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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Data Wrangling, Analysis and AB Testing with SQL by University of California, Davis

981 ratings

About the Course

This course allows you to apply the SQL skills taught in “SQL for Data Science” to four increasingly complex and authentic data science inquiry case studies. We'll learn how to convert timestamps of all types to common formats and perform date/time calculations. We'll select and perform the optimal JOIN for a data science inquiry and clean data within an analysis dataset by deduping, running quality checks, backfilling, and handling nulls. We'll learn how to segment and analyze data per segment using windowing functions and use case statements to execute conditional logic to address a data science inquiry. We'll also describe how to convert a query into a scheduled job and how to insert data into a date partition. Finally, given a predictive analysis need, we'll engineer a feature from raw data using the tools and skills we've built over the course. The real-world application of these skills will give you the framework for performing the analysis of an AB test....

Top reviews


Sep 23, 2020

A good course for learning and apply sql to conduct analysis on ab testing results. Would be better if the instructor could provide more info about how to design and apply AB Testing on the customers


Jul 30, 2019

The instructor is very smart and her syllabus is very easy to follow. The real life examples are great and helps put ideas in perspective! I would definitely recommend this course and already have!

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76 - 100 of 397 Reviews for Data Wrangling, Analysis and AB Testing with SQL

By Ester G G

Apr 4, 2022

I got to learn very interesting things by doing the exercises proposed on this course but I had to learn many things on my own because the course is not really well organized and the instructor doesn't provide clear explanations on the topics. It's like she is talking about some theoretical things related to her job as data analyst, but then on the practices you have to be able to write very complex queries that have not been explained previously. Apart from that, the questions on the practices are very hard to follow, I had to watch the resolution videos in order to know what she wanted us to do on the practices.

By sanket p

Jun 25, 2022

the teaching method is confusing, its good to get to see the common mistakes made while coding and how to tackle them however its hard to keep up with the numerous changes made. also theres too little reasoning as to why we are doing things. most important solution video 4.3 is missing an entire solution (Q3) which is what the final assesment is based on. i did not like the instructor, i did not like the method and im very unsatisfied with the knowledge i gained from this course.

By Daniel L

Mar 14, 2022

Videos are kind of confusing and I would strongly suggest to have some ER Diagram as support. All excercises are based on some tables presented during the first videos and then they just assume you're 100% familiar with it.

Also, the way the final assignment is graded has its opportunities, there's some features of mode analytics which I wasn't familiar with and I had to submit my assignment several times. An introductory video explaining how to do so, would be great.

By Laura C

May 20, 2022

I stopped halfway through because the format in which the information was presented was really poor. It is hard to follow the structure. Some of the synthax is out of date, the exercises are not clear. I understand that this is a real daily struggle that every data scientist faces, but since this is a course, I expect the learning plan to be clear and the exercises to be valuable and the solutions to be correct.

By Derek H

Sep 7, 2021

Not very happy with this course. They didn't provide access to all necesarry materials, and submitting the final project was horrible, due to Mode problems.

I also felt there were many gaps in the subject matter, too many things were touched on but not taught.

By 林弋渝

Aug 20, 2020

Her teaching mode made me feel very irritable, and I even abandoned class for a while. Many solution videos contain uncertain factors, including many mistakes. I can't get the point very accurately.

By Sahil G

Jul 2, 2022

The way instructor explained the concepts is not upto the mark. Assignments can really never be completed based on the explanation of the concept given by the instructor.

By Abdelerahmane K

Jul 17, 2022

Didn't like it at all, too complicated, bad lectures, bad mentor, unclear goals and unclear exercises, and some times bad voice even

By G M A E

Jun 26, 2020

am sorry but this course was very hard to understand , i think the content was very disjoind

By Dalvir B

Jun 1, 2022

Was presented overly complicated for the code used.


Apr 15, 2023

I really have no idea what Kat is teaching about

By Luke L

Dec 12, 2022

Where to begin? AVOID


+teaches you how to adapt to poor instructions, maybe


-You are navigating a relational database with no relational database and no schema, so hope you enjoy watching the poorly edited and long video given as your sole explanation.

-requires a knowledge of statistics which is not stated until the end

-requires you to graph without teaching you how

-poorly created questions, questions will be vague and often with poor grammar and incomplete sentences such as "Is this the right way this join. " Further, these questions might have unrelated sub questions that aren't revealed until you see the solutions such as asking whether or not an executable query looks correct with no context given on the question itself, only to discover that the query isn't good because it doesn't accomplish some yet unstated goal.

-you have to use mode analytics using instructions that, if I'm not mistaken, are outdated and no longer apply, so from week 1 you'll find yourself jerry rigging whatever you need and hoping its correct which

-once again if I'm not mistaken, the data in the database is updated? Thus changing the data and answers, meaning you can't know if your queries are correct without first knowing how to do the query as the solutions won't match, rendering the course redundant.

-the final project contains no instructions on how to share it, so you have to hope the peer grader can see it, which at this moment, I'm not actually sure how to share it correctly, and there are several people also struggling to share their report in the discussion forum

-the course doesn't actually teach you how to do its queries, and the course beforehand does not teach you how, such as using PARTITION OVER

-the SQL in the PDFs that you are supposed to complete, are for some ungodly reason, screenshots. Meaning you have to hand type the entire thing with no errors (which can lead to a lot of painful consequences for people who aren't SQL experts, such as the people taking this course).

By Justin M

Jan 16, 2021

This course did deal with some useful ideas; things like research design, statistical testing, and what to do with data that isn't cleanly structured. A lot of times, it was like the instructor was taking a normal day on a data science job and walking you through it.

The issue is the lack of structure to the course. Because it was like a a day on a job, there weren't explicit learning goals. Things like "Today we're going to learn how to clean messy data" isn't a learning goal. Instead, you want something like "Here are some ways in which data are messy. I'll walk you through what I do with each one."

The assignments reflect this. I can't stress enough how poorly the assignments supported my learning. The assignments were usually very vague, with instructions that I had to parse through to understand what was even required of me. Questions that just asked open-ended "Does this look right?" kind of questions? I mean... looks fine to me, but I'm literally in a beginner SQL course so what do I know? Then we watch a solutions video where the instructor writes the code to answer it. It lacks any kind of student engagement and doesn't facilitate learning at all.

It's really indicative of the lack of structure of the course. Since there aren't learning goals, there isn't any framework from which to design assignments. The information lacks context, so it doesn't seem useful until the very final assignment, when you need to have learned the A/B testing stuff (but not really anything else). The course material doesn't build together in a logical fashion. I feel like you could take the 4 modules in any order and you'd get the same out of it. This suggests that there isn't a core skill that's being developed over time, but rather a mishmash of ideas that might be useful in a data science position.

In all, I can't recommend this course. The instructor is an excellent data scientist, I'm sure. But her teaching could use some work.

By Wilson A F

Jan 16, 2025

overall, this was a terrible class. Let's give some context: The first course was a bit more organized, but it lacked the practice needed to grasp the concepts, and the instructor only read the items from her PowerPoint slides. For the final assignment, we suddenly were asked to install software in our machine, which we never used prior. When I enrolled in this course, I was excited to see we had a SQL web interpreter and it seemed that there were many opportunities to practice, but after the first few videos, the course quality went downhill: 1. assignment materials were confusing and badly explained. Either used datasets that don't exist or the instructions didn't make sense at all. 2. "Solution" videos had mistakes. It seems the instructor did not take the effort to simply re-record and try again. The material presented seem ad-hoc and rushed. 3. The instructor's typing sounds, poor explanations, and heavy use of PowerPoint slides made the course very boring, hard to follow, and gave little to no motivation to continue. 4. At the end of the course, you are asked to write out SQL queries that will be peer-reviewed by other students. Although it makes sense why this assignment was designed this way, it's not the best way to check your knowledge and correctness on what was uploaded. I have taken a few courses on Coursera, and I have to admit that this is the worst course I have taken on this platform as of this post. The instructor may be knowledgably in the subject matter but needs serious improvement in her teaching quality and methods. I would not recommend this course to prospective students.

By Joseph C

Dec 21, 2020

Very poor course. The information was very hard to interpret as the videos provided in the course did not give live output of the query being used or highlight the important sections that were being described. Additionally, the actions requested in the quizzes were incredibly vague and did not prompt the learner for what was actually being asked. This made it nigh impossible to complete the course as it was set up to accomplish. It did not ever even explicitly state which SQL language was being used (note it is different from the language used in the first course in the series). Finally, the crux of course was to teach AB Testing with SQL, however, it was explained in a fashion that was not clear or concise and did not demonstrate a real world sense of how it could be implemented in a work environment, how to set up an experiment, or even how it was accomplishing the task through SQL.

Hopefully it will make more sense as I go over the course from the beginning, but please be aware that this course was not well constructed and any insight that you might glean from it will require much more research on your part.

This course's concepts were not well explained, demonstrated, or executed.

Do not recommend...

By Frank P

Feb 16, 2021

I'll start by saying that the subjects you are supposed to learn are important, and if you do a lot of separate study this course might be very good for you. However, the way it is taught is poor. The content is disorganized and not explained well, leaving you to have to do separate research. I'm not one to bash students needing to do their own research, however this class offers no guidance. The first course of this specialization was great, and I've heard great things of all of the courses that follow this one. However this course is a miss.

The concepts are good but the execution is terrible. Not enough time was spent on the lectures, the examples that are worked through aren't taught properly, you're just watching the instructor do the assignment with very little good explanation.

Personally, I'd recommend this course be reworked to be more descriptive in each section. An extra 2 weeks to allow the instructor to take her time teaching the concepts is a very good idea. The homework/assignments also need to have their instructions rewritten to be more clear.

By Jannis

Apr 25, 2022

I have already completed a couple of courses on coursera and unfortunately I do not have lots of good things to say about this one. The videos did not prepare well for the practice exercises, the exercise sheets and solution videos seemed to have been set up quick and dirty and the quizzes were full of mistakes and misleading questions. But the setup and material was not the only problem. One of the main goals of the course was to show and get used to common problems you encounter when working with a new dataset. To reach this goal, an arbitrary dataset has been introduced and investigated in depth. Fair enough, but I do not think, that it is necessairy to do such an in depth investigation just to raise awareness that datasets might be messy and the use and distribution of such data must be done carefully. The methods themself will in most cases crucially depend on the dataset on the table and therefore will not generalize really well. I found it hard to believe that diving in an arbitrary dataset in depth for four weeks of my life was well spent time.

By Rilana W

Feb 18, 2023

This was a terrible course. The assignments are not clear. Some assignments are outdated. There is a lot of confusion, also with my peers. The final assignment was a struggle: the questions and what was expected of you was not made entirely clear. Also uploading and sharing the assignment was a problem: I've seen a lot of my peers posting wrong links. The grading was an issue, some people just didn't know how to read a report or how to check the correct answer. Please review this entire course and make sure everything is understandable for all students. I felt very disappointed about this course. Especially since the first course in the specialization: "SQL for Data Science" was a great course, I learned so much in that course. This AB Testing course just was a total let down. I could have learned so much more in this course if the assignments where better structured and more clear.

By Nathen M

May 29, 2022

I know this course is rated as 'Intermediate', but unless you know window functions, how to already AB test, can magically do things with a lack on instructions, and fully understand the ins and outs of Mode don't waste your time. The final project they dump on you is nearly impossible without a full understanding of how to write reports in mode and use the graphing feature. The course does not build on itself and makes leaps and bounds in information. They throw work at you with poor instructions and simply show you the answers after. I'd stop for the day, shut down my pc, and then the next day start the next assignment. It asks to refer to a previous assignment and they don't tell you to save your previous work. This was a total nightmere and should be removed from Coursera or completely rewritten. Just youtube : 'AB testing sql' for a better understanding.

By Nataliya F

Nov 4, 2023

The course is very badly designed and executed. I passed the quizes and final assignment based on knowledge from other courses rather than something I learned in this one. Instructions for exercises were so poor to the point that I gave up trying. Week 2 literally put me to sleep on my desk, and I honestly regret continuing to waste my time after that. The final assignment was pure torture; even ChatGPT did not understand what should be done. It took me probably a good 30min just to figure out how to share the assignment from Mode on a free account. Grading others was no better with links not opening, seeing nothing, and results not matching when seemingly the code seemed right. Overall, I do NOT recommend this course, even to my worst enemies.

By s s

Feb 23, 2024

1. The course content is not consistent. I couldn't get a clear idea or something the course want to teach most of time. 2. The material is not well prepared. There are a lot of thing in assignment that is with screenshot and unable to copy. Don't know why, maybe the instructor want us to type and help us understand it. 3. The final assignment is problematic in not able to read without permission when grading, or not able to share with Mode Analytic.

By Ryan C D

Sep 23, 2022

Many learners over the years have reported issues submitting the final assignment (35% of grade), yet teacher has not cleared instructions up. Starter codes are a picture within a PDF instead of a .txt, so unable to "start" with "start"er code. Instructor's code demonstrations lacked comments and more details of why she is choosing the structure and functions. Only take if going for Learn SQL for Data Science Specialization.

By Judhajit S

Jul 28, 2022

The instructor is extremely knowledgable, but there are significant gaps in her expectations of the learners and the contents of the previous course. Also PostgreSQL complicates matters further!!! In brief, the course will benefit from inclusion of theory and practice of some of the fundamental SQL concepts as well as clarity in the assignments as to what is required of the learners.

By Carl L

Jul 31, 2022

Really sloppy in comparison to the previous course in this set. Lots of outdated information that does not line up whatsoever with what's being shown in the videos versus what appears in the exercises. This course needs an overhaul, I can't reccomend this course in good consience.

By Alexander V

May 31, 2022

To much of a gap from the basic course. In addition some of the information was so old the course flow made no sense. Also there was no real instruction on a lot of the assignments, and no info on building off the querys until the next week way after you had moved on from them.