
By Chris C
•Jul 4, 2017
Easy to follow and save times to finding all links and resources by yourself.
By Simon P
•May 18, 2017
Strong Course with a couple of questions that tripped me up first time round.
By Shan N
•Feb 21, 2017
Overall it was a great overview.. Looking forward to seeing upcoming courses.
By Manoj S B
•Jul 25, 2021
videos with hands-on learning was a great experience with proper explanation
By Sawan P
•May 1, 2020
really good course except the bigquery labs there was unresolved error there
By Jakub K
•Apr 9, 2020
Qwiklabs were not working making it impossible to complete some of the labs.
By GeoInnova
•Jan 22, 2020
Completo teóricamente, pero faltan más laboratorios y experiencias prácticas