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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Child Nutrition and Cooking by Stanford University

10,307 ratings

About the Course

Eating patterns that begin in childhood affect health and well-being across the lifespan. The culture of eating has changed significantly in recent decades, especially in parts of the world where processed foods dominate our dietary intake. This course examines contemporary child nutrition and the impact of the individual decisions made by each family. The health risks associated with obesity in childhood are also discussed. Participants will learn what constitutes a healthy diet for children and adults and how to prepare simple, delicious foods aimed at inspiring a lifelong celebration of easy home-cooked meals. This course will help prepare participants to be the leading health providers, teachers and parents of the present and future.The text and other material in this course may include the opinion of the specific instructor and are not statements of advice, endorsement, opinion, or information of Stanford University....

Top reviews


Sep 17, 2017

very useful and practical course.. it boosts my positive energy to cook more and more in healthy way for my baby coz much love=much healthy.. It inspired me, it's very simple , easy and very healthy..


May 26, 2023

Finished it in 3 days. I particularly enjoyed the recipes. I highly recommend this course for busy moms who still want to make the effort to prepare simple and quick home-cooked meals for their kids.

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176 - 200 of 3,047 Reviews for Child Nutrition and Cooking

By Elyasin S


Mar 12, 2017

I did several online courses about health and nutrition. I really like this course because it is easy to learn the content and the dishes are delicious and easy to make. It is a bit US centric, but that is not really a problem as the issues are in my opinion becoming more global (if they are not already; e.g. obesity).

By Carolina O


Oct 10, 2021

I liked the course - the videos were short, yet informative. I also liked the fact that there other specialities were invited to participate. I'd love to hear some general info on caloric energy intake for children of different ages and other topics, but as an introductory course - really good! thank you very much :)

By Mariana M


May 20, 2016

I loved the course!

I loved the way that the different issues are explained, I like the graphics, the videos, the quizzes - everything!

I just tried for the Passover the almond cake recepie and it was fantastic!

I really recommend this course not only for child nutrition but also for 'picky' and stubborn adults.


By Christina E


Sep 16, 2016

This course is wonderful and very informative for complete beginners with nutrition and cooking. The teacher is knowledgeable of her subject and creates clear content that lends to a good learning experience. I would recommend this course to anyone who is not familiar with nutrition and who has no experience cooking.

By Belkys V G P


Oct 3, 2015

excelente curso, lamentablemente mi oido para el idioma ingles aun no ha sido entrenado por lo que me resulta dificil observar las imagenes y leer los subtitulos porque la sincronicidad entre ellos no es adecuada, sin embargo a pesar de mi limitacion lo disfruto un mundo. Del curso me gustó todo. felicidades coursera

By Zaina


Dec 7, 2018

A very professional job has been done by the team very smooth technique and a very beautiful and interesting information

I encourage parents and Dietitan to participate in learning this course because it's more than nutrition and cooking

Big thank to the teacher first and to the all team of Stanford uni and Courcers

By Farrah M C


Aug 17, 2015

I really learned a lot. My baby is still 4 months old and I'm practicing to eat and cook healthily. I started reading labels and researching healthy alternatives of food. The way the information was presented was simple yet elegant. I'm hoping this course will have more lessons. I really enjoyed the current lessons.

By Stephanie D


Mar 19, 2019

This course taught me so much about how to provide healthy and nutritional foods for my family. it was easy to understand and follow along. I even had my young daughter watch parts of the course with me to get her involved. I also tried the recipes as well. Thank you for educating me on child nutrition and cooking!

By Roger O


Aug 9, 2021

Great course for beginners such as myself. HIGHLY recommend that you somehow put information to let people know that taking the Stanford Introduction to Food course before this one. I took this one first and realized that I should have taken them in the opposite manner. Great course and a few good recipes as well.

By Ryan d S O


Sep 25, 2015

My favourite course in Coursera! I was really surprised by this course. It’s a pleasant learning opportunity for people who want the best for their kids and it helps to promote healthy eating habits in their homes. Maya is an excellent teacher and all the staff made an wonderful job. Thank you for the opportunity!

By Jessica L


Aug 17, 2015

I enjoyed the mix of videos, demos and visually-oriented lectures. I learn best when I can see little drawings with main points, so that style of illustration was perfect for me. I appreciated the human touch as well, being able to see the instructor at home in her own kitchen, with her own children. Thank you!

By Amin M


Apr 17, 2024

I really enjoyed Child Nutrition and Cooking because the Professor kept us engaged and all the information disseminated was very valuable from a learning perspective. I appreciate all the information that the MD Professor gave and I will bear in mind when I become a grandfather to help my grand kids to flourish.

By Dàn T


Sep 24, 2022

Its a very wonderful course that i have ever thought of, particularly for the health of young once we never take much into considerations of their choices as kids. But since the begining to the end of this course i have learned a lot from it which will help me to take the care of my young nephews very important.

By Dean P


Aug 20, 2018

Most of the lessons I found awesome! I personally believe that we should advice the consumption of grains, dairy and other allergens with some grain of salt, but in general I agree! great resource! I would love to see more things on child education and watch more children cooking and their opinions to the matter.

By Anusha


Sep 20, 2017

Love the way everything was made easy to understand. I also tried the sauce and pasta recipe and my kid -3years loved it. Thank you for initiating this course. thank you for your patience. Loved the way you drew diagrams. Your tactic of making your children involve in making food is super. I am trying that out!!!

By David M


Aug 23, 2023

i genuinely enjoyed this course, I've been trying to learn how to cook for some time now, and the courses by this instructor have been enormously helpful in laying down some basics, and it has also been having me watching and reading the labels on food and my diet has been improved enormously because of this.

By Anahí S


Feb 19, 2018

Aprendi muchas cosqas nuevas e interesantes en este curso, mucho sobre psicologia infantil a la hora de las comidas, tambien sobre el impacto de los tipos de los alimentos tanto al ser humano como al medio ambiente, la forma del curso es muy practica y te permita tomarlo completo y entenderlo con poco tiempo.

By Nathalie D


Nov 8, 2015

This class was very helpful in better understanding the nutritionnal values off various foods and how to best prepare them. It covers a wide variety of food related issues, such as the agro-industry, food safety, antibiotics, pesticides... and helps in atking informed decisions when preparing nutritious meals.

By Thankanokphon D


Feb 11, 2021

thank you very much for course. It's amazing. I think it is many benefits for all parents to emphasize about healthy food for your children. this course make me change behavior for eat and make me interest about my next course for nutrition or healthy food especially organic food and local food on my country.

By Ursula L


Oct 14, 2015

Great and easy explained with video's and drawings. Loved the cooking demo's for some fresh and homemade meals. Also great for families with no children since there are basic food facts everyone should know about. Quizzes are fun and informative and the time needed to follow up was enough even with deadlines.

By Debby S


Sep 14, 2015

I found it brilliant! Via this course people can understand in a simple way the difficult terminology of the nutrition and the part with the recipes was very helpful and cheerful especially for people who want to begin cooking simple, tasty and healthy food. Thank you for providing me such a wonderful course!

By Susan T


Jan 18, 2022

Soy latina y estoy inmensamente agradecida con todo lo que he podido aprender gracias a este curso como madre y como mujer no tengo más que un sincero agradecimiento por brindar esta oportunidad de forma gratuita de adquirir conocimiento para el beneficio de nuestras familias y la comunidadsoysoycomunidad.

By Sharaine W


Jan 9, 2016

This was a great course with a lot of good information. I continue to use a lot of the suggestions that she gives in this course for my own benefit, as well as share with others. If you need some information about nutrition when it comes to children, this course will give you a great foundation to stand on!

By Gabriela R


Jun 2, 2020

No quería que terminara el curso, Maya hace que sea muy ameno. El curso me ayudó a reforzar muchas cuestiones sobre alimentación y nutrición, y me inspiró a investigar más por mi cuenta. Lo recomiendo a personas que estén buscando iniciarse en el mundo de la nutrición y mejorar sus hábitos de alimentación.

By Nicklas S


Jan 8, 2016

Both my wife and I are pleased to have come across a great course on Child Nutrition and Cooking. We happen to be aware as a family, but a reminder or new lesson is useful in the quest for a healthy family. Dr. Maya Adam is an excellent professor, one we trust immediately and can follow along. Thank you.