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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Teacher's Social and Emotional Learning by University of Colorado Boulder

648 ratings

About the Course

Social and emotional learning, or SEL, programs have flourished in schools during the last decade. While this growth has been impressive, inadequate attention has been paid to teachers’ social and emotional learning. In this course Dan Liston and Randy Testa introduce you to various rationales for why teacher SEL is needed as well as examine and reflect on various emotions in teaching and learning. This course is a part of the 5-course Specialization “The Teacher and Social Emotional Learning (SEL)”. Interested in earning 3 university credits from the University of Colorado-Boulder for this specialization?? If so check out "How you can earn 3 university credits from the University of Colorado-Boulder for this specialization" reading in the first module of this course for additional information. We want to note that the courses in this Specialization were designed with a three-credit university course load in mind. As a participant you may notice a bit more reading content and a little less video/lecture content. Completing and passing the SEL Specialization allows the participant to apply for 3 graduate credits toward teacher re-certification and professional enhancement. We want to ensure the quality and high standards of a University of Colorado learning experience. Interested in earning 3 graduate credits from the University of Colorado-Boulder for The Teacher and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Specialization? Check out "How you can earn 3 university credits from the University of Colorado-Boulder for this specialization" reading in the first week of this course for more information....

Top reviews


Jan 5, 2019

I was feeling down about my recent teaching experiences and this course has reconnected me to why I began teaching in the first place. I will return to the readings for future enlightenment.


Jul 19, 2020

This is such brainstorming course for me to learn, I have to read, review and analyzes a lot material and that's fun. I am enjoyed this program. I hope I can see more project like this

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1 - 25 of 203 Reviews for The Teacher's Social and Emotional Learning

By Rajat T

Jan 8, 2020

This course needs some modifications. There's a lot of reading materials. I wish there were more interactive parts such as case studies , interviews, and peer guided assignments.

By Carol S

Jun 25, 2021

The topic sounded interesting. However, the course isn't really "taught." There are a few short videos. The remainder of the course consists of dated reading assignments, a full-length movie about a teacher, and some TedTalk videos.

By María I S

Mar 16, 2020

It was very interesting to think about why teachers tend to lose the passion they used to have when they started teaching. It also helped me to realize why I want to keep doing this job. Most of the time we are really busy grading our students, attending to meeting with no purpose, or being trapped in educational politics that have no meaning while you are in the class, but we do not take the time to think about our emotions and how this affects our work

By Omar T

Mar 25, 2020

I would like to thank Dr. Dan Liston and Dr. Randy Testa for their insightful viewpoints on the subject matter. This course is amazingly interesting! If you are new to SEL, you should definitely consider taking this course. I have learned so many things about teacher's social and emotional learning. I also learned how to grow grit as well as how to deal with despair.

By Trevor W G

Jul 19, 2019

I loved this course, it was a lot more involved in developing a foundation, of emotional intelligence and self efficacy for teachers than I expected. The sincerity and dedication of John Liston to making a positive impact on educators taking this course was apparent in the pdfs he authored - it was a joy and a privilege to take this course.

By Eugenia K

Jan 5, 2018

The course was too theoretical, based on long reading passages bordering on literature rather than scientific essays based on research or actual findings. I enjoyed the ted-ex videos, some of which I had already seen before anyway. I would prefer a course which is more to the point, more based on video talks rather than long texts written from a personal perspective. I will not be continuing with the rest of the course, I have not found it very helpful or enlightening.

By Mareike W

Sep 15, 2021

When taking a class called social emotional learning I expect that the teachers of the subject connect with their students on exactly that level. This is not the case with the course. The intro videos are short and of nondescript nature. The materials are not prepared for an audience at all. Scanning pages of a 70 year old book, no matter how relevant the context still is, is just bad. It is not engaging at all, just plain boring. One video of a TED talk from week 2 had no relation whatsoever to social emotional learning at all.

I have a masters degree in engineering and I am used to teaching myself and reading complicated texts about physical chemistry, material sciences, etc. but I have to say, this was one of the worst classes I have ever taken.

By Lisa L L

Sep 18, 2021

I thought that the reading were dry, hard to connect to, and very hard to understand the point that was being portrayed. I don't feel like I got much out of this course except learning how to slow down my reading to try to understand old philosophical language.

By Girls i t S H H

Sep 22, 2020

This course is fundamental for anyone teaching or considering teaching. Teachers are the models for kids and it's crucial that administrators and districts support the wellness and growth of their teachers. This course was eye-opening since I was a former public school teacher - I don't recall this being a part of the school I worked for and all the professional development at the time revolved around technology in the classroom and documentation, there's so much more to successful teaching. Also, As a parent, it's a great reminder to consider all that our teachers juggle on any given day - we can be proactive supporters for funding for their personal and professional growth.

By Yvette W

Aug 31, 2020

I had to really calm a part of myself that felt that I was wasting my time in this first module that took on a kind of philosophical and thoughtful approach.

In my restlessness, I felt that I needed to shift my attention more to curriculum or technologies.

Yet, after each lesson I found that the part of my restlessness that needed to be quenched progressively through this course.

Language such as "despair" and "joys in teaching" became vivid and real. This 1st module has really made a powerful impact on the intangible, and I am thankful.

By Boon H S

Oct 20, 2019

This course is resourceful and provide wide range of knowledge. It is important to note that self-learning is a key factor to succeed in this course as materials are given to learners to read by themselves. Nonetheless, I love how it gives space and time for learners to think by themselves or to have own opinions in different matters.u

By Jessica W

Apr 21, 2019

Awesome, research based, practical, engaging and relevant. This is an excellent course for those who work in education and want to learn more about the importance of Teacher's knowing themselves and their emotions, students social emotional learning and social emotional program choices for school wide and classroom implementation.

By Korinne

Sep 29, 2020

This course had helped understand in depth on how social and emotional aspects of a teacher's life can greatly affect students' life as well. I recommend taking this course for teachers and aspiring teachers to ready us in understanding more how we can fully connect with ourselves and with our students in the future.

By Pavithra N

Oct 29, 2020

This course is a thought provoking and enriching ride to one beginning the journey to understand the need and importance of teachers' social and emotional well being. Highly recommend it. Thoroughly enjoyed the videos and reading material put together to make a delectable first course in this specialisation.

By Khoiri N

Jul 19, 2020

This is such brainstorming course for me to learn, I have to read, review and analyzes a lot material and that's fun. I am enjoyed this program. I hope I can see more project like this

By Synthia W

May 4, 2020

I loved the readings and videos in this program. I am grateful to be able to expand on my own well-being so that I can continue to pursue supporting the 'whole being' of my students.

By Fleischer S

Sep 8, 2019

Sometimes I found the material repetitive and too theoretical. We learned about how to improve engagement and how to connect with pupils in a way completley not showing these. Altough, I was challenged to read a lot in English and also I found some intereting topics and text. I wont recomend this course for an active teacher, I belive this is for those who learn for academics.

By Joseph J

Jun 18, 2023

FOR THOSE TRYING TO COMPLETE THE CAPSTONE! DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!!!!! IT IS A DEAD COURSE AND NO ONE WILL GRADE YOUR WORK It seems to be a dead class, no one seems to be enrolled and no one grades the courses. It also seems to never be complete; the ending course gives you numerous options to complete (either review a movie on how it applies to SEL or write how you will apply SEL in your classroom/school), but the way that these MOOCs are set up pushes you to finish every option or else you don't get a grade. Speaking of grades, no one seems to be enrolled so no peers grade your work. Overall, you cannot finish this capstone because the options method is busted and no one is available to grade your work. Save your money and time and move on to something else. I will edit if something changes but its been months and I am going to complain to coursera about either waking up the moderators of this course or delisting it from their program selection.

By Stephan M

Aug 29, 2019

Hard to teach SEL skills online. Didn't like it. As an SEL specialist in my school district, we like the face to face engagement. That's how we grow our emotional intelligence skills. I paid a lot for this course and didn't finish, YET. Should've canceled after the first lesson unit. Not a problem, but wish I could get my money back.

By Celeste T

Mar 2, 2021

This course has been very informative. It helped me to better understand myself as a teacher. To really examine my own thoughts, feelings and behaviors as an early learning teacher. The instructors have kept my interest and shared a lot from their personal experiences which has helped me to broaden my own ideas and thoughts in regards to emotional learning and social life in regards to students. Thank you for all the insight I will certainly apply several of the principals. I especially enjoyed the film on "Monsieur Lazhar."

By David P

Jun 26, 2022

Quite Good. Raises questions and leaves room for you to discover your own answers. I believe that you get quite a bit out of the connections you yourself formulate as a reader of the materials the course facilitates. With this being said, there may be times when a writer's point of view seems outdated. When this is the case, think about how it might apply today and how it relates to the rest of the course and you will most likely have a rewarding experience.

By Maryuri M

May 2, 2021

I wish to THANK YOU deeply for every reading, video, movie and even for mentioning other authors and their work:

Dewey’s creed ... confirmed that I am on the right pat!

In addition to this, aspects concerning to colleagues’ interaction as well as “back breaking moments in teaching” became so clear -after almost 20 years of teaching!

I am looking forward to meeting professor Dan and thanking him personally; his legacy is definitely one of a kind!

By Yadira V

Aug 31, 2023

me agradado mucho los casos y las experiencias impartidos por los profesionistas, son un ejemplo para mi ahora sé, por medio de las técnicas y procesos, como poder resolver problemas, también de la importancia que se le da a la practica cuando existen los errores, de los cuales podemos corregir y ser empáticos con todos , para obtener un mejor razonamiento de conocimientos y experiencias con los demas

By W. A D

Jan 27, 2022

As an educator who has worked in the field for over 25 years, I have experienced my share of despair, heartache, and burnout. This course equips teachers with the tools and steps to maintain their passion for the noble profession of teaching. Dr. Dan Liston and Dr. Randy Testa share their years of personal learning and all the relevant literature on the teacher's social and emotional learning.