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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Evolution: A Course for Educators by American Museum of Natural History

325 ratings

About the Course

How are all of the species living on Earth today related? How does understanding evolutionary science contribute to our well-being? In this course, participants will learn about evolutionary relationships, population genetics, and natural and artificial selection. Participants will explore evolutionary science and learn how to integrate it into their classrooms....

Top reviews


Aug 31, 2017

A very interesting and comprehensive course. I would reccomend you write down your answers to the quizzes, because there were some slight glitches. Overall a very good course.


Apr 17, 2019

Very informative course to understand evolution. Normally evolution terms and subject give more confusion but through this course, we definitely understand the easy way.

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1 - 25 of 97 Reviews for Evolution: A Course for Educators

By S. A V


Jun 29, 2020

I really enjoyed this course. It captured what Evolution is, in a nutshell and gave us plenty of ideas and resources to help us teach it effectively to our students.

By Harrison H


Jul 14, 2017

It is a very interesting course and is presented by great teachers. Would definitely recommend to any one interested in evolution.

By Dr. A K


May 2, 2020

It is a well designed course for the Educators. In between the lectures, behind the scences video and Science bulletins were excellent. Nice overview of Evolution.

By Ricardo V


Dec 2, 2015

Very interesting, love it. Just a constructive criticism: it would be better if the actual content and the "how to teach it" could be even more connected. There are several evolution courses out there with different levels of deepness but, as far as I known, is difficult to find courses on "ok, how to talk about this in class". You should include things that "how to avoid the trap of starting discussions with religious people and if you enter one of such, how to deliver the msg without going into a fight... and anti-R.Dawkings approach". Or another nice topic could be "how to counter-attack usual/frequent anti-evolution arguments in class" and so on. I mean... I would like to go beyond the content and be even more "for educators". But please, don't get me wrong, the course was awesome.

By Teresa L


Apr 28, 2018

I enjoyed this online course on evolution. I learned how to clarify some tough concepts with my high school kids. I am disappointed though in the lack of communication from you when there were questions. I looked at the discussion forums regularly, but found no responses from you. I feel more interaction with your participants is in order. Also, I have yet to find how to get my course certificate.

By Carlos A R


Sep 8, 2019

Excelente curso! Una puesta al día sobre lo que "sabemos" sobre la evolución, con base en las evidencias disponibles a partir de las investigaciones científicas de primer orden. Muy importante destacar el énfasis en utilidad de la evolución en la vida diaria y en el bienestar humano, de los seres vivos y del planeta. Finalmente, el curso aporta valiosos métodos y estrategias para la enseñanza de la evolución. Una mención especial a la calidad del material (vídeo y lectura) y a los muy valioso recursos que han puesto a disposición. Estoy seguro que una sociedad que comprenda la evolución, de donde venimos y todo lo que nos conecta con el resto del planeta nos hará una sociedad mejor.

By Alexia T


Sep 28, 2024

This course has great information that can help with the degree I am working on , which is secondary science education ( biological sciences ). The course itself is organized great and the quizzes are short , but effective. The peer review assignment is the first I have done on Coursera , which I find fun. I love reading everyone's work and providing feedback. Now I just have to wait for my peer review to come in , so I can be finished with this course!

By nick v


Feb 12, 2020

I would say that this is a five star course that has helped me understand several aspects of evolution, its practicality, and usefullness. However, this is not a course that you would go in a great depth into the findings of evolution , but it will give you anything you need to know about evolution, in order to understand what it is, how it came up into being a scientific theory, why is usefull, and what it has to offer to the world !!!

By Guy L


May 10, 2017

This was a great course with an engaging and informative presentation of both the scientific information (thanks Dr. Cracraft) as well as the educational insights (thanks Dr. Randle) into not only how to understand but how to teach this complicated information. The emphasis on teaching it as a valuable, active science will surely be better received than teaching it as static facts. Thanks to all who made this course available!

By Patricio C y C


Apr 16, 2017

This is a great course for anyone interested in teaching evolutionary topics in the classroom. The lectures are well organized and are easy to follow, and the assessments are manageable and useful for reinforcing all the material. I particularly liked all the different teaching resources offered or facilitated by this course, as I will likely be incorporating many of them into my lesson plans.

By Gilberto O S F


Nov 29, 2020

It was a great course, the balance between readings and videos is excellent, I want to read the texts and watch the videos one more time. The questions of the exams are very well elaborated. The alternation between the drivers of the videos makes the course interesting. I congratulate you for your great work.

By Tera L


Oct 31, 2015

This course did what it said it was going to do. I feel more confident in my teaching ability and am walking away with a notebook full of understanding and ways to incorporate my learning into my eighth grade science classroom! Thank you for gearing this course to educators! It was quite benefic

By Chester R F


Nov 15, 2019

I'm an adjunct at a Community college and this course gave me ideas how to incorporate evolution into my lecture. I also learned a lot about current evolutionary science that I didn't know. Though geared to secondary school teachers this is also an excellent course for college level educators.

By Muhammed S K M


May 18, 2020

This a very useful course for those who want to become teachers of evolution. Discussions on phylogenetic tree made me understand the basics of tree building. You will come across with lots of resources which will be helpful for you in teaching of evolution and also teaching in general.

By Thaís R P


Apr 14, 2020

Amazing course! Este curso melhorou definitivamente meus conhecimentos sobre evolução e ideias de como melhorar o ensino de evolução em sala de aula. Super didático e leve, com um bom equilíbrio de informações gerais e específicas. Feliz pela oportunidade.

By Luana S


Apr 30, 2020

Um dos melhores cursos que participei em toda minha carreira, sendo o primeiro online. Os textos são muito ricos e as formas de ensino que nos mostram nesse curso são extremamente diversas e nos dão uma base muito boa para a sala de aula. Obrigada.

By jill a l


Feb 8, 2016

I took this class for general knowledge. As a Teacher Naturalist for years, I wanted the additional education and perspective on new topics (AIDS, TB in Russia, new findings etc). "Brushing up" via a class like this was perfect.

By Marcus V B C


Sep 14, 2017

Excelente, o melhor curso que já pude fazer. Eu gostaria de pedir que colocassem legendas em português porque muitas pessoas me perguntaram sobre isso e querem fazer em português.

By Irene M G


Feb 10, 2016

Un curso muy interesante para profundizar. Hacen falta conocimientos básicos sobre la evolución humana y las teorías darwinistas para poder sacarle el máximo partido. Lo recomiendo.

By Griffin G


Aug 31, 2017

A very interesting and comprehensive course. I would reccomend you write down your answers to the quizzes, because there were some slight glitches. Overall a very good course.

By Luisa F B


Oct 4, 2016

Nice course to introduce students into a very interesting topic. The material and information are easy to understand and use not only for the teacher but the students as well.



Apr 17, 2019

Very informative course to understand evolution. Normally evolution terms and subject give more confusion but through this course, we definitely understand the easy way.

By Kenelma P


Apr 8, 2021

This was an excellent course that was well thought out when created. It challenges participants to fully understand the science content at her/his own pace!

By marites g


May 19, 2021

A fantastic course where Ive learned how to discuss about the history and origin of everything.Thank you Coursera !Keep up the good works!

By Chris E


Aug 17, 2015

Very interesting, Loved the detail and course work, cant wait to do another on from the AMNH. Thank you for a well put together course.