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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Urban Nature: Connecting Cities, Sustainability and Innovation by Lund University

454 ratings

About the Course

How can we work with nature to design and build our cities? This course explores urban nature and nature-based solutions in cities in Europe and around the world. We connect together the key themes of cities, nature, sustainability and innovation. We discuss how to assess what nature-based solutions can achieve in cities. We examine how innovation is taking place in cities in relation to nature. And we analyse the potential of nature-based solutions to help respond to climate change and sustainability challenges. This course was launched in January 2020, and it was updated in September 2021 with new podcasts, films and publications. The course is produced by Lund University in cooperation with partners from Naturvation – a collaborative project on finding synergies between cities, nature, sustainability and innovation. The course features researchers, practitioners and entrepreneurs from a range organisations....

Top reviews


Sep 25, 2023

I recently had the opportunity to take the course "Urban Nature: Connecting Cities, Sustainability, and Innovation," and I must say that it was a highly enlightening and thought-provoking experience.


Mar 4, 2020

Excellent course I have learned alot about the importance of nature and how nature can be used as a solution for solving urban problems. Great experencie can't wait for the next course.

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126 - 146 of 146 Reviews for Urban Nature: Connecting Cities, Sustainability and Innovation

By Diana B

Jul 27, 2020

Ver y Interesting to see how we really have to have a holistic approach and motivate those who are no yet oonboard

By MD. M L C

May 31, 2020

Nice to know about many different strategies and techniques of urban planning considering the environment. Thanks.

By Saurabh S

May 23, 2021

It was very informative course. I felt it could have been more detailed with some more interesting case studies

By Harrison S

Dec 7, 2020

A general introduction to sustainability if you're going to approach it on a professional level.

By Dyon T

Feb 17, 2020

I found the cource very usefull in my professional everyday work in Urban and rural planing

By Jef D P

May 17, 2021

It is a very interesting course and a good way to provide the course material.

By Ruan C

May 23, 2023

Gostaria que tivessem mais casos práticos. Que fossem melhor explorados

By Patrick S

Oct 19, 2020

Nice course. I would appreciate more real cases to analyze and discuss.

By Maya M G

Mar 29, 2021

Relevant, dynamic, engaging and full of real life examples and cases.

By Jean B

Feb 24, 2020

Fun and insightful but a little disorganized

By Inc. A

Apr 3, 2020

Would love to see more readings

By Sergent B

Feb 7, 2021

Nice this my passion

By Rajashekhar S S

May 5, 2021

The course is different from others and refreshing to see new fields. When I took this course felt most of the content is repeated in videos. Even in every recording the background showing parks and other aspects are the same throughout hence bores the reviewer. All the content presented in this course is not much but due to repetition, it looks like too much content. So I suggest people increase content and while editing videos show more and different examples etc.

By Nina B

Feb 24, 2021

The course was definitely interesting and good in terms of context, however, I found it very frustrating that the readings and the video's were in fact the same! I found the Podcast less useful (I simply do not have the patience for it), but this is a personal preference. I really like that you ask questions during/after the video's.

By Rafik Y Y

Jun 14, 2020

Honestly speaking, I had higher expectations of this course. I was expecting more practical knowledge rather than theoretical info. I liked the last week because I felt that is was the most practical one. My recommendation for this course is to introduce more applications in earlier weeks (in week 3 for example)

By Naresh K G

Sep 17, 2021

The system of peer review is quite faulty. For the same submission, one person gives 6, other 1. It is all ad hoc and lowers the credibility of Coursera. Better system of evaluation is necessary.

By S P

Jun 17, 2020

Course is locked in between the session.Unable to get the certificate

By Derek D

Feb 18, 2021

not as in depth as i would have hoped but helpful none the less!

By Zeenat N

May 15, 2022

while I was enjoying the course, the week 4 quiz did not allow me the 3 attempts and signed me out. Despite paying again for the extension, the course did not allow me to complete either week 4 or 5 . So I am very disappointed

By Aubrey P

Apr 21, 2020

This course has more preaching than learning.

By Inspiartion

Apr 24, 2022

very theorical course, very repetitve, very useless