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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: An Introduction to Digital Currencies by University of Pennsylvania

1,491 ratings

About the Course

What is Cryptocurrency and how is it an innovative and effective method of currency? This course was designed for individuals and organizations who want to learn how to navigate investment in cryptocurrencies. Professors Jessica Wachter and Sarah Hammer will guide you through developing a framework for understanding both Cryptocurrency and Blockchain. You’ll learn how to define a currency, analyze the foundations of digital signatures and blockchain technology in cryptocurrency, and accurately assess the risks of cryptocurrency in a modern investment portfolio. By the end of this course, you’ll have a deep understanding of the realities of Cryptocurrency, the intricacies of Blockchain technology, and an effective strategy for incorporating Cryptocurrency into your investment plans. No prerequisites are required, although "Fintech: Foundations, Payments, and Regulations" from Wharton's Fintech Specialization is recommended....

Top reviews


Jun 28, 2019

This course was everything you said it would be, quite informational but a lot of work. I enjoyed the slides because they were advanced and quite organized with large volume - it is TRUE :) And I als


Aug 23, 2019

The course that introduced me to this field and made me pursue more courses related to these fields. I am deeply indebted to the professors for putting me on this track.Thanks & Regards,Sudarsan

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251 - 275 of 332 Reviews for Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: An Introduction to Digital Currencies

By refiloe b

Apr 23, 2020

As someone who has a background in Banking Compliance I was attracted to this course mainly beaucse I do not know much and I realized after this course that I actually new nothing at all about Cryptocurrency, how they operate and more importantly Blockchain and how it ties in with Cryptocurrency. I enjoyed the course, I found it informative in that it gave me a good understanding of crypto currency and will definitely be moving ahead with the Fintech courses I have been looking at. I enjoyed the Case Studies at the end of Module 4 as they put theory into practice. The best part is that it was free and I could do it in my own time. Thank you Coursera for this offer and Thank you to Wharton Online for sharing your knowledgeable professors. I would definitely recommend this course.

By Sahil T

Sep 19, 2019

Amazing course. I feel much more confident in the subject of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. I liked how the course was structured starting from the basics and then moving forward and touching almost everything. I really enjoyed the last few lectures which were interviews from the startup people and actual practioners from this Fintech field, giving a real life perspective as how and where these concepts are being applied and what is the scope. Teachers were very knowledgeable and explained concepts and theory perfectly and in an easy to understand manner. I would definitely suggest taking this course. Good Luck!

By Rachael E

Aug 11, 2019

Why four rather than five stars? Because of the weekly tests. They're based upon fictitious characters (Batman & Co.) and require interpretation. If you're dyslexic then these are very challenging as they're not written in a way that works. You end up guessing as they're too ambiguous for any association. The content itself is five stars but the test bring it down a little. I'd suggest that they pass them to someone that understands the challenges and approach. Aside from that, I loved the risk pricing, it's been years since I last looked at this subject.

By Tateeboyjp

Dec 10, 2020

More example will be great !!! Overall good and clear explanation of the overview and the concepts but not much into details which is very good for new people who want to start learning about block-chain. First week is simple and overview of block-chain and cryptocurrency. Second week requires some knowledges in technical aspect. Third week requires some knowledges on statistic. ( mean, medium, standard variation etc) last week is the use case which very useful.

By Richa P

Jun 1, 2020

Great introduction to the very complex world of Blockchain innovation. Too much information was crammed into this module, especially in the last part. The examples and real life stories were excellent. Otherwise the content was too abstract and had very few illustrations to explain these complex, paradigm shifting concepts. Once again, there was no list for any further readings to enable this either.

By Julian P

Oct 18, 2021

Before I completed this course, I was in need of a broad crash course on blockchain and cryptocurrencies which this course definitely delivered. I liked the first three parts ("weeks) more as they delivered more details, hands on facts i.e. mathematical formulas, and got straighter to the point for my taste. I am very happy that I completed this course and I would surely recommend it to my friends.

By Philip P

Jul 19, 2019

Some of the content, such as Growth Model, Portfolio theory, capital asset pricing model, complex and could benefit from links and further reading suggestions. Use cases could benefit from more specific practical examples and where they have been used. again suggested links or company / start up examples, fin tech examples etc could be a useful start (as opposed to "that's what google is for"!

By Ian L

Jun 1, 2022

Great course! Having already taken a blockchain course and being fairly knowledgeable on the topic, I felt all of this to be extremely useful information and pretty reinforcing on a lot of what I had learned in the previous online class. I also think this built on top of that learning, especially in the fourth module, as I feel I learned a lot of new information.

By Srinivasan K

Jul 9, 2019

Great course with wide coverage on key concepts and developments about blockchain technology, cryptocurrency and regulatory eco systems and its challenges. Faculties are amazing knowledge and expertise on the topics discussed and quizzing contents are easy to relate. I feel enriched with great knowledge received from finest minds on earth (i.e. Wharton)

By Scott B

Apr 13, 2020

I'd like to see a little more detail and examples of how companies are using blockchain; also would like to learn more about what is keeping blockchain technology from becoming more mainstream. I did enjoy the course and it reinforced a lot of the basics of cryptocurrencies, so my overall knowledge of the technology is better. Thank you.

By Faye O

Aug 19, 2021

One gains significant valuable knowledge about how cryptocurrency and blockchain operates and what are its challenges!

However, in the examination of cryptocurrency as an asset, one is required to be acquainted with (and understand) statistical notions and finance functions, which are not explained sufficiently..

By Ronald G

Feb 21, 2022

Quite informative on how blockchain works and its properties. To fully understand this section one needs to do some outside reading that some sections fully sink in. The only thing I wish that could be improved is that some parts need to be updated to the current state of cryptocurrencies.

By Marc O R

Jan 31, 2022

Professor Wachter was great and actually explained how things worked. It seems like the lecturers did not coordinate much because there was quite a bit of overlap/repetition in content. As in the other module, a number of mistakes and spelling errors in the slides which is frustratring.

By Mark A T

May 31, 2020

It was really an educative course on cryptocurrency and blockchain , it has made me understand blockchain better, i would just like to mention that some of the quiz questions should be checked since i found fault in two of the questions. Thank you

By Ravena

May 22, 2020

The course explains the concept of cryptocurrencies and blockchains together with how they are being used and how they can be used in the FinTech scene. it also addresses the challenges in accounting for cryptocurrencies

By Jin H

Jul 19, 2020

I got a big picture of this new industry, including the common biases, what kinds of niche industries in the ecosystem and the potential opportunities. I like this class! It is my first class in this field.

By Vincent V

Jul 14, 2023

Great Course. Please update the course content to reflect the current status of the blockchain (2023 vs 2018/19). A lot has happened within the blockchain ecosystem since this course was developed.

By Jacqueline M

Nov 28, 2020

a great overall introduction to this area. Well structured and presented. The additional speakers were a bonus and cemented the argument why blockchain and digital currencies are here to stay,

By Denis K

May 6, 2021


Simple. Compact. Suitable to touch the surface of the technology.


No assignments. A lot of names (organizations, terms) stacked. Lack of even simple CS-related explanations.

By bhise a v

Jul 19, 2020

Good course work and information for beginners. Would be good to have some modules that can cover the more recent happenings in the block chain world and some focus on DeFI.

By Aakriti S

Apr 4, 2020

a very nice course!! grabs interest of students but it is from the economics point if view ,there should have been more of computer science stuff too.overall a nice course.


Feb 22, 2021

Really enjoyed the last module by Sarah Hammer. 2nd Module was a little tech heavy. I would suggest more visual information to help keep the content more dynamic.

By Jiacheng L

Jan 4, 2020

Good course, clear and useful contents. Both Jessica and Sarah are giving useful contents. It goes into details about how cryptocurrency works, pretty useful.

By Arun K

Feb 9, 2022

Week 3 and Week 4 are drub, as I was mainly interested in learning about cryptos and blockchains, whereas they discussed mainly about generice finace field

By Adolfo J H

Jan 19, 2022

Good introductory course to Blockchain/Crypto technologies and digital currencies/assets but it needs updating... a lot of things have happened since 2019.