Feb 25, 2021
Courses from the University of Michigan are always awesome. Hats off to Margaret Wooldridge, mam. Thank you so much, Coursera and the University of Michigan for making this outstanding experience.
Jul 24, 2019
Great course. But I was also hoping to get an in-depth analytical understanding of the second law of thermodynamics and the zeroth law as well. But I really enjoyed it and definitely learned a lot.
By woohyun y
•May 14, 2017
By Mohan R
•Apr 20, 2017
By yashar k s
•Oct 4, 2016
By Navneet K
•Jun 13, 2021
By 121710802068 N A
•May 18, 2021
By Amit M
•Jul 26, 2017
By Tipu M
•Aug 31, 2022
By Íngrid A
•May 22, 2022
By abhishek r c
•Apr 13, 2020
By Tran L H
•Dec 10, 2018
A pretty good "beginner" course for the people who are completely new for the subjects (apart from a few basic understanding from their high school classes of physics/chemistry). The pace and explanation are pretty fit for people to receive a better "absorption" rate for knowledge, so to speak. The examples in videos are quite good too, with enough working to guide people through the problems, not to mention the discussion videos where large-scale application of thermodynamics is used.
However, it is not "really enough" for someone who wants more in-depth training to revise for the thermodynamics at any university.
By Stathis T
•Jul 28, 2023
It's a really good and it is what the title of the course says. The only problem which is a big one is that because this course is old, the steam table calculator that you get recommended isn't free anymore. Or at least some of the functions that were free back when the course was published aren't free now and you can only use it during the weekend so that means many questions that require the calculator you can't answer them. Other than that the teacher explains thing very simply without overcomplicating things!
•Jul 12, 2020
The course is extremely helpful if you already have some prior knowledge in thermodynamics. It helps you to work on your prior knowledge with in between questions and the quizzes after every week help you to assess yourself on how far have you come across the topics covered. the only thing you need to do is read the topic carefully and need some help with the numericals with other practice from some books.
By Jakob M
•Feb 24, 2017
Great course and a very friendly professor :) However there were some mistakes here and there, which are annoying because you do not expect a professor to make such mistakes. Furthermore there could be more up to date, data. Especially data on energy use etc should not be from the year 2004 if we are in 2017. Overall though a biiiiiig thank you!
By Svetoslav D
•Apr 14, 2019
Overall good and informative course, for those who never get in touch of thermodynamics. I found it little hard since my field is computer science, but in this course I manage to get basic idea of thermodynamics. I can say that I see the world little different now and have explanation of some of the events round us.
By Alexey K
•Jun 7, 2020
Decent course. Goes into enough detail to give a nice broad view of thermodynamics overall, but not too much detail that it becomes boring (although there are some cumbersome moments in the course). I would recommend this course if you want to learn more about this field and are aspiring to study/work in it.
By sone k
•Apr 23, 2021
Very good lectures. Clear explanations. I really liked the overview of the current state of energy sources and renewables ones in the world. The only drawback is that I think it should be more practical examples which will clearly show the principles of thermodynamics. Anyway, great work!
By Steven G
•Oct 2, 2016
This is a very interesting and rewarding course. It would help if the format was broken up a bit more. Perhaps with some video of power plants, turbines, etc. I enjoyed the "excursions" to see the jet engine and internal combustion engine. More like that would liven the material up a bit.
By Haojian ( B
•Feb 22, 2022
The whole on-line leanring experience is fine, but for this course, it is highly recommended to have more working examples prior to the Quiz of the week. Also if you did something wrong within the Quiz, there's no feedback around how to solve the question around it which is a big nono...
•Nov 29, 2021
Un buen curso, a la altura de mis expectativas. El único problema que encontré son los subtítulos. Al activarlos llegan a cubrir parcialmente las imágenes del video y como en repetidas ocasiones aparecen las anotaciones hechas por el profesor, los subtítulos estorban.
By Andrew L
•Jan 16, 2017
Excellent overview of the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. I gained insight into how power is generated across the world and became more fluent in working with concepts such as work, enthalpy, entropy, total internal energy, specific heat, and others.
By Sumit M T
•May 7, 2020
it was really good course i learned lots of stuff during this course . high qualified teacher tough us lost of key knowledge of this particular topic. i personally enjoy to have this course and i took lots of positive from this course
By John R
•Jan 2, 2017
A useful course for anyone in chemical engineering. I enjoyed the material. Its well structured. Would be nice if Professor Wooldridge gave more example problems.
By Sohaib H
•Nov 2, 2016
Course is great and very useful for thorough understanding of Thermodynamics. But Exergy and Second law efficiency was not discussed. It should also be included
By Ravikumar T
•May 23, 2020
I strongly recommend this course who wanted to learn basics of thermodynamics. Good understandings of subject and author was explained the concept very well.
•Aug 20, 2020
Some terms like entropy and enthalpy could have been explained in detail . Use of the real life problem was one of the best aspect of this course. Loved it.