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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries by École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

3,404 ratings

About the Course

Have you come across large piles of garbage in neighbourhoods and streets and smelly waste disposal sites polluting the environment of low- and middle-income countries? Do you want to know what kind of sustainable solutions are appropriate to better manage waste and enhance recycling and recovery? If yes, this course is for you! This course provides you with an overview of the municipal solid waste management situation in low- and middle-income countries. It covers key elements of the waste management system, such as its technical, environmental, social, financial and institutional aspects. Besides understanding the challenges, you will be introduced to appropriate and already applied solutions through selected case studies....

Top reviews


May 12, 2020

This course is very well designed and easy to understand because of dedicated and experience personnel who are delivering the content. Use of case study is well planned at various sections in course.


Feb 27, 2017

Great introduction. It covers a wide range of issues concerning waste management and I thought the material was relevant and reflected my own observations of waste management in developing countries.

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26 - 50 of 1,122 Reviews for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries

By Albina T

Oct 24, 2016

I really enjoyed the course and strongly recommend it to everyone! During the past few weeks, I have learned so many new things about waste management in general and particularly about technologies applied and organic waste management. The mentors present the information in a fascinating way with a use of graphics, charts, pictures of real examples, giving a straightforward explanation of each topic. I found this course extremely useful and definitely will apply gained knowledge in my work. Thank you!

By Ashwani D

Mar 12, 2019

This course really important if anyone wants to understand the crux of Waste Management if Developing Countries. The entire methodology is very exciting and full of energy. At no point i felt deviated from the topics as everything is so well designed. The best thing is sharing of case studies which has already executed or in the process and examples at every step. These things really helped in understanding the basic core of MSWM. A big thanks to Dr. Christian Zurbrügg and Imanol Zabaleta.

By César G P T

Jun 25, 2019

It is a very prepared course. In my opinion one of the best courses I have ever taken in the area of solid waste management. I am a mechanicha engineer with a speciality in sanitary engineering and during my speciality studies, I took subjets related with urban solid waste but the information that I got it was not enough useful like you are offering to us. So, in conclusion, it was a pretty well course, and I enjoyed it. The videos and information is so great to understand.

By LaiaHN

May 4, 2020

Very satisfied with the teachers, who were friendly and showed great passion for their work. The content is varied and you can get a nice overview of the alternatives, challenges and planning of SWM. The course also provides additional links to obtain more information about the topics that each student finds more relevant. I would definitely recommend it to anyone, since all citizens should have a better understanding of how our waste is managed.

By Adetunji S

May 18, 2020

Learnt tons of valuable information about waste management. Glad i took the course

By Carlos E S A

Jul 1, 2020

Primeiramente gostaria de enfatizar que este é um excelente curso para aqueles que desejam conhecer mais sobre o assunto e criar metodologias para estruturar algo, ou até mesmo para aqueles que desejam começar do zero. São apresentados diversos documentos de referência, situações reais como exemplos práticos e boa exposição de ideias.

Minha avaliação é de 5 estrelas, pois o curso (classificado com dificuldade intermediária) correspondeu ás minhas expectativas de aprendizado, segundo também a ementa apresentada inicialmente, e achei que o conteúdo foi muito bem apresentado, mesmo que superficialmente em alguns aspectos.

Dos pontos negativos entram as inconveniências de um curso virtual, logo não considerei na minha análise... Contudo, ressalto que, portanto, podem existir certas questões difíceis no aprendizado, como: a rapidez de conseguir respostas para suas dúvidas; os graus de exposição e de cobrança dos assuntos; a interatividade nas aulas; etc. Para citar, os testes ao final de cada módulo só permitem uma tentativa a cada 7 dias, o que considero um período muito longo e enviei duas perguntas das quais nenhuma obteve resposta...

Espero que este feedback possa ajudar os futuros alunos.

Muito obrigado a todos que participaram para tornar este curso possível!

By LIzbeth C C

Jul 11, 2022

Soy mexicana, por lo que haber tomado el curso en inglés me ayudo mucho a mejorar mi competencia en el idioma.

En cuanto al contenido, me parece que está muy completo, y muy práctico, los ejercicios, cuestionarios, e intervenciones en cada vídeo con algunas preguntas o participaciones en el foro fueron de mucha ayuda.

El mejor curso hasta ahora que he tomado, considerando que estudie una Maestría en Residuos sólidos urbanos.

La intervención de varios participantes, el material compartido y las ligas de consulta es información que sin duda ayuda mucho.

Me parece que los casos de estudios mostrados fueron bien fundamentados y presentan alternativas muy viables.

Excelente curso, tal vez considerar que en los países en vías de desarrollo hay otros países como los de Latinoamérica que presentan tal vez una complejidad distinta y que sería interesante también conocer desde algunas buenas prácticas o colaboraciones que seguramente algunas agenicas internacionales han tendio.

Estoy satisfecha con el curso, quieisera saber cómo hacer para tener acceso al menos por un tiempo a l contenido, ya que es de mucha ayuda y más en quienes trabajamos con el tema de Residuos Sólidos.

By Kushal H

Nov 29, 2024

It is a very insightful and practically oriented course. I found the content of the course very good, furthermore, the lectures were engaging and thought-provoking. There are lot more to read from the free reading materials they provide in the course. I would say it is important to apply what we learn from this course as waste management is urgently needed everywhere and it needs everyone's involvement right from individuals to municipalities to national governments. I completed the course with a certificate, a certificate to remind me that I only know the tip of the iceberg in this subject, a reminder for me 'lots to learn and lots more to do.'

By Vida V S

Aug 12, 2023

A well-made course that provides references. You wouldn't simply watch the videos - they will make you analyze, they made it brief, concise, and meaty which is the best for online learning. I like how it made me think of possible case studies or papers I can propose for different areas in my country. The dedication to the arrangement and content of the lectures deserves praise. I just have the mention that some of the items on the quiz are quite tricky for me there are play with words or you really must have the presence of mind when doing the quizzes.

By Pablo C

Sep 29, 2020

Quiero dejar patente mi plena satisfacción por este curso. Mis expectativas han sido ampliamente sobrepasadas y el cúmulo de nuevos conocimientos me deja una gran satisfacción y al mismo tiempo un compromiso en poder compartir en mi entorno este conocimiento y habilidades, para beneficio de la comunidad. Deseo felicitar a todos los Profesionales que han liderado el curso, espero un día poder tenerlos en nuestro país para agradecer en persona.

Si quieres aprender de Manejo de Desechos Sólidos en Países en Desarrollo, no lo dudes este es el curso.

By Inda A S

Jun 25, 2020

One of my favorite courses that are available on the internet. It enhances my scope of knowledge on the understanding of Municipal Solid Waste Management and gives us a wide variety of options with waste treatment technologies as well. The course is hundred percent recommendable and I fully recommend to try this course if you are working in the related profession be - a governmental organization or an NGO or running a waste management social private company for a profit. Thank you to all lecturers and organizers of the course.


Jul 13, 2023

Hola soy JORGE ENRIQUE SOTO CIFUENTES, Vivo en la ciudad de San José del Guaviare Colombia; para mi ha sido una experiencia muy bonita y de gran importancia por que fortaleció mi conocimiento y aprendí sobre el manejo de los Residuo Sólidos, los cuales pueden ser aplicados en mi regios, por eso fue un excelente curso y cumplió con mis expectativas, un saludo a todos los profesores mentores que hicieron parte de es tan importante proceso de formación para con todo nosotros los aprendices, Dios los bendiga hasta pronto,👌

By Henry Y

Dec 12, 2023

Memberikan banyak insight yang sangat berguna dan cocok diterapkan terutama di wilayah permukiman maupun perdesaan yang ada di negara berkembang. Dibahas secara kontekstual, kursusnya sangat direkomendasikan diambil terutama untuk para regulator di tingkat kabupaten/kota. Ayo ASN daerah daripada nganggur youtube-an lebih baik memanfaatkan waktu dan sumber daya yang ada dengan mengambil kelas ini lalu merekomendasikannya dengan sabar kepada atasan anda hingga dapat diaplikasikan. Saya juga akan mencobanya. Terimakasih.

By Johann B B

May 24, 2020

Excellent course! I did this while working on site in Indonesia for a Project to establish a Circular Economy System behind ocean plastic in the region. This course has helped me to gain examples, knowledge and inspired to keep working, that this challenge is complex, but it is possible to solve! :) Thank to the Professors of the course also for the passion shared and for all the extra material and books! I have downloaded all and using them constantly now! Gracias, Danke, Terima kasih, Thank you!


Dec 12, 2020

In the beginning, I was only interested in "The Composting Process" but this course unexpectedly was quite above my objectives. I come out of it with relevant and enriching knowledge about Solid Waste Management and I even plan to implement some of the technologies and strategies to help my community find a way to manage their municipal waste in a near future.

All my thanks to the facilitators of this course who put things as simple as possible so that we could assimilate its content.

By Iryna R

Mar 4, 2021

One of the best online courses I have ever taken. I have enjoyed both the information properly structured in the modules and very conveniently split into sub-topics, as well the style of the lecturers and the lists of reading materials with most of it still relevant. It helps me with one of my current projects at work. I only wish you could develop another online course on the SWM and climate change and/or climate change adaptation planning. Thanks for this course to the whole team!


Jan 3, 2023

Doy gracias a École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, a Coursera, y a todos los docentes presentes en este programa de muy buen contenido y profesionalismo, que me fortalece en mi proceso personal ambiental, que con muy alta imagen presentarè como base de mi formaciòn actual. Gracias a todos y les deseo muchas bendiciones, siempre de la Mano de DIOS. Cuenten con un muy buen aliado, que quiere participar en muchos procesos. Gracias. Arturo Vargas Pradilla. Colombia.

By Daniela C

Oct 1, 2020

Aprendí muchisimo en especial para poner en práctica el diseño del biodigestor anaeróbico para poder ofrecer el servicio en el área donde vivo y contribuir a la reducción de emisiones de carbono capturando el gas metano para mi cocina.

Otro aspecto que llamo mi atención fue el proceso de compostaje mediante el uso de la Black Soldier Fly, es importante contribuir desde la investigacion biologica. Muchas gracias fue bastante dinámico e interesante, me encanto el curso!

By Monika V

Aug 8, 2022

Very inspiring course. Well structured, I really appreciate the follow-up questions, the opportunities to express an opinion within the presentations. An interesting possibility to try to design a certain device in a rough calculation. From my point of view, Only small comments, It might be better to do a smaller split (if possible) of 3-4 presentations (within a given week). It would then make it easier to divide the learning cycles in the week more easily.

By Maximiliano F M

Oct 11, 2020

¡Es el mejor curso que he hecho de coursera hasta el momento! Está súper bien estructurado y abarca prácticamente todos los temas sobre el manejo de residuos sólidos municipales. Los módulos son precisos, entregan información de calidad, con MUCH bibliografía para seguir profundizando (lo que se agradece enormemente) y además, siempre se acompaña con ejemplos prácticos. Lo que más me gustó es que entregan herramientas que se pueden llegar y aplicar. ¡Gracias!

By Siqi T

Oct 8, 2020

Highly recommend!

The course is well structured and friendly to people with not much experience in solid waste management. If you are majoring in environmental protection/engineering field, this course will you bring you in-depth knowledge in SWM. If you are interested in what is SWM, this course will broaden you horizon. It raised my interest in bio-waste treatment technologies and I wish one day I could use the knowledge obtained here in my working field.

By rakesh e e

May 6, 2021

Good course having detailed modules of all aspects of waste management. In addition decentralised waste management concepts in Kerala, India can be included as a module. Here in Kerala Non Bio waste is collected door to door and managed at Village level Material Collection Facilities (MCF). So here all the waste that can be recycled is segregated and send to recycling centres. Rejects are sent as RDF to cement factories and for Sanitary land fill

By William Á

Jun 17, 2020

Realmente cubre muchos aspectos importantes en la gestión de los residuos sólidos y de manera muy apropiada, tanto en lo técnico como en el enfoque. Le falta cubrir aspectos de la comercialización del servicio, diferentes modalidades de cobros, tarifas y sus metodologías para regular mejor estas actividades. Buenos profesores, buenos casos reales y datos relevantes para entender cada video. Me gustó mucho y quisiera conocer más de los profesores.

By Adrien G

May 8, 2018

Great course, I really enjoyed it. I work in the sanitation sector, and I recently designed biogas production plants for rural villages in India. So the course confirmed some of my knowledge and brought new perspectives at some points. I am also involved in solid waste management activities in the same villages, and the course helps me to have a better understanding of the global situation. Thank you. I will put all this into practice shortly.

By Sinem E

Mar 17, 2021

I am very glad to have taken this course. It has replenished my knowledge in SWM systems. It includes examples from case studies in developing countries. I have enjoyed the fact that it comprises technical aspects and design information for SWM processes. Even more so, the course related the SWM with the SDGs and introduces NGO platforms which has contributed a lot to my profession. Thanks for preparing such a comprehensive teaching material.