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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Big Data by University of California San Diego

10,929 ratings

About the Course

Interested in increasing your knowledge of the Big Data landscape? This course is for those new to data science and interested in understanding why the Big Data Era has come to be. It is for those who want to become conversant with the terminology and the core concepts behind big data problems, applications, and systems. It is for those who want to start thinking about how Big Data might be useful in their business or career. It provides an introduction to one of the most common frameworks, Hadoop, that has made big data analysis easier and more accessible -- increasing the potential for data to transform our world! At the end of this course, you will be able to: * Describe the Big Data landscape including examples of real world big data problems including the three key sources of Big Data: people, organizations, and sensors. * Explain the V’s of Big Data (volume, velocity, variety, veracity, valence, and value) and why each impacts data collection, monitoring, storage, analysis and reporting. * Get value out of Big Data by using a 5-step process to structure your analysis. * Identify what are and what are not big data problems and be able to recast big data problems as data science questions. * Provide an explanation of the architectural components and programming models used for scalable big data analysis. * Summarize the features and value of core Hadoop stack components including the YARN resource and job management system, the HDFS file system and the MapReduce programming model. * Install and run a program using Hadoop! This course is for those new to data science. No prior programming experience is needed, although the ability to install applications and utilize a virtual machine is necessary to complete the hands-on assignments. Hardware Requirements: (A) Quad Core Processor (VT-x or AMD-V support recommended), 64-bit; (B) 8 GB RAM; (C) 20 GB disk free. How to find your hardware information: (Windows): Open System by clicking the Start button, right-clicking Computer, and then clicking Properties; (Mac): Open Overview by clicking on the Apple menu and clicking “About This Mac.” Most computers with 8 GB RAM purchased in the last 3 years will meet the minimum requirements.You will need a high speed internet connection because you will be downloading files up to 4 Gb in size. Software Requirements: This course relies on several open-source software tools, including Apache Hadoop. All required software can be downloaded and installed free of charge. Software requirements include: Windows 7+, Mac OS X 10.10+, Ubuntu 14.04+ or CentOS 6+ VirtualBox 5+....

Top reviews


Sep 9, 2019

I love the course. It goes deep into the foundations, and then finishes up with an actual lab where you learn by practice. I greatly benefited from it and feel I have achieved a milestone in big data.


Aug 31, 2016

This is a great introduction for Big Data. It helps me to revisit what I learned from the meetups and webinars, then put the fundamental knowledge and information in a solid foundation. Thank you.

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51 - 75 of 2,490 Reviews for Introduction to Big Data

By Huynh L D

Jun 29, 2016

This is much better than the previous version! 6 weeks with much more spread out and comprehensive contents about big data with a nice balance between theory and hands-on assignments.

Technical software taught are Hadoop, following the MapReduce framework, to which the introduction was very gentle and progressive. Thus, it makes it manageable to take in the and learn the rope by small baby steps.

By Savitha R

Jul 30, 2018

The course is very informative. I was a layman in BigData. Now, I know what are the kinds of data, origin of data, how it impacts and plays roles in our lives.

Fundamentals of Hadoop has been explained very well and the assignments play a vital role in the learning because to clear the assignment, we go through the courses at least twice to make the concepts clear.

Thanks for all the effort.

By José A R N

Feb 12, 2018

My name is Jose Antonio. I am looking for a new Data Scientist career (

I did this specialization to get new knowledge about Big Data and better understand the technology and your practical applications.

The course was excellent and the classes well taught by teachers.

Congratulations to Coursera team and Instructors.


Jose Antonio.

By MD. M H

Apr 18, 2024

It was a very useful course. Specifically, for the beginners in the road of data science and AI will be benefited. The course timing was flexible, and the contents are easily understood. The flow of the lecture and the difficulty level of assessment makes the learning enjoyable. Learner will achieve the learning outcomes perfectly. It was a really good time during this course.

By Pablo A L Z

Jul 2, 2020

Un curso muy interesante la verdad aprendi cosas que no sabia anteriormente, me gusto todo aunque para una persona que no sabe muy bien ingles se le dificulta, sería bueno que la mayoría de los videos tuvieran subtitulos en español, pero en general muy bueno y los profesores ponian ejemplos muy intersantes sobre el Big Data y en mi campo más especifico sobre la parte GIS

By patrick f

Dec 20, 2017

For the price this is an excellent introduction, the course is a good foundation for working with big data. It is up to the student to go forth from this course and take on their own project. I previously submitted a Spark Streaming application prototype to my client prior to the start of this course. I wish I had this course prior to starting my job but it is what it

By Jiang Q

May 19, 2019

It's a entire introduction to Big Data.I get a lot of fundamental knowledge about this filed and full of interests to dig into this course.

But there is still a little shortage.As a course close to CS,maybe should practice us to build own development environment instead of using pre-set environment.Or make an optional module for this with universal consideration.

By Peeyush J

Jan 1, 2018

Very good course for an introduction of Big Data- why, where and how it is useful in the real world. Thanks Instructors for making things so easy. It would be great if peer review quiz doesn't stop us from starting capstone project. It wastes a lot of time to complete the specialisation as passing all others courses is mandatory for enrolling in the project.

By Prince O

Feb 23, 2018

The course offers a very detailed introduction to Big Data. The teachers and the teaching method employed enhances understanding. I am now confident in my understanding of Big Data management and Big Data systems. I also have a basic understanding of Hadoop and MapReduce. I'm eagerly looking forward to the rest of the courses in the specialisation.

By Syed M Z H K

Jul 21, 2017

I once did internship related to Hadoop, and I can say that I didn't learned much there. However, after taking this course I believe that my foundations have been built for more advanced courses. Thank you coursera for considering my request for fee waiver, as without your help I would have improved or gained new knowledge. Thanks again Coursera!

By Deleted A

Aug 14, 2016

Really good course. But, I was unable to complete the final week as I had a lot of trouble installing the Cloudera platform for Hadoop. So, I would recommend others to get that installed well in advance or else if you wait till the last week you might not be able to finish it in time and 6 weeks of effort would go to waste like it did for me.

By Dinesh B

Aug 16, 2020

Amazing course as a first peek into the world of Big Data. I have always been averse to coding. But the MapReduce exercise and then the Hands-on assignment on implementing a Hadoop Big Data stack through the console was really fun to do. Thank you to the trainers and to San Diego Super Computing Center for such a great learning experience!

By Nurbek A

Dec 23, 2020

This course very practical and excellent in terms of learning big data. I faced two main challenges. 1) spend too much time setting my VirtualBox (it was related to enabling virtualization in bios and downloading 21 Gb file (Sandbox), also spending time on learning Sandbox. Finally could launch QuickStart File and everything worked well.

By ahmed h

Dec 8, 2019

the course is great except for the peer graded assignments it should be done by instructors for more trust , in addition if i finished my course earlier than the deadline why i should wait , all that time to get my certificate , which is really a very bad point in a great course , this course is awesome in total except for that bad point

By Manuel H

Dec 5, 2016

It is a fantastic course for beginners. The modules and the teachers are very clear, and the content is so good.

After this course, I can say I know something about Big Data, no idea before do this course. The examples and the Virtual Machine was so helpful to understand how hadoop works.

Thanks a lot... a fantastic course... thanks true.

By Vishnu V R A

Apr 23, 2017

I have got very useful information about Big Data and the need for mapreduce programming model and Hadoop Distribution Framework. I had also got very clear understanding of how to run a mapreduce framework using open source cloudera virtual machine. The entire course is easy to read and understand and fun. Thanks for the instructors.

By Balaji N

Jun 25, 2017

The course was very useful especially foundation materials and the way in which concepts were presented in a simplified manner with examples, key points, slide text and additional study materials. With respect to my background in IT, project Management in HRIT and technical skills, the course fulfilled my expectations almost 80%

By Allen J M A

Aug 23, 2017

Very comprehensive introductory course for big data. The course contains a number of materials which are very sufficient to allow students to know more about the topic being discussed. The quizzes are nicely structured to ensure that students study and understand all materials and video presentations. Kudos, UC San Diego!

By Moiz

Oct 17, 2021

This course provides a very good overview of big data and the technology around it. Dr. Ilkay Altintas has done a very good job. Her explanation was clear and crisp. To keep the course relevant for time to come, i'll request some additional instruction should be added for performing task on recent versions of hadoop 2/3.

By Caio S

Apr 26, 2017

I have appreciated the course as it explains the main concepts of Big Data drilling through until several tools which can be used to implement important operations for Big Data analytics, for example, how does a search engine basically works. It has very interersting topics and will help me up in my daily job routines.

By Biman D

Aug 28, 2016

I wish to thank you for such a fantastic course to introduce to the exciting world of Big Data. The concepts were explained beautifully with relevant examples. A special thank you note for Prof Altintas and Prof Gupta for making this so simple.

Looking forward to the next set of courses to explore Big Data in detail.

By Naveen S

Aug 19, 2016

The course was in he sense truly introduction to Big data Domain and discusses the origin and reason Big Data technologies are required.

The only improvement, I would like to suggest is raise the difficulty level of quiz,so that they motivate student to review and understand the key points discussed during tutorial.

By Jordi C

Jul 12, 2016

Much better than the previous version (2015) with all concepts very well explained, using examples to clarify them when necessary.

I would have liked to go deeper with Hadoop (in last version of the specialization, Hadoop was a separate course), but anyway, as an Introduction to Big Data, this is an excellent course.

By Prospero-Martin R

Jan 31, 2018

I really liked this course! It take you from the ground up and smoothly ramps up little bit into more detail. Big Data is a vast area and I am aware that there's lots to learn, but now I have a better understanding of what Big Data is. Definitely I am taking the other 5 courses in the "Big Data Specialization".

By Daniel K

Mar 24, 2021

It was a nice course to undertake. Just one more thing, the part for hadoop installation needs to be more clear. How does hadoop exist in the operating system we just installed? is it an application similar to apps like Ms Word? I was just following instructions but got lost on the ecosystem of hadoop itslelf.