Aug 25, 2020
Am glad I learnt a lot from this module, which I know will sharpen my skills for my chosen career path as a data scientist. Am hoping to learn more new skills to improve on my already existing skills.
Oct 23, 2021
The course deserves a 5-star rating because: (1) content is relevant, (2) the professor is concise and possesses great teaching skills, and (3) the learning modules are applicable to daily problems.
By Sanapati S V P
•Apr 12, 2020
By Parul G
•Jan 4, 2020
By Hussain M I
•Jan 3, 2020
By Mahendra S
•Nov 5, 2019
By Bhanu V P
•Apr 9, 2019
By 张越
•Apr 1, 2019
By Prasad K
•Jul 5, 2017
By Lucky S
•Feb 12, 2023
By Sakshi
•Jul 6, 2021
By Kristal M
•May 19, 2021
•May 3, 2021
By Nesrudin A
•Jul 8, 2022
By Yashas R
•May 23, 2020
By Michel O
•Sep 7, 2023
I recently completed the Tableau course, and I wanted to share my thoughts on the experience. While the course had its merits, there are some areas that I believe require attention and updating.
On the positive side, the course provided a solid introduction to Tableau's fundamental concepts and functionalities. The instructors were knowledgeable and conveyed the basics effectively, making it accessible to beginners like myself. The hands-on exercises and projects were particularly helpful in reinforcing what I learned.
However, as I progressed through the course, I couldn't help but notice a few areas that could benefit from improvements. First and foremost, the content felt somewhat dated. In the rapidly evolving field of data visualization, it's crucial to stay current with the latest features and best practices. The course materials seemed to lag behind in this regard, missing out on some of the recent enhancements and techniques that could have enhanced the learning experience.
By Shovan C
•Sep 6, 2023
It is really helpful. I have created my first Viz with this one, and it's a great starting point. Now I can play with the tools a bit more freely. The start of the course was a bit boring, as the lecturer was going through all the ins and outs before getting our hands dirty. But she finished it with a bang, and I felt so satisfied after completing it. I have also completed the honors assignment. It really feels great when you create a Viz on a new dataset without any direct help or suggestions. That honors assignment makes me a lot more confident now. I can now create the basic charts in Tableau. I am looking forward to continuing my learning from the advanced courses in tableau specialization. I am giving it a 4-star rating because I felt the instructor could teach us a bit more in this course. Not everyone goes on and on to do every course of the specialization. So, it's really important that you create a very strong foundation in the first course.
By Luca N
•Mar 19, 2017
The course covers all of the relevant parts, however it does not go deep enough. It is highly recommended for complete beginners, but not for those who already have some knowledge in the field.
In particular, more content should have been provided for the following topics:
(1) Data connections, e.g. include a real example for connecting to odata and web data connector, also create a sheet with the data;
(2) The context of data visualisation (who, what, how, big idea), e.g. walk though two additional examples in different fields.
I particularly appreciated:
(i) The historical introduction (and I would have liked to read more about this)
(ii) Live Connection vs Tableau Data Extract
(iii) How to prepare an Excel sheet for import
(iv) The strategy for making a story (but as I said, this is partial)
By Andrew M
•Mar 31, 2021
Overall good introduction to Tableau, covering basic functionality and taking the student from a single viz to a completed dashboard through follow-along examples. Individual project allows to apply and practice the skills learned. In the videos, sometimes the mouse movements are not visible, causing the viewer to guess specific instructor actions to complete a step. Also there is some inconsistency in instructions that reference incorrect videos where certain steps were covered. Some of the materials are attached to a different video from the one where they are mentioned, had to go to forum to hunt for those. Could use a thorough review and some tweaking, but otherwise passable (literally).
By Bryce L
•Dec 10, 2020
I enjoyed the course and did learn a lot, however, a lot of what I did learn I had to learn myself on google or in the Tableau community. I would suggest for the final project making a specific prompt with provided data and just ask to make a dashboard instead of "improving" the ones provided on Monday makeover. Asking to improve a dashboard that is already very good and above what the course teaches is very daunting. I understand that it isn't really expected that you improve the piece, but for someone like me who follows directions to a tee, I spent a lot of time trying to improve the viz with a skillset and program much lower in capability than the capability of the original viz creator.
By Amod S
•Jun 4, 2019
Good class. There are a few big stumbling blocks, however. The instructions for peer-graded assignment in Week 3 are, to put it mildly, horrible! After spending hours trying to figure it out, I wrote a revised version of the instructions which can be found in Week 3 Discussion - "Clear and Easy to follow Instructions for Week 3 Assignment". I hope these instructions will be used to replace the current ones which have confused many. Week 4 peer-graded assignment instructions are a bit long winded, leading many to miss providing the one-sentence summary. But for these issues, it would be a 5-star.
By Sam B
•Aug 27, 2020
The material in this fundamentals course was very well organized and presented. The quality of the videos and style of the instructor is excellent. The only criticism that I have is the requirement to use Twitter to complete the assignment. I took a class on Tableau, not a class on tweeting. I don't think it's reasonable to grade students on how many hashtags or sentences they use in a tweet. This isn't a social media class and not everyone wants to use social media. Focus on the topic of the class rather than requiring students to be part of your pet project.
By Jessica E
•Jul 21, 2019
This section seemed to be more about the logistics of data connections and setting up your workbook than it did actually focusing on visualizations themselves. I think maybe changing the title to "Fundamentals of Tableau" or "Intro to Visualization with Tableau: Visualization Theory and Pre-work" might be more encompassing of what this section actually focuses on. That aside, it is still all very useful information and I do appreciate learning about the ideology behind visualization as a tool for telling a story with data. It really grounds the principles.
By S N
•Aug 19, 2021
The course was easy to follow with Desiree Abbott. I would recommend sharing the grading ruberic for the assignments prior to the submission so students/learners can manage their expectations. After all, professors /teachers do it at the college level. Also my version of Tableau was a little different from the teacher and a couple other students mentioned the same thing. Finally, there is a need for more teacher/staff support for questions in regards to projects and the material as opposed to relying on other students in the forum.
By Enna L
•Jul 30, 2021
This course taught me a lot abou the basics of Tableau. It would be helpful to have a list of what softwares the course needs. In the first project, you need to download a Google Sheet but it was impossible for me to download it from my work laptop. I used my personal laptop to complete this portion of the program. For the final taks, you are required to use the MakeoverMonday submission trtacker. For this I needed to use my personal laptop since my work laptop wouldn't allow me to access this page.
By Debopam R
•Aug 23, 2020
The course was good, teaches basics of tableau....That provides interest to go to google and see more exciting ways of data visualization using Tableau.
However, I have a big complaint on the assignments given specially the week 4 assignment. Instead of grading on the quality of visualization, the emphasis was on posting on twitter with hastags, descriptive sentence, posting picture of the viz etc.....Is it a exam on Twitter or Tableau ? I got marks docked because of not adding two hastags ??
By Christina E
•Dec 8, 2021
I enjoyed the overviews of the essentials- exploring all the functions of Tableau, the best ways to look for help, and the functionalities not yet available. It was very clear instruction. The final peer-review project requires you to publish on Tableau Public and post your dashboard on social media. I was working in our company's licensed Tableau and had to create a new social media account to post in order to pass this credit (which I did not love).