Oct 4, 2022
The concept of email marketing was completely new to me. The tutor in this course has gracefully explained different aspects of email marketing. I am extremely happy to gain this unique knowledge.
Oct 31, 2022
The concept of email marketing was completely new to me. The tutor in this course has gracefully explained different aspects of email marketing. I am extremely happy to gain this unique knowledge.
By Zaky A
•Sep 16, 2024
By Mohammed I
•Oct 14, 2022
By Abdulrahman W
•Jan 11, 2024
By Linda K
•Oct 20, 2022
By Susanna K
•Nov 6, 2022
Good outline but there are inconsistencies. And it was infuriating to have a question and not know where to go. Perhaps I'm missing out on the part in this course where you can ask a question and actually get an answer.
CTOR is it "unique clicks" or "clicks" I posed this question in multiple places and was never given an answer. If an email contains several CTA, or a person clicks several times on the email, what counts? how is "number of clicks" tracked? I believe it's one click per person, or "if a person clicks through an email it's counted as ONE click". I'm guessing. Sometimes the use of "Unique clicks" and "clicks" was used as the same thing.
Also, in the quiz I had a hard time distinguishing between some Specific, Measurable questions. Determining whether it was Demographic, Psychographic or Behavioral. referring me "back to the video" did not help much. And giving the answers missed once we passed would be helpful. I'm missing the distinction between Psychographic and Behavioral when different examples are given. I'm still not certain.
By Jessica J
•Feb 21, 2024
While this course had some practical elements, it seemed far too focused on the language and jargon used to measure and interpret email marketing success. I work in a small organization and no one I work with uses most of this language, so the intense focus on that was kind of useless to me (e.g., I've had to explain the difference between pageviews and unique pageviews on our website to colleagues before...having to explain all the different "rates" that can measure emails is just not going to happen). I wish there was less focus on vocabulary and more on best practices.
By Albert B
•Jul 8, 2022
This course is just okay. There are some mistakes in the curriculum, the quality control is not very good. I don't find that the quiz questions were well written, and the practical applications didn't demand much. Discussion topics seem to just be course filler. "Which email platform are you excited about learning and why?"
I really enjoyed the first three courses, and I have high hopes for the analytics chapter. I feel like this one was a MVP to be improved later.
By Anthony M
•Dec 4, 2023
Not a bad course. this had a bunch of activities towards the end which felt like a flood. I feel this should have been spaced around the whole course. This course was very long and was personally my least favorite one so far. I hope this one was just a bump in the road for me.
By Sam S
•Jun 9, 2022
This one was the most hands-on course from the Digital Marketing & e-commerce program. I was happy to have more opportunities to work and create with some of the practices but I wish there were more development and feedback with some of the work in this program.
By Ananya G
•Feb 26, 2024
I struggled a lot during this course because I believe there is a lack of information and proper instructions. I wish this course had a more in-depth learning experience. I'm still struggling with learning how to present in front of stakeholders.
By Hammad Y
•Sep 18, 2024
لقد انتظرت كثيرا لانهي الدورة وفي الاخير الشهادة التي اخذها ليست محترفة بالمرة !!! تبدو وكانها مزورة او تصميم ولد وليس موقع له سمعته
By Rosemarie M
•Jun 24, 2023
Very basic and introductory. Get hands on experience doing some exercises. Caught a couple of mistakes in the course.
By Ariane L
•Sep 30, 2024
I liked the course but the audio issues distracted me from the content that I almost didn't want to finish it.
By Morena L
•Sep 17, 2024
There is too much video content and alot of information is repetitive.
By Dan P
•Jul 30, 2024
A lot of information, some useful, some very confusing.
By Таня К
•Jan 15, 2025
з усіх курсів цей був найважчим особисто для мене
By vedashri m
•Oct 3, 2022
good course for email mrkt
By Samra Z
•Oct 15, 2024
By Rhonda F
•Jan 19, 2023
I learned some useful information in the very beginning of the course, and I appreciate that. We did get practice creating email campaigns. That was another positive.
It seemed the rest of just filling time. If we'll never need to use the formulas given because email marketing software automates this, why put so much emphasis on it? And why make it such a critical part of the quizzes?
There were also some discrepancies. When what the instructor said didn't match what was on the screen, which should we believe? It turned out there was no consistent answer. I searched elsewhere and found what I needed.
By Lindsey A
•Nov 17, 2023
My least favorite course. Email Marketing focuses' equally on the content as much as they do the metrics. However, I found the final quiz of this course to not be worded to be easily understood. The scenarios were not easy to grasp, whereas the previous module quizzes were. It has been the only final quiz I have failed 3x with the same grade (75%) and had to wait to retake, while my prior quizzes of this module were 80s and 90s.
By Marilyn P
•Aug 3, 2022
Could not open most of the Exemplor reports as I use an Apple computer and Powerpoint is not an accepted app. Google - a large number of people use Apple so making courses accessible to everyone should be a priority.
By cristopher l
•Nov 9, 2023
Way to much fluff. There was some good information in the course but They padded it with too much stuff that wasn't related to marketing. This entire course could have been a single article.
By Александр С
•Jan 27, 2025
мне показалось что маркетинг по почте был самым не информативных из всех 5
By nathan k
•Aug 15, 2022
This one is bad and confusing. Math are hard.
By Pawan k s
•Jul 25, 2023