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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Practical Time Series Analysis by The State University of New York

1,708 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to Practical Time Series Analysis! Many of us are "accidental" data analysts. We trained in the sciences, business, or engineering and then found ourselves confronted with data for which we have no formal analytic training. This course is designed for people with some technical competencies who would like more than a "cookbook" approach, but who still need to concentrate on the routine sorts of presentation and analysis that deepen the understanding of our professional topics. In practical Time Series Analysis we look at data sets that represent sequential information, such as stock prices, annual rainfall, sunspot activity, the price of agricultural products, and more. We look at several mathematical models that might be used to describe the processes which generate these types of data. We also look at graphical representations that provide insights into our data. Finally, we also learn how to make forecasts that say intelligent things about what we might expect in the future. Please take a few minutes to explore the course site. You will find video lectures with supporting written materials as well as quizzes to help emphasize important points. The language for the course is R, a free implementation of the S language. It is a professional environment and fairly easy to learn. You can discuss material from the course with your fellow learners. Please take a moment to introduce yourself! Time Series Analysis can take effort to learn- we have tried to present those ideas that are "mission critical" in a way where you understand enough of the math to fell satisfied while also being immediately productive. We hope you enjoy the class!...

Top reviews


Aug 25, 2018

This is a phenomenal course if one wants to have a thorough understanding of how ARIMA forecasting is performed. On top of that, this course is absolutely free (with an option to buy). Thanks a lot !


Jan 24, 2020

Excelente, uno de los mejores cursos que he tomado. Lo más importante es que se practica muy seguido y hay examenes durante los vídeos. Si hay un nivel más avanzado de este tema, seguro que lo tomo.

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101 - 125 of 466 Reviews for Practical Time Series Analysis

By Rohit S

Mar 18, 2018

Really great lectures and clearly explaining the concepts and complicated models. In my opinion, a bit of practical applications of these models on Panel Data should be included.

By Ken W

Jan 26, 2022

Good (and somewhat rigorous) overview of TS analysis techniques. I found the lecture notes to be very helpful and the R labs to be very interesting. Overall, a great course!

By Jerome A

Apr 7, 2020

I really enjoyed learning this course. The videos were simple, and easy to follow, and the there were always supporting material available in the codes in notebook and in the

By joari c

Mar 14, 2018

Very good introduction to Time Series with R. Emphases on concepts rather than on dry math, but also precise as needed. Good supporting material and excellent professors.

By Abhishek S

Mar 22, 2020

Awesome course. Instructors taught mathematical aspects with their implementation which made the learning fun and understandable. I hope to see advance course of this.

By Andrea B

Aug 25, 2019

Excellent course with a nice balance between theory and practical implementation. It would be useful to have a more advanced subsequent course with the same features.

By Suzette L

Mar 5, 2018

Great introduction to time series with plenty of depth. Really enjoyed the instructors and loved the frequent assessments rather than a big project. Highly recommended

By Abhishek K G

Mar 26, 2020

Such an amazing course to learn the fundamentals theory and get the hands on experience with Time series data analysis. I really enjoyed learning through this course.

By Emelie E

Nov 11, 2021

Very good content! However some of the links are broken or not updated. Still, this course definitely deserves a 5 star rating, as you can view all content for free.

By Kwabena A

May 4, 2020

This course was intellectually stimulating, the explanations, The R-codes were just on point. I'm thankful to the Coursera team, Professor Thistleton and Dr Sadigov.

By Anet M C

May 20, 2018

I really liked to take this course. This is my first approach to R programming, and this course was useful for me to reinforce my statistical skills and to learn R.

By Борисова А Н

Jun 22, 2020

Очень хороший и качественный курс! Я испытывала трудности в понимании из-за того что курс на английском языке, но благодаря тому что с темами знакома - справилась.

By Nhiên H

Jul 10, 2022

Very easy to understand and nice example.

But it need to update the link to dataset. They all link to Qlik, and it need to be paid for account so I can't access.

By Akshay N

Apr 10, 2018

Excellent course ! Great instructors !....Especially Dr Sadigov... Will prove very useful to me to analyze and forecast medical and public health time series :-)

By Ravindra C

Jun 28, 2022

Course is learning based and very helpful for time series problem analysis as well as for mathematics to deal with the fundamentals of the tim series problems.

By Jimmy A

Nov 15, 2021

As a free course, it is good to complete this course even without any official support now. It is a good free course to learn time series analysis using R.

By Gionata L

Apr 5, 2018

Very nice and pedagogical introduction to time series analysis. By the end of the course you feel like you know how to analyse and model time series.

By Kyle C

Feb 20, 2019

I only wanted to look at a few lectures from this course, but they were so good that I decided to go through the rest of it. I was not let down.

By Begoña R H

Feb 24, 2019

Análisis de series temporales explicado de la mejor manera posible, de lo más básico hacia lo más complejo, incluyendo código en R. Recomendable

By Md. M H R

Jun 20, 2020

Time series analysis is a very important part of Econometrics. I have learned time series analysis theoretically and software application.

By vania t

Dec 17, 2020

wonderful mix of theory and practical time series . it really helped me with identifying models and also understand the theory behind it

By Mohammed M A

Dec 31, 2018

Grateful to the instructors for the engaging and fruitful learning I enjoyed in the course Practical Time Series Analysis! Thank you :)

By T D S

Nov 19, 2023

This course helped me learn skills to develop my career and enrich my expertise in " Practical Applications for Time Series Analysis".

By Liu L

Aug 29, 2018

Good introductory course on time series and R programming. Hope you can give a following course on further topics obout time series.

By Abhijith S

Jul 4, 2019

This is the best course for beginning time series analysis. ACF and PACF were explained very well. I highly recommend this course.