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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Process Mining: Data science in Action by Eindhoven University of Technology

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About the Course

Process mining is the missing link between model-based process analysis and data-oriented analysis techniques. Through concrete data sets and easy to use software the course provides data science knowledge that can be applied directly to analyze and improve processes in a variety of domains. Data science is the profession of the future, because organizations that are unable to use (big) data in a smart way will not survive. It is not sufficient to focus on data storage and data analysis. The data scientist also needs to relate data to process analysis. Process mining bridges the gap between traditional model-based process analysis (e.g., simulation and other business process management techniques) and data-centric analysis techniques such as machine learning and data mining. Process mining seeks the confrontation between event data (i.e., observed behavior) and process models (hand-made or discovered automatically). This technology has become available only recently, but it can be applied to any type of operational processes (organizations and systems). Example applications include: analyzing treatment processes in hospitals, improving customer service processes in a multinational, understanding the browsing behavior of customers using booking site, analyzing failures of a baggage handling system, and improving the user interface of an X-ray machine. All of these applications have in common that dynamic behavior needs to be related to process models. Hence, we refer to this as "data science in action". The course explains the key analysis techniques in process mining. Participants will learn various process discovery algorithms. These can be used to automatically learn process models from raw event data. Various other process analysis techniques that use event data will be presented. Moreover, the course will provide easy-to-use software, real-life data sets, and practical skills to directly apply the theory in a variety of application domains. This course starts with an overview of approaches and technologies that use event data to support decision making and business process (re)design. Then the course focuses on process mining as a bridge between data mining and business process modeling. The course is at an introductory level with various practical assignments. The course covers the three main types of process mining. 1. The first type of process mining is discovery. A discovery technique takes an event log and produces a process model without using any a-priori information. An example is the Alpha-algorithm that takes an event log and produces a process model (a Petri net) explaining the behavior recorded in the log. 2. The second type of process mining is conformance. Here, an existing process model is compared with an event log of the same process. Conformance checking can be used to check if reality, as recorded in the log, conforms to the model and vice versa. 3. The third type of process mining is enhancement. Here, the idea is to extend or improve an existing process model using information about the actual process recorded in some event log. Whereas conformance checking measures the alignment between model and reality, this third type of process mining aims at changing or extending the a-priori model. An example is the extension of a process model with performance information, e.g., showing bottlenecks. Process mining techniques can be used in an offline, but also online setting. The latter is known as operational support. An example is the detection of non-conformance at the moment the deviation actually takes place. Another example is time prediction for running cases, i.e., given a partially executed case the remaining processing time is estimated based on historic information of similar cases. Process mining provides not only a bridge between data mining and business process management; it also helps to address the classical divide between "business" and "IT". Evidence-based business process management based on process mining helps to create a common ground for business process improvement and information systems development. The course uses many examples using real-life event logs to illustrate the concepts and algorithms. After taking this course, one is able to run process mining projects and have a good understanding of the Business Process Intelligence field. After taking this course you should: - have a good understanding of Business Process Intelligence techniques (in particular process mining), - understand the role of Big Data in today’s society, - be able to relate process mining techniques to other analysis techniques such as simulation, business intelligence, data mining, machine learning, and verification, - be able to apply basic process discovery techniques to learn a process model from an event log (both manually and using tools), - be able to apply basic conformance checking techniques to compare event logs and process models (both manually and using tools), - be able to extend a process model with information extracted from the event log (e.g., show bottlenecks), - have a good understanding of the data needed to start a process mining project, - be able to characterize the questions that can be answered based on such event data, - explain how process mining can also be used for operational support (prediction and recommendation), and - be able to conduct process mining projects in a structured manner....

Top reviews


Dec 10, 2019

Good content, very thorough, and I learned a LOT! Took more time than suggested, as I learn by taking notes and reproducing diagrams. But the course structure allowed for frequent pauses to do this.


Jan 29, 2019

Great overview of the Process Mining field. Easy to follow and very intuitive course material. Great usage of exercises and examples. Helpful practical introduction to Process Mining tools.

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101 - 125 of 312 Reviews for Process Mining: Data science in Action

By Abdulrahman A T

Jun 25, 2020

Thanks for the course. This course gives you a good introduction of both business and technical sides of process mining.

By Kerim A

Apr 18, 2019

very informative, amazing content, and definitely worth it. Thanks for offering such an awesome learning opportunity...

By Jean-Paul d V

May 3, 2021

Packed with valuable information and reviews of tools that are easy to access and experiment with. Highly recommended!

By towerb

Dec 20, 2020

Prof. van der Aalst is a great lecturer and it is obvious that his team spent a lot of effort to create this course.

By Sergei M

Sep 15, 2017

All my expectations were achieved. I like approach of these course, theory was not boring. A lot of practice.


By Jelena D

Feb 14, 2024

excellent course, the questions / quizzes helped consolidate the knowledge and ensure the concepts were understood.

By Marcela G

Nov 16, 2016

Excellent course about Process Mining, it's explained all meant to understand process discovery with Data analysis.

By Frank G

Jan 15, 2017

这门课程十分理论知识丰富,又贴近实际应用,很棒。This course is really fantastic, it both has wonderful academical and practical knowledge.

By Tina H

Jan 23, 2020

It's a great and well-structured course that I can gain fundamental knowledge of process mining quickly. Thanks!

By Gerard H

May 30, 2020

Very informative and thorough course about process mining. I will definitely make use of those skills learned.

By Victor D

Sep 13, 2024

Nice course, but I would also strongly recommend to read accompanying book and play a lot with various nets

By José L P

Jan 13, 2022

Very helpful and intuitive course, it´s a must for people in organizations driving Data Mining technology.

By Stefano B

Mar 6, 2022

The teacher was really clear and I found particularly useful the high amount of excercises during lessons

By Greg L

Jan 5, 2017

very comprehensive. well structured. good pace, I would recommend having the book for reference/research.

By Carlos D

Aug 22, 2019

Outstanding!. Very well structured, The questions inside lectures really help you to get into the topic

By Alix C

Mar 29, 2018

Easy to understand and very comprehensive. Examples are challenging but help to understand everything.

By Jorge T

Mar 21, 2021

Very insightful learning about Process Mining with interesting exercises to consolidate the knowledge

By Marcin N

Feb 2, 2020

Great introduction into process mining. Excellent examples illustrating the theory. Time well spent!

By Nour Z

Aug 16, 2020

Good introduction for process mining tool , thanks to everyone who has contributed to this course !

By Szedelényi J

Jun 2, 2017

Guides through the fundamentals of process mining and provide hands-on skills to apply right away.

By Yahya P

Sep 23, 2020

Great course. very inspiring. Makes me want to take phd program that is involving process mining.

By Philip S

Dec 9, 2019

Very useful course for all data analytics fans that want to know how process mining tools work.

By Eduard d R

Aug 29, 2024

I have received a lot of new knowledge and it is a good step towards becoming a data scientist

By Arash D S

Sep 21, 2018

This course was fantastic and I learn a lot of new ideas about data and understanding of data.

By Deleted A

Apr 4, 2018

I love this course because it really add values to organizations by improving their bottomline