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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Design and Interpretation of Clinical Trials by Johns Hopkins University

4,307 ratings

About the Course

Clinical trials are experiments designed to evaluate new interventions to prevent or treat disease in humans. The interventions evaluated can be drugs, devices (e.g., hearing aid), surgeries, behavioral interventions (e.g., smoking cessation program), community health programs (e.g. cancer screening programs) or health delivery systems (e.g., special care units for hospital admissions). We consider clinical trials experiments because the investigators rather than the patients or their doctors select the treatment the patients receive. Results from randomized clinical trials are usually considered the highest level of evidence for determining whether a treatment is effective because trials incorporates features to ensure that evaluation of the benefits and risks of treatments are objective and unbiased. The FDA requires that drugs or biologics (e.g., vaccines) are shown to be effective in clinical trials before they can be sold in the US. The course will explain the basic principles for design of randomized clinical trials and how they should be reported. In the first part of the course, students will be introduced to terminology used in clinical trials and the several common designs used for clinical trials, such as parallel and cross-over designs. We will also explain some of the mechanics of clinical trials, like randomization and blinding of treatment. In the second half of the course, we will explain how clinical trials are analyzed and interpreted. Finally, we will review the essential ethical consideration involved in conducting experiments on people....

Top reviews


Jul 4, 2018

High quality course ! covering important areas and detailed lectures, more and better than a mere introduction. Congrats ! My only regret : I'd have liked to hear more about NI and equivalence trials


Jun 5, 2020

I would highly recommend this course as I found it well-structured and helpful. After studying all the materials, I gained a great amount of knowledge in designing and interpretating clinical trail.

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151 - 175 of 722 Reviews for Design and Interpretation of Clinical Trials

By Mahmoud A

Mar 28, 2021

I found the course excellent for anyone with a background in epidemiology and biostatistics. I highly recommend for those interested in clinical research practice.

By Carlos M

Feb 16, 2021

Very helpful course despite I have a Medical background I found myself weak in this area and this course helped me to get a better understanding of clinical trials

By Owen B R

Apr 13, 2020

Very insightful. I have been dealing with reading, interpreting and presenting clinical trials for the last 20 years and still learned lots. Thank you very much.

By Evan M

Aug 5, 2019

Great introduction to RCTs. As a data scientist, I found the discussions on the different RCT designs, as well as the methods for randomization, very valuable.

By Laísa X S

Aug 2, 2022

Gostei muito do curso, apesar do conteudo ser bastante teorico e um pouco dificil de compreender, todos os exemplos dados durante as aulas ajudaram bastante.

By Keerthana J P

May 12, 2019

Very beautifully built course. Gave me a good understanding about the RCTs. The best thing is a concise but precise information that is very student friendly

By Dr S A

Jul 23, 2024

Johns Hopkins' Clinical Trials course is a solid intro for beginners. It covers key concepts & terminology in a clear way. Great for those new to the field!

By Carolina K

Oct 7, 2020

I really enjoyed the lectures and the articles of this course.

Teachers are trully engaged and exited about the subjecy, what makes it even more interesting

By Arianna P

Oct 13, 2016

This is my first course in Coursera and I found it really enjoyable. It is well organized and easily explained. I improved my knowledge about this argument.

By Christopher D

Jun 20, 2020

Excellent course for those in the healthcare and pharma background. It helps a lot when you refer to research papers which include a clinical trial aspect.


Jun 2, 2020

This course is well design to get through understanding about clinical trials. I really enjoyed the quiz part, which was thought provoking and well planed.

By Long H

Apr 16, 2018

The knowledge you'll learn and obtain in this course is rich and very helpful. Please spend time watching the videos and reviewing the materials carefully.

By Luísa S N d S

Jan 16, 2018

Good, didactic material. I liked the discussion part because it allowed us to reflect upon the things we've just learned and apply them to our backgrounds.

By Asmita M

Apr 27, 2023

Comprehensive introduction to the field of clinical trials. Allows one to start making sense of reported clinical trials in research papers and journals.


May 8, 2020

This was my first course in coursera and i understood the basics of the course. The concepts were well explained with related examples and case studies.

By Veeranna

Aug 28, 2019

The course gave me the exposure to CONSORT guidelines, different types of study designs which is very helpful for my Clinical Research profession.


By Dr N G

May 12, 2018

The course is excellent. However, I feel, it shall also incorporate issues like protocol designing, case record form designing, sample size calculations

By Roopam D

May 17, 2020

The reading materials were very useful and the lectures were highly informative. The assessments were very simple. I was expecting trickier questions.

By Blake S

Jul 10, 2016

This was a great introduction to Clinical Trials. I would recommend taking a statistics refresher before this course if you haven't had one recently.

By Alemayehu K

Jun 5, 2022

I gained basic knowledge and skill about how to design and interpreting clinical trial. Thanks for the fund support to have this important training.

By Vanessa P

Feb 20, 2021

Even if english is not your mother tongue is easier to complete. It a very interesting course to introduce yourself in the design of clinical trial.

By Loren F M

Feb 2, 2021

Aprendí ciertos conceptos básicos sobre el diseño e interpretación de estudios clínicos que será vital para mi desarrollo como futura investigadora.

By Sadeekah I

Aug 2, 2019

it was a really good and informative course , however I a struggling to retrieve my certificate

Alternative email-

By Ulrike W

Apr 14, 2017

A nice and succinct overview. Even though I was able to get a full score on most quizzes before watching the videos, I still learned something new.

By Kaushal V S

Sep 6, 2022

Absolutely amazing, engaging, comprehensive and detailed explanation of Clinical Trials. Thank you Dr. Holbrook and Dr. Drye. Highly recommended!