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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Complex Analysis by Wesleyan University

1,076 ratings

About the Course

This course provides an introduction to complex analysis which is the theory of complex functions of a complex variable. We will start by introducing the complex plane, along with the algebra and geometry of complex numbers, and then we will make our way via differentiation, integration, complex dynamics, power series representation and Laurent series into territories at the edge of what is known today. Each module consists of five video lectures with embedded quizzes, followed by an electronically graded homework assignment. Additionally, modules 1, 3, and 5 also contain a peer assessment. The homework assignments will require time to think through and practice the concepts discussed in the lectures. In fact, a significant amount of your learning will happen while completing the homework assignments. These assignments are not meant to be completed quickly; rather you'll need paper and pen with you to work through the questions. In total, we expect that the course will take 6-12 hours of work per module, depending on your background....

Top reviews


Apr 6, 2018

The lectures were very easy to follow and the exercises fitted these lectures well. This course was not always very rigorous, but a great introduction to complex analysis nevertheless. Thank you!


Jul 29, 2024

A wonderful course. Dr. Petra Bonfert-Taylor is an amazing lecturer and made it easy to understand difficult topics. I really look forward to any other courses she might offer in the future.

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326 - 350 of 361 Reviews for Introduction to Complex Analysis

By Александр Р

Apr 30, 2020

Some tasks contain errors and typos. Also, the lecture material should be with the proof of the theorems, because the technique of proofs also gives many practical methods that can be used in practice. Just a set of facts lectures and trivial examples make a very elementary introduction to complex analysis.

By Glenn R

Aug 17, 2016

I found this very interesting, covering some topics I did not expect an introduction. I think the pace of the course is about right, but I would have liked more questions. Unfortunately I became very busy during the course and failed to keep up. I look forward to repeating it when I have more time.

By Alexander L

Oct 13, 2018

This was a pretty interesting course with a lot of useful information. It was taught at an intermediate level which was good for me because I don't do a lot of pure math. This was mainly used as a refresher of complex analysis for an EE masters. Did the job!

By Eleomar C J

Dec 29, 2020

This course is good for anyone who wants to know how to handle the tools associated with complex numbers. But, it is less formal than I iniatilly expected. It was a good particular experience because it was my first course in a non-native language.

By Reymundo F F

Aug 27, 2019

in my humble opinion I think this course is very well but exists several topic more important for touch, and manner for made the exams and the homeworks in my opinion is bad because you will not need to do a lot of the equations for solve that

By Arthur G

Sep 29, 2020

Very interesting and stimulating. It was difficult but I am a bit elderly (84). It was well explained for the most part. I am not sure about the value of the peer graded assignments. I have learned a lot. Thank you Prof Bonfert-Taylor.

By Артур Ш

Jul 22, 2021

Очень интересно, познавательно, узнал для себя много нового. Но в этом и проблема, пришлось уделять много времени курсу, потому что много информации для самостоятельного обучения. Автопереводчик на русский язык справляется средне.

By Stewart A

Nov 10, 2022

Excellent course! Dr. Bonfert-Taylor was an excellent present & very straightforward in her approach to the subject material. Only thing I would change is to present Julia and Mandelbrot sets later in the course.

By Samuel K

Mar 7, 2019

Excellent instructor and good range of material. There are some theorems that aren't proved though and I was hoping that an analysis course would have proofs for all theorems students are required to use.

By Ditiro M

Apr 1, 2019

Even though I haven't completed the course, I managed to do up to week 3. It is nice and the lecture videos are easy to follow and understand. Hopefully i'll retake it and complete it this time around.

By Malcolm G

May 15, 2018

Fun course and learned lots. Its tough to do maths without doing lots of practice so be prepared to do lots of examples outside of the course in order to master the material.

By Martin J

Feb 28, 2021

Très intéressant, mais le début (week 1&2) est trop simple par rapport à la suite.

Il manque beaucoup de démonstrations difficiles.

Parfait après une CPGE scientifique.

By David T M

Jan 12, 2021

Excellent lectures. Great insights into how complex integration works. Tests and assignments are fair. Extra practice problems would be nice to help understanding.

By Alex Y

May 6, 2020

A well taught course that merges well into undergraduate mathematics, and provided useful experience of higher level maths for a student deciding which degree to do.

By Blake C

Sep 9, 2018

Some of the latter lessons should have been put up front so as to better present the intuitions of what you're proofing, but overall found it to be a good course.

By vicente p

Jun 7, 2020

it's very nice and soundly developped , any problems showing the latex code in some questionaires ( seeing with Firefox)

By Fabio B

Sep 19, 2017

Excelent course on complex analysis. The course would be more complete if the proofs of the theorems were provided/shown.

By Blondeau

Sep 6, 2016

The course is really interesting and it is very clear.

thanks a lot of !


By Morty L

Oct 31, 2024

Not bad, the final exam came to soon however and i only had one day to prepare

By LittleStone

Jan 25, 2017

Interesting and illuminating course on Complex Analysis. Thank you so much.

By Eleftheriadis V

Mar 29, 2019

Really good course. Well explained and interesting.

By Daniel

Mar 7, 2017

Nice course explaining basics of complex analysis.

By Robert L

Sep 20, 2016

Very good course. I learned a lot of new things

By Никулин О А

Aug 25, 2020

Not enough proves and theoretical reasonings

By Shibu A

Sep 29, 2020

Methodology of the whole course is good.