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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Data Wrangling, Analysis and AB Testing with SQL by University of California, Davis

981 ratings

About the Course

This course allows you to apply the SQL skills taught in “SQL for Data Science” to four increasingly complex and authentic data science inquiry case studies. We'll learn how to convert timestamps of all types to common formats and perform date/time calculations. We'll select and perform the optimal JOIN for a data science inquiry and clean data within an analysis dataset by deduping, running quality checks, backfilling, and handling nulls. We'll learn how to segment and analyze data per segment using windowing functions and use case statements to execute conditional logic to address a data science inquiry. We'll also describe how to convert a query into a scheduled job and how to insert data into a date partition. Finally, given a predictive analysis need, we'll engineer a feature from raw data using the tools and skills we've built over the course. The real-world application of these skills will give you the framework for performing the analysis of an AB test....

Top reviews


Sep 23, 2020

A good course for learning and apply sql to conduct analysis on ab testing results. Would be better if the instructor could provide more info about how to design and apply AB Testing on the customers


Jul 30, 2019

The instructor is very smart and her syllabus is very easy to follow. The real life examples are great and helps put ideas in perspective! I would definitely recommend this course and already have!

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301 - 325 of 397 Reviews for Data Wrangling, Analysis and AB Testing with SQL

By Panos S

Dec 28, 2023

Definatelly, not a beginner course. The gap between that course and a previous one is huge. I like the idea that the instructor tries to implement every day thing on the course but really missed it. Also, you can clearly tell that is totally unstractured and hasn't any flow. I don't think I will continue this spesialization, propably going to take another one.

By Annamaria N R L S

May 29, 2020

Interesting Course. had more opportunities to practice, but would recommend that the incoming student have more practice and experience before starting. Still rather disorganized and some parts (i.e. explinations and subject videos0 in need of review by creator (i.e. gaps in explanations, vague directions and instruction, etc.). Am grateful for extra practice.

By Cha H

Jun 8, 2021

So far, this certificate stated this was a foundational and basics in SQL but it's more intermediate than beginner. There's absolutely no assistance if you run into any problems and each course uses a different platform so there's no consistency. We went from SQL Lite to postgre in the next course.

Feeling a bit frustrated and disappointed with this cert

By Sven H

Nov 8, 2022

The course is really poorly designed. It feels disjointed, there is missing information and some questions are vague or straight up not finished. I can't even say that this course is a big jump from the previous intro. I understand the concepts and commands used. The problems are akin to someone telling you "do analytics and find out what makes sense".

By Remko M

Oct 31, 2020

Not well instructed...messy. For example, in the video her own faults or issues are not cut out of the video. You watch minutes of that in total and that a total time waister to me. So you tend to zoom out or wanted to skip through the video. Also the assignment instruction are not coherent with the instructions in mode. That is somethings confusing.

By Tanushree J

Feb 10, 2025

THe course is not well defined, the scheme is not well explained, an ER diagram would be so helpful and the exercises if the format as the previous course would be better and so much easier to follow, it took me a while to figure our what was expeedcted of me. The practice questions are ambigious and the course not well structured or explained

By Kevin E C O

Oct 23, 2022

Los nuevos conceptos en este son muy interesantes pero el número de ejemplos que se brinda no son muy claros y cuesta entenderlos. La profesora al realizar los ejercicios no deja comentarios en sus codigo lo que dificulta su comprensión.


- Poner más ejercicios de ejemplos.

- Ser más claro en la explicación de los conceptos.

By Tomomi Y

Feb 9, 2021

The topic itself is interesting, but I think this course has a room to improve the lecture video quality. Instructor seems not well prepared when recording the video and she often makes mistakes & mumbles which makes me hard to follow what she is doing. Also I think practice questions are sometimes ambiguous compared to other courses.

By Matthew B

Nov 29, 2023

Difficult for me to follow in comparison to other courses I had taken on here. 'Mode' was also a challenge to use and follow the instruction given. Overall, I believe some of the resources (mode in particular) have changed since the course was released and the instructions were not updated to align with current operation.

By Kiarash H

Sep 8, 2023

I liked the idea of doing many exercises and assignments instead of just passive listening or reading and I think I benefited from this course.

However, the whole course is poorly organized, and do not blame yourself if you cannot understand what exactly the assignment wants you to do since they are far from clear.

By Hoang P T N

Mar 11, 2024

The course is poorly structured, most of the code provided are pictures which makes it wasting time to type everything again. Everyone can make mistake even a pro, but it doesn't help when it comes to presenting yourself to learner, it makes the learning process confusing and time wasting.

By Lynda P

Dec 26, 2020

This course has very poor instructions, exercises are vague and all solutions don't always align with course. For the DBMS (Mode) used in this course, there is no explanation on how to use it. The instructor expects you to present charts without explaining how to use it.

By Yat N W

Feb 23, 2023

Overall - I wouldn't recommend this course to people.

Two star for all the SQL practices you get from the hands on exercises. The instructor did put in a lot of thoughts to create these practices.

The AB testing part - they assume students have statistics background.

By Linh B

Sep 20, 2022

This course was really frustrating and difficult to follow. I almost lost my interest in SQL while taking this course. A lot of the data was out of date, and the instructor did not explain the concepts or how she came up with the solutions thoroughly.

By Irving G M

Aug 27, 2020

The course helped to practice the implementation of complicated SQL queries. However, it was quite unstructured and there teacher said wrong concepts and interpretation about hypothesis testing. This course need to be checked.


Jul 21, 2020

It's not organized like a class. The teaching style is more like you can shadow me while i work. That's fine if someone can ask questions and get instant feedback. But as an e-learning course it doesn't work very well.

By sushant p

Dec 7, 2022

- Coursework was not properly constructed

- Ambiguity around the videos and quizzes, too big a leap from basics to intermediate

- Including AB testing dealt a bigger blow to understanding data wrangling through SQL

By Виктор И

Jun 15, 2022

Если кратко, то не советую. Ни SQL нормально не попрактикуете, ни в A/B тестах не разберётесь.

Много пространных видео, подача информации не очень. Есть задания в которых совершенно не ясно что нужно делать.

By Georgios A

Aug 10, 2020

This course lacks some structure, overview and professionalism (like editing the videos). Nevertheless, it is a useful of this specialization, if ones has the extra time to invest.

By Martin F

Jun 6, 2023

El funcionamiento del curso en si me presento muchos inconvenientes. Aprendi muy poco y basicamente hice lo posible por sacármelo de arriba. Es un curso NO recomendable.

By William A

Apr 30, 2023

Assumes the student has far more SQL experience going into this class making it exceedingly difficult with little to no resources to assist in solving the problems.

By Brian D

Mar 7, 2023

Class contains a wide variety of issues: unclear instructions and assignments, repetitive and less-than-useful information, topics that are barely covered.

By Manuel J

Apr 27, 2020

The instructor knows SQL but she needs to take some classes on learning design and teaching. The course is somewhat messy and underprepared.

By Jack D

Mar 19, 2023

Poorly delivered videos - level of explanation given is not adequate and exercise questions are not written in an accessible manner

By Kevin D

Aug 30, 2021

not very organized, and the labs were not as good as most I've taken in coursera. the tool is rather difficult to navigate.