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Learner Reviews & Feedback for A Voice of Their Own. Women's Spirituality in the Middle Ages. by Universitat de Barcelona

109 ratings

About the Course

Have you ever heard about medieval mysticism or medieval heresies? Have you ever wondered about the particular role women played in medieval spirituality? Do Hildegard of Bingen, Clare of Assisi, Marguerite Porete, the Cathar ladies or Isabel de Villena ring a bell? Have you ever felt like you wanted to know more about them? If your answer to any of these questions was yes, then this MOOC, A voice of their own. Women’s spirituality in the Middle ages is what you were looking for. A Voice of their own is much more than a course. It is an invitation to follow the paths traced by the spiritual experiences of medieval women. It is a challenge that, should you let it, will take you to places where you will see and hear things that will astonish you. Here you will find medieval women playing a major role in the spiritual transformations of the Middle Ages, founding monastic movements and orders, writing about their experiences, traveling the roads of Europe to spread their ideas, creating spiritual landscapes, as well as both material an intangible architectures. In this MOOC, these women will speak to you from the past, and you'll see that their voices still hold great validity in the present....

Top reviews


May 29, 2020

Exactly what I needed. I thought I knew a fair bit about medieval female spirituality, but this course provided a fabulous look into areas and groups I have never discovered. Thank you!


Feb 24, 2025

Amazingly informative and interesting class. I find myself using this information in my life all the time! Wonderfully laid out training.

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26 - 50 of 54 Reviews for A Voice of Their Own. Women's Spirituality in the Middle Ages.

By Melissa D


Feb 20, 2021

This course was completely fascinating and I thoroughly recommend it. The contents and structure were great and professors were all wonderful. Initially I found it hard to understand the videos due to some speedy talkers and strong accents so slowed them to 3/4 speed and put on captions. There were some really terrible mistakes on the captions, someone needs to review them urgently. But these are very small quibbles overall for a course that I truly loved.

By Alejandra M


Aug 4, 2021

La verdad es que me ha sorprendido gratamente y lo recomiendo. He disfrutado mucho y me ha animado a conocer más de cerca a las mujeres con voz propia del medievo, verdaderas fuentes de inspiración y testigos para todos los tiempos. Muchas gracias a la Universidad de Barcelona por este MOOC. ¡Ojalá haya muchos más así! Gracias también a Coursera, ya que de no ser por esta extraordinaria plataforma, no me hubiera sido posible acceder a esta oportunidad.

By Bruna F


Aug 30, 2020

How I enjoy this course! And how important it is! For we basically never hear about religious women in the middle ages, and I gained so much fantastic knowledge here! Thank you to all involved in putting their efforts on spreading information that are not easily accessible to the grand public and in mainstream media. Great public service on helping disseminate the voices of such interesting and wonderful historical women!

By Kathy C


Jan 29, 2021

What an interesting course, rather unique. It could be a little hard to understand some of the speakers, so I used subtitles for some of them.

At the end of the course, there is information about a wonderful website they've made about monastaries / nunneries in Spain--it's so well done, I'll use it the next time I take a vacation there.

I thank them for offering this course!

By Sheila H


Mar 22, 2021

An introduction to an topic that is a little uncommon. The detail and level of scholarship is impressive. The course covers a lot of ground very efficiently and with great enthusiasm. Whilst ranging over western European Christianity it has an interesting focus on the history of women's spirituality on the Iberian peninsula with a particular emphasis on Catalonia.

By Dora I B


Aug 10, 2021

excelente curso con un enfoque novedoso y actualizado del papel desarrollado por mujeres en estos periodos tan poco conocidos, por lo menos para mí Como Profesora de Literatura fue muy placentero acceder a los espacios privados de la mística. Sumamente interesante el aporte de Victoria Cirlot al que accedi por la web.

By Maya B


Apr 24, 2020

Very informative course!! I enjoyed it a lot and learned things that I never knew about women's spirituality. As a religious studies minor I was very pleased with all of the information that was provided in the course and now have a new interest in this topic :)

By Teresa Y


Sep 8, 2020

The course brings me to a new level of understanding about women's spirituality in the middle ages. Their hardships and perseverance have been the legacy for the voice of many women who are promoting social justice and peace in today's world.

By Amada I D M


Jun 8, 2020

This is an amazing course to learn more about history and how the female movement nowadays were influenced by the women who want to express their spirituality in the past.

By sydney r


Feb 24, 2025

Amazingly informative and interesting class. I find myself using this information in my life all the time! Wonderfully laid out training.

By Philip J F ( P


Sep 25, 2022

Highly recommend this course for all who would benefit from learning about the middle ages, especially the spirituality of women.

By fernando g u


Mar 30, 2020

Muy buen curso.No lo voy a terminar por la dinámica de la universidad de barcelona de no hacer los cursos en español.



Oct 11, 2024

Estoy muy agradecida de poder acceder a todo este conocimiento. Ha sido muy amable y enriquecedor. Gracias.

By Mariia V


Mar 4, 2025

Wonderful course! Great opportunity to learn more about women in historical context

By Gabriela D


Jun 17, 2020

Beautiful and informative course.

By luce n


Aug 23, 2021

Very interesting and relevant.

By tara k


Jul 5, 2024

Loved every minute!

By Naegely P (


Dec 1, 2023

Incrível! Parabéns!

By Peta O (


Apr 13, 2019

Very enjoyable

By Paula M F


Feb 24, 2019


By Mona A A


Aug 30, 2020


By Carol L


Aug 3, 2021

Great course! Wonderful information provided with valuable bibliographies so I can continue researching the topic. The presentations were beautifully shot and the presenters interesting. I learned a great deal. My only criticism regards the quizzes and assignments. The initial quizzes often focused on side issues and some of the answers were actually wrong. So it took me several times to pass the initial quizzes which may prove too discouraging for some people taking the course. As evident from the forums, there were also issues around finding people to grade one's assignments. However, I would readily recommend the course and am very glad I completed it.



Dec 3, 2020

Los contenidos están realmente bien. Es un curso muy completo e interesante. Sin embargo, las transcripciones de los vídeos deben ser revisadas y mejoradas, pues hay un buen número de palabras ininteligibles, además de errores que dificultan la relectura una vez finalizado el vídeo (como los comandos para la itálica, que no sólo no funcionan, sino que son ilegibles para el cuadro de texto que presenta Coursera). Son pequeños fallos técnicos a mejorar, pero el curso es muy recomendable.

By Guey-Mei


Mar 30, 2021

With several things to be improved, this course is best for those who "only want to learn history but don't care about quizzes and certification". I have learned something, which is pretty good, but I wish that there had been more support in learning or assignments. Some quizzes were not very helpful, and the instructions weren't exactly clear. Still, the content is interesting.

By Leonie K


Jan 1, 2023

A very interesting course, from which I gained a lot of new knowledge from an engaged team of teachers.

Overall I was very satisfied with the course. However, a point of irritation was the weak - English - transcript.

This was obviously done by someone that had not listened very well to the text - and surprisingly, the team and Coursera let it pass as well.