Dec 4, 2017
Wonder courses for novice and advance users. The courses are not only theory based, at the end of every week there are assignment & quiz, which helps a lot.
Jan 11, 2018
Designing and Development team will realize the impact of usability and be able to fine tune in their products.
By Lahiru K
•Nov 10, 2023
Great Course
By Gowthami C L
•May 27, 2020
good course
By I G C M
•Nov 9, 2021
By Paweł G
•Nov 3, 2019
By Praket S
•Nov 19, 2022
By Julie M
•Aug 22, 2017
This course provided me with information that I could immediately put to use in my company!!
By Pooja S
•Feb 1, 2018
Like the content and the assignments for the beginner level.
By Patrick D
•May 25, 2024
Requires a big refresher on some of the materials presented. Some of the videos show websites from 15 years ago! Not exactly relevant case studies. They've patched it up here and there, which results in different teachers coming and going unpredictably throughout, but it's due for a total overhaul. Also (and this is a Coursera problem) the UI is sometimes comically bad. Coursera needs to work on better screen-responsive design.
By Styliani-Despoina K
•Jan 19, 2019
Not much as I was expected, not very structured and the weekly courses not equally distributed