Oct 19, 2018
I had an awesome experience while learning this course. Very educative that I found it easy to integrate it into my everyday work. Thanks a lot Coursera for such opportunity.
Mar 27, 2020
This course like all the others I have taken from Commonwealth Education Trust have been great, real high quality, thought-provoking, and helpful to my practice as a teacher!
By فاطمة غ ا
•Apr 3, 2023
By Ростовцева Я Д
•Nov 8, 2024
By Fatma M Z
•Dec 15, 2019
The content of the course is good, but the real problem is the assignments that must be evaluated by others, It disables me a lot now I finished the videos and passed the exam, & submitted my assignments. Now taking my certificate that I will put in my CV depends on reviewing my work, now I cannot apply for the job only after If I get the certificate of this course and this thing hurt me a lot.
Why have I been late getting the certificate because there are no people registered with me for this course at the same time? Or that no one has evaluated my work?
Please find a solution to this problem and keep this in mind.
By Donna S
•Jul 20, 2020
I thought there were some good points in the course. I do feel some of the information is outdated and did not specifically pertain to my school nor the community that I serve which is low socio-economic as well as low educational levels.
By Juan C A L
•Mar 26, 2022
Very important topic and very well explained by the facilitator.
By Радченко Е И
•Oct 6, 2024
Курс хороший, но перевод на русский просто ужасный
By Ahmed S
•Apr 3, 2023
Many thanks for all knowledge we are learned.
By Jhonatan J A
•Sep 12, 2016
Professor Dinham's investigative and research based approach is great, and in my opinion much needed in the professional educational community worldwidely. The material is presented thoroughly and the second piece of peer-assesed assignment is pretty well explained.
However, I think the course material proposed in the outlines should be more diverse, by adding complementary video lectures, research articles and book extracts in every week, since this was proposed in this way just in fifth week; course 5 of the specialization program is a great example of that.
The first piece of peer-assessed assignment may improve by being clearer and giving the opportunity to the learner to express his/her own ideas, instead of request a summary from this. Multiple Choice Questions should follow the principles exposed in the 6th course of the specialization program, which seems to not be done at all. Forums prompts should be shorter and clearer by highlighting a single key question instead of a bunch of these as happened.