Feb 14, 2016
Bright instructors delivering succinct and interesting content, with quick-paced videos and quizzes make a great learning experience. I am really impressed! Thank you, University of London people!
Nov 11, 2020
A great introductory course in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery & Bootstrap. It doesn't goes very deep into each of these technologies but it gives you enough foundations for you to pursue further.
By Deleted A
•Dec 3, 2020
•Jun 3, 2020
By Nhật M N
•Aug 30, 2021
By Jasur A
•Nov 20, 2020
By Shourov R
•Jul 31, 2020
By Luigi H
•Apr 6, 2017
By panos g
•Jul 31, 2017
It is a very good introductory course to HTML, CSS and JavaScript as well as libraries Bootstrap and jQuery.
However, it does not leave you with a feeling of mastery in any of these technologies. That's to be expected, of course, in the amount of time the course gives you the practice you will have done will not be much. It still must be pointed out that there is not much detailed explanation to the things going on, especially in the JS side of things as a lot of JS elements like arrays and DOM manipulation are completely left out. Hints have been left about these crucial subjects being taught in later courses of the specification but if you are looking to learn in depth/ advanced JS you're better off skipping this course.
The assignments are easy to complete and quite thoroughly explained and give you a good place to start off in order to understand web technologies and responsive design. Overall it gives what it promises and is delightful in its implementation.
By James B (
•Jun 26, 2018
The lessons are really good. They are well presented and give a solid foundation in modern web design. I'm coming from a Java programming background and I found all of the information really helpful. The assessments do let the course down however. The quiz sections are pretty good with the exception of a couple of odd questions. But the peer review assessments are terrible. For week 3 the course is all about an introduction into Javascript and Jquery. Yet the peer review exercise is nothing more than amending some HTML code to change how images display. A trivial and totally irrelevant task.It is a real shame as the lack of care and thought put into the practical exercises somewhat undermines an otherwise solid course.
By Maksym S
•Nov 16, 2015
I'm not completely new to html and even javaScript, but I've read the eloquent Javascript book and was left with a bag of knowledge quite detached from the reality ... What this course does is focussing on the application side of required/acquired knowledge.
The course covers terminology and shows some basic examples, while for the rest, including the homework, expects learners to go and google. It is sort of guided self-learning process, which I'm more than comfortable with.
I don't give the course 5 starts only because I suspect, that people, who are completely new to the subject, would find it difficult to stay motivated. I even think that rather bold anonymous function introduction will be a show stopper for many.
By michael s
•Nov 3, 2015
HTML and CSS were stellar explanations. Matt really has a knack for adding humour to his lecture that kept me engaged and helped me understand as well. Cheers.
The JS portion though was rough. I felt like Marko has an incredible amount of knowledge but the method of the lecturers, content, and layout was hard to grasp on a first-time go. I had to re-watch every lecturer in the JS and I still am having problems...It's obviously a difficult language though and I'm honestly not sure if there actually IS an easier way to teach it. Marko's enthusiasm really showed though, so it helped keep me coming back for more punishment~
Great job all around to everyone! Really good beginner course.
By Xueli T
•May 11, 2016
A short course consists of basic knowledge about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Little jQuery material is also included. It is a great course for me to review my knowledge in this area.
I am not sure if this course contains enough knowledge for the beginners. Also more practical and guided assignments are needed. It will be great if the teacher includes a "Recommended Book" section, as shown in HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers course (https://sale-newyear.com/learn/html-css-javascript-for-web-developers/supplement/8VeLb/recommended-books) .
By Vijai K S
•Jan 19, 2016
Not very thorough in my opinion. I would suggest students to finish the web design for everybody course first. It deals with the most important issues of web design such as accessibility, DOM and a lot more CSS in a good depth. This course kind of brushes up the surface and jumps straight to Bootstrap. This would not really be of much help to a beginner. I presume the courses in the rest of the specialization offer a good bit of explanation atleast. This would be a good course for anyone who wants to simply get things done though :)
By Laurent L
•Apr 2, 2016
I liked the course a lot and learned the basics of html, css and javascript. My main suggestions for improvement would be to extend the course over 8 weeks and spend more time on each subject. I also believe that if we were asked to do an assignment per week (so 8), it would have pushed us to deepen our understanding of the subject matter. That said, I very much enjoyed the course. I also love coursera and the work of all schools that participate with them. Thank-you and keep up the excellent work and valued effort !
By Deleted A
•May 31, 2020
This course is an amazing introduction to web programming. It is surprising how much you can learn in just four weeks. My only complaint is how steep the learning curve is, in week three I (and many other of my course-mates) did not understand some of the concepts we were being taught. The teachers always assume you will continue with the specialization, and say things like "this will be taught in more detail later on".
Besides that, it was great and I totally recommend it.
By doug c
•Dec 27, 2015
Esta bien para comenzar, pero muchos de los contenidos que se necesitan saber para completar tareas y quizes no aparecen en los videos y al investigar cada tema el tiempo real que en el que se termina el curso se extiende, quiza sea de lento aprendizaje, pero lo ideal seria incluir los contenidos necesarios para llevar a cabo las tareas. Pero aun asi le doy cuatro estrellas porque aprendi bastante aunque tuve que ajustar las fechas limites 2 veces seguidas.
By Arnulfo D l P C
•May 14, 2022
It seems to me that the explanations of the topics covered are very good (although I have to be translating). I would only like the activities (tasks or exercises) to be a little more "loaded" towards the students, that is, that the codes that are presented are elaborated by the student. I consider that the topics covered are good enough and, together with the research by the student, what is requested in each exercise would be achieved, in the end.
By Trang P
•Feb 29, 2016
This course was very well organized, but I felt there were big jumps between the lessons within the modules. I would follow fine up to parts 7 or 8 out of 9 or 10 total parts, and then I would be lost. I know there is quite a bit to HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and the professors did a great job to separate the components. For a beginner, I would have liked to spend a bit more time on HTML and CSS for full comprehension before delving into JS.
By Lee C
•Jun 18, 2022
I could say that it's such an amazing basic course for absolute beginners to learn about the responsiveness of a website. But to be honest, some of the assignments are not really beneficial or don't require lots of coding works basically most are already done for us and we just have to complete the remaining bit. I highly appreciate the professors' teaching and a good course to start with.
By Russalia K
•Jul 13, 2016
The course was great and I will be happy to continue with the next one from the stack. There was only one thing, which I would improve - the JavaScript lessons. They were not well explained at all and quite often I felt lost in the videos. I needed to know why the code was written like that, why was there a dot and a space, etc, not see it already written and just go with it.
By Evadry G
•Feb 13, 2016
Great introductory course. The HTML and CSS modules were flawless. The JavaScript module was interesting and useful, but I felt it moved too fast for a beginner, especially someone who doesn't program in any other language like myself. Overall loved it, and will highly recommend it to friends and co-workers. I had so much fun that I went ahead and signed up for the next MOOC!
By Cedric H
•Feb 13, 2016
I've learned a good deal about coding in HTML, CSS and JavaScript through this course. My only complaints are that the lecturer often whizzed through typing portions of the code during his lecture that I had to use more time than my schedule allotted reviewing the video slowly, and that some topics in the test questions didn't match any portion of the lecture.
By Karl S
•Feb 18, 2016
I wouldn't mind if it meant one less certificate but I think it would be great if they let you test out of this and jump right into the 2nd course in the series. The first course is awesome for anyone whose never done any web design before, even if you have coding experience, but its absolutely excruciating for anyone with more basic knowledge of web design.
By Sam D
•Dec 14, 2015
Good concise overview of the basic web design languages - this is a good jumping off point for people looking to get in to Web Design.
Keep in mind though, this covers a very large amount of material in a short amount of time. If you don't have any familiarity with coding already, you will likely need to do a lot of outside research to fill in the gaps.
By Lucy C
•Aug 7, 2016
This course was really informative and the lessons were concisely executed. I recommend the course to anyone looking for a beginner's introduction to coding HTML/Javascript. My only criticism is that I'd like to have more peer-review projects to do, because I think letting other people check someone's work is a good way to see how they can improve.
By Edel J
•May 12, 2016
Very well organised, explained and delivered. Good introdution to good web development. The only aspect I would suggest changing is leaving code visible on screen while under discussion as I found myself going back to see the code after watching someone talk about it. Its nice to see faces but I would prefer to see code as it is being explained.