May 21, 2021
The course is great. There are plenty of study materials provided and the lecturer is very good. Items studied in this course are immensely helpful in understanding group thinking and group behavior.
Aug 19, 2019
I loved this course. It covered all the topics I was interested in and was thoroughly engaging and well-organised. Professor Plous is a great teacher and has designed a wonderful course in this MOOC.
•Oct 25, 2020
•Aug 23, 2020
By Sreeja K
•Nov 15, 2020
The course and contents are quite informative. However, for people like me who balance work life and family life, had a tough time to keep up with the course weekly deadlines. Moreover, I was taking more time to understand the US English and sometimes I used to read each sentence twice or thrice to get the actual meaning. As a result I had to skip many readings and videos to catch up the deadlines.
As i wanted to see how the quiz questions would be like, i had attempted the quiz before reading Week 7 materials. As it was mentioned that I had 10 more attempts for Quiz, I thought I would read the missed materials/ see the videos this week and by next week I would be fully ready for final Quiz. However, I was surprised when I got the message that I had completed the course successfully, when I had not gone through the complete materials.
I have a suggestion here. The course may be kept open till the last due date, and option may be given to students to pre-close it before due date if they want to do so. As this would give further chances to students like me, who would like to understand the subject and take up the exam, to know where I stand after the course.
Also, I would like to mention that for Assignments like Assignment#2, a sample may be shown to students. I actually did not understand what was expected of the assignment until i viewed peer's assignments.
Apart from these suggestions, I would like o mention here that this course was awesome. I would patiently read the reading contents once again from understanding point of view than time-bound completion of course mindset.
I am very thankful for getting an opportunity to learn something new through this course.
By Rajan M
•Oct 16, 2020
The course is good and very informative. However the system needs to be structured to facilitate flow of communication between students and a mentor.
The forum available is not very helpful. I have seen several comments from students saying they are stuck and for days have no clue of further movement. My experience has also been similar and thru trial and error and many attempts, i managed to move towards completion.
I request you to look into this matter and do something. Please give contact and email details of your professor whom students can approach for help. His guidance will help students achieve much more and also persue further courses in this field to upgrade their knowledge and find their efforts rewarded accordingly.
I did pay US$ 10/- towards S.P.N. initially, Now after completion, the certificate request demands full 25 dollars and not balance 15.
kindly clarify and i repeat that a personal email from the authority is the least i can expect on acknowledgement of completion of this course.
When your system can track progress and sent reminders, i see no reason for your system not to send any congratulatory message to your student on his successful completion of the course. This not only satisfies him but also makes him feel connected and a part
By Laimut� P
•Nov 2, 2020
I would like to learn, but the first assignment was something out of the line. I do not understand why we need to do counting about something in the very first lesson? Lectures and videos were amazing, but than... I do not want counting , I'd like to learn something interesting and useful. I am sorry, but we are not seeking for a diplomas... We need only some knowledge's. I have enough diplomas... It doesn't work. So, I think, somebody was mistaken about learners hopes...
By Paulino A
•Oct 27, 2020
I did the first exercise and it was not checked as done. I don't know what happened.
The teacher speaks too slow and uses too many complicated words. Some times, I felt personal understandings in the presented scenarios (studies conclusions). I believe the worse is because this course is focused in professional psychologist and not in other students.
Any way, good work. I am just trying to tell what I remember from all weeks I spent in this effort.
By Frank V
•Jul 28, 2020
Course started very strong and enjoyable. Weeks 1,2, and 3 very good. Week 4 pointed out (to me at least) the manipulative aspects of social psychology. I felt I was being pushed into a particular viewpoint. The week 4 video was troubling. Did not like being pressured into a viewpoint
Week 6 was similarly disconcerting. Week 7 exam difficult but fair. Be sure to study.
By Lou A
•Jun 20, 2021
I love that there is so much material available but I guess because of it, the sequence of things wasn't so organized (instructor had to issue reminders about reading first, or watching another video first). Coming from the media, I was also so distracted with the repeated thanking of the instructor to the sponsors (like ads, ads, ads everywhere).
By Sniazhana B
•Feb 9, 2023
Na ja, zu viel Videos, zu viel zum lesen und die PDF-Dateien kann man nicht übersetzen :( ... Deswegen habe ich keine einzige Datei gelesen. Aus diesem Grund zu wenig Neues mitgenommen, obwohl die Prüfung bestanden. Ich habe nur bei der letzten Aufgabe Spaß gehabt. Sonst ist der Kurs uninteressant. Sorry.
By Kateryna K
•Nov 15, 2020
An engaging course! However, I think it is overstuffed with material as a beginner-lever course. It felt more like a college-level class. The font color in lectures did not work for me, I had a hard time remembering things.
By Tharani N
•Jun 10, 2021
I think this class is great and very informative however the number of external and constant guessing of what the assignment is asking me to do is frustrating. It's not as streamlined as other coursera courses.
By Sana K
•Jan 1, 2022
The course was good it really helpful to me. I am glad on myself of doing this online course and I expect coursera to give me more options. I am so. thankful to Allah too
By Andrew M
•Jul 13, 2020
Things were going well until they got the Stanford Prison Experiment, this has been exposed as a fraudulent experiment and turned me off the credibility of the course
By Garlen H
•Sep 6, 2020
The material seems very interesting, but the format of the assignments is not for me (submitting my cv, discussions with peers etc).
By Tayo A
•Feb 18, 2022
the learning intentions was so good but the material was very bulky and the exam was too theoretical
By Cynthia S
•Apr 20, 2021
Im no longer interested in this course I did as an elective in my BSC. program
By Amy M
•Jul 13, 2021
The test at the end sucks but the course was good.
By Abhay I
•Nov 6, 2021
Was a bit new change but interesting
•Jul 14, 2024
I didn't receive my certificate
By Nadya M
•Aug 31, 2021
so many promotions for SPN
By Nando R
•Jan 24, 2022
No es para mi
•Oct 7, 2019
good so far
By Ananya I
•Dec 6, 2020
not for me
By Fueyo�herrera�daniela�
•Sep 11, 2024