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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Greedy Algorithms, Minimum Spanning Trees, and Dynamic Programming by Stanford University

1,267 ratings

About the Course

The primary topics in this part of the specialization are: greedy algorithms (scheduling, minimum spanning trees, clustering, Huffman codes) and dynamic programming (knapsack, sequence alignment, optimal search trees)....

Top reviews


Apr 27, 2020

I learned more about Greedy Algorithms and Algorithms to compute MST's and their importance on real world problems. Also I got to start to understand Dynamic Programming in a way I didn't before.


Jun 30, 2018

Tim Roughgarden is a fantastic teacher! He really cares about explaining in a simple manner and also give you useful hints and advices to dive deeper in all the topics of the course. Thanks, Tim!

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126 - 150 of 150 Reviews for Greedy Algorithms, Minimum Spanning Trees, and Dynamic Programming

By Shama M


Jul 28, 2024


By Thành N K


Aug 25, 2019


By praveenkumar c


Jun 12, 2019


By anirudh j


Aug 10, 2018


By Sanket S


Jul 7, 2017


By Alberto S


May 2, 2022

The course material is very good indeed: kudos to the lecturer, awesome approach and superb execution. Docked one star on account of the following. Proficiency assessment in the tests not requiring to write code is a little skewed towards the mathematincal aspects of algorithms, which is fair enough and par for the course; however, enough of the test questions are worded (of course in English) in a language that is too terse and sometimes appear aimed at befuddling the reader (especially non-native speakers, well, readers...), rather than at providing a clear understanding of what is asked. Some of the coding assignments are challenging on their own account (fair enough: again, par for the course); yet again, when the question itself becomes veiled in obscure wording and lacks the clarity of examples I find something is left to be desired.

By Georgios K


Feb 1, 2020

A beautiful course, I had already done the other two parts of this series of courses. This course focuses on the Greedy Algorithms and Dynamic Programming. I had not used these two types of algorithms before.

The difficulty of the exercises is not great but there is one programming assignment which is really hard to debug. Nevertheless there are good points in the forum.

Professor and forum members thank you for this beautiful learning experience.

By Sam L


Aug 1, 2024

It was a shame to see the worked examples dry up near the end. These were so useful for greedy algos, so it's strange that they weren't present for the last few dynamic programming problems, which hard arguably the hardest to grasp and least intuitive solutions so far. In the end I had to look elsewhere to really 'get' the formulation of solutions to things like optimal BSTs and knapsack. Other than that, fantastic course and very informative.

By brendan e


Jun 17, 2017

This really helped me to understand how to approach problems with a greedy algorithm mindset or a dynamic programming mindset. My only complaint is that week 4 could have used a concrete example for the optimal binary search tree.

By Yifeng L


Nov 27, 2018

Course is great. However, for me, there's some lecture I cannot understand so I have to find another course with more explanation.

By Diego F


Aug 15, 2022

It's a good course. But it has way too much theory and not much practice, so one can get confused and spend a lot of time on it.

By Julio D


Jan 26, 2023

Good course, though I posted a couple of questions in the forums and I am still waiting for an answer from one of the mentors.

By Chris S


May 29, 2018

While i thought the algorithms are very good - It could use just a small amount of expansion on the specifics and background.

By Pawel K S


Sep 21, 2018

Great material, explained very well, but the lack of feedback on tough problem sets can be frustrating;

By Andrey


May 15, 2017

The most challenging course after first and second, really difficult

By Navneet K C


Sep 6, 2021

Every time I learn algorithms I got to know new thing.

By Tianyi Z


Jul 18, 2018

Not bad programming tests. At least it made me try



Oct 13, 2018

Amazing course! Great content indeed!

By Siyu Z


May 14, 2017

Need solution of quiz and final

By Anant K S


May 22, 2019

A little too difficult.

By Yash G


Jan 21, 2018

good course

By Bianca D


Mar 23, 2019

The forums are not very active, and there are a lot of unanswered questions from months and years ago. It seems like there have not been active staff/mentors in the forums for a while. Also the final exam had two duplicate problems from the problem sets.

By Joern K


Aug 30, 2018

Sometimes badly synchronized, there are also mistakes in the videos which haven't been corrected.

By Zheng W


Jul 10, 2017

Sometimes the professor speaks too fast.

By Atul V


Oct 6, 2019

Honestly Speaking, I didn't like the course much. The explanation was quite complicated. I had to learn most of the things from youtube.