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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Positive Psychology by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

5,943 ratings

About the Course

This course discusses research findings in the field of positive psychology, conducted by Barbara Fredrickson and her colleagues. It also features practical applications of this science that you can put to use immediately to help you live a full and meaningful life....

Top reviews


Sep 3, 2020

This course entitled Positive Psychology changed my perspective in life and cultivated more positivity that will not only stregthen my social relationship, my personality, mindset but also my health.


Jul 3, 2018

One of the best psychology courses I have taken. I have learned so much and how simple it is to implement these principles into everyday life. Thank you for providing this rich material to all of us.

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51 - 75 of 1,773 Reviews for Positive Psychology

By Lancy Z

Nov 3, 2019

Thank you Professor Fredrickson, the course is amazing and it is so close to people's daily life and the practice parts are really can change people's lives. During this wonderful learning journey. From science part, I more clearly understand how our brain and heart work and how to deal with stress and anxiety in my daily life. I do yoga in my daily life and now paying more attention on the meditation part. I am enjoying the micro moments and sharing this wonderful course to my friends who are suffering the emotion problem.

By Muskan C

May 16, 2022

I had Positive Psychology in one of my semesters at college and had read about Dr. Barbara Fredrickson's Broaden and Build Model, which had me absolutely impressed. Enrolling for this course will be the best decision one can make for their life. I love the classroom-like manner incorporated and the resources shared. I felt like I am a student sitting with them and sharing my thoughts! The course is introductory though, and it'll be better to stay connected with the positive psychology movement via the resources shared!

By James B

Dec 27, 2020

Dr. Fredrickson really opened my eyes and helped me see positivity and optimism in a whole new light. I've definitely taken many different things out of the 6 chapters of learning and applied them to my daily life and have already seen incredible results in living a happier life and not sweating the small stuff nearly as much. Definitely looking forward to using what I learned in week 6 of your class to the brand new year and continue passing along what I've learned with friends and family I interact with from now on.

By Laura K

Jan 3, 2021

I love the way this course was presented in such a way to keep my attention. I have a tendency to have to break away often but did not need to as often with this course. It is a topic that every person on this planet can relate to no matter what their walk in life is. Gratitude, love toward oneself and others and expressing that love in ways that are soft, gentle and deliberate is so unique to how we are generally taught or exposed to in this world. We have a responsibility to share this information with others.


Aug 15, 2020

Very effectively conducted. The topic was covered in friendly manner at the right pace. So the learning was a pleasure. The concepts were clarified in simple terms. Ted Talks videos were appropriate. In spite of my busy schedule, I was looking forward for taking time out daily for learning. Dr. Barbara L. Fredrickson is an excellent teacher. I my self is a Pro Vice Chancellor at university with 18 years of teaching and 25 years of industry experience. I found lot of things to learn from her way of teaching. Thanks.

By Liliana C Z

Jan 25, 2020

I think this is an amzing course that anyone could take; not only people who wants to teach or who wants to be a coach or who wants to help others, but people who want to improve themselves. This is a great opportunity to have new knowledge about positive psychology and how this can help you in your everyday life. This is just great to improve yourself as a human being and to learn how to be even more grateful in every momento of your life, how to extend your positive emotions and how to deal with the negative ones.

By Luz A A G

May 6, 2024

una excelente oportunidad para explorar y aprender sobre un enfoque de la psicología que se centra en el bienestar, el florecimiento humano y el desarrollo de fortalezas individuales. Se enfoca en el bienestar, además de tener aplicabilidad en la vida cotidiana y, hablan sobre las investigaciones que han realizado como una base sólida, considero que es un curso bien diseñado y con una visión actualizada de las teorías, hallazgos y práxis basados en la evidencia. Muchas gracias. Me encantó mi certificación.

By Nubia G

Nov 6, 2015

Me gustó mucho el contenido del curso. Me encantaron los recursos pedagógicos que utilizaron, y la docente que se nota en pleno dominio de lo que hace; su trayectoria es admirable y me siento agradecida de estar en contacto con sus bastos conocimientos a través de la tecnología.

Adicionalmente, felicito a Coursera por la manera tan profesional de administrar la capacitación a distancia. Termino muy satisfecha, muy entusiasmada de completar los otros cursos en los cuales estoy inscrita y seguir con más.


May 21, 2017

Excellent ... Best opportunity to learn , master, and get transformed..... with ORIGINAL researcher....We in India have been practicing since ages as the embed framework of chaturashram and Hindu lifestyle.... Recommended for all..... to reduce negativity...enhance positivism and save earth ......not less important than green protect..... Satish K Kushwaha, MS,MPhil(Psy),BSc;...;...;...;...; PSA(UK) ACCREDITED HYPNOTHERAPIST ON CNHC (UK) REGISTER. NEUROSCIENCES RESEARCHER.....

By Aprajita R

Aug 30, 2017

An essential course for everyone! I loved the way lectures were given. The presence of a group made me feel as if I'm a part of a class and greatly improved my interaction, motivation and willingness to not only complete the classes but also do the experiential assignments. I gained knowledge not only about the field of positive psychology but insights about my own life and behavior as well. Many lessons have stuck with me and I have applied them to my daily life. Absolutely loved the course!

By Shaun L T G

Jun 16, 2020

An excellent course! I really enjoyed the conversational style that Dr Friedrickson adopted. The lessons are not too long and easy to follow and peppered with real world examples (both from herself and her team of four guests). The key concepts like positivity resonance, loving-kindness meditation, and the like, are easily broken down. Readings are short and informative and the weekly experiments are also very fascinating. This is one of the best courses I have done on Coursera!

By sonal m

Oct 10, 2020


By Gavin D

Feb 2, 2023

This an excellent course. I really enjoyed the course from start to end what an amazing few weeks with Dr Fredrickson and team. Your way of presenting the course and the qulity of information really made a massive difference to me. Your information and research over the years I believe not only made a positive impact on me but on many over the world. I want to applaud you and your team for the work you did and for really make a positive change in my life. I thank you

By Mary S A

Jul 15, 2021

I enjoyed gaining more insights and knowledge into the emerging field of positive psychology. Dr. Frederickson and her group provided me with a wealth of information, strategies and helpful activities for both my professional and personal life. I am appreciative of this learning experience, and feel I am equipped to continue with my academic journal of positive emotions, educational experiences, and a new way of thinking about the benefits of positive psychology.

By Jaison K

Oct 5, 2020

I take this opportunity to thank my instructor Barbara L Fredrickson for her relentless effort to impart the knowledge on Positive Psychology. I benefited from her course and and want to share the positive energy that I received from this course. I also thank Coursera for giving the opportunity for doing this course. Once again a special thanks to my instructor and the university of north Corolina at Chapel Hill.Yours faithfully Jaison Kuriakose Sent from my iPhone


May 10, 2020

I very much appreciated the progressiveness and pedagogy of the course.

I found it very practical with many exercises to do on a daily basis.

Scientific and accessible

Concrete and practical

I would like to thank each and every one of you for taking the time for this course, thank you for identifying, posing and sharing.

It is a precious gift for spreading and infusing positive psychology throughout the world.

Translated with (free version)

By Rory G

Dec 8, 2015

This course is organized in such an interesting way, it gets across the major points very quickly. It is very much a surface-level course in terms of the science, but that's exactly what I wanted. I want to be able to apply immediately, rather than get bogged down in the science.

This course is phenomenal and the material is extremely important. I've created changes in my life from the course already, including prioritizing positivity, and especially love.

By Ale M

Jan 13, 2020

I enjoyed and learned great knowledge about positive psychology. As my first time ever knowing about it, I think this was a wonderful introductory course. It is also amazing the benefits that some of the weekly practices had on my life. Indeed, in positive psychology, you have to experience it yourself in order to learn it. Thank you for this wonderful course, I'm inspired to learn more about this field and psychology in general. Thank you, Dr. Fredrickson

By vai k

May 21, 2017

There is so much more to learn about Positive Psychology. This course has not just taught me how to make time for the micro moments of positivity in my life but also inspired me to learn more, to have a deeper knowledge about this positive psychology. Dr. Barbara Fredrickson is a fairy Godmother and her team is just amazing. The magic/ happiness they bring to others' lives with just their words, is quite admirable. I loved the course. God bless you people.

By Jeannine T

Nov 6, 2018

Fascinating, inspiring, and practical introduction to positive psychology.

Learn the health benefits of positive psychology; learn to identify, nurture and savor positive emotions; discover helpful practices that will take you deeper and help you apply the principles to your own life; learn how to start an upward spiral and open up your mind to real possibility of change; bring more love into the world with micro moments of positive resonance. All good!

By Tony R

Oct 3, 2017

This was my first experience of a MOOC and I approached it with an open mind and with no particular expectations. I have been interested in positive psychology for a while now and wanted to find out more. This course was perfect for me, it made me think, challenged established views and whilst it is a big statement, I think in the long term, this will make me a better person more in tune with others who I interact with. I highly recommend this course.

By renjit m

May 31, 2020

Amazing and very enriching course.It gave lots of new insights.Well structured.Thank you Coursera and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for offering this course online.

Thank you Dr.Barbara Fredrickson for sharing your knowledge,wisdom,expertise and experience in such a simple and well articulated manner.Appreciate your enthusiasm,energy and commitment in imparting the lessons and taking the field of positive psychology to a new level.


Jul 15, 2020

Es uno de los mejores cursos que he realizado , ha cambiado mi forma de actuar y de pensar en relacionarme con las demas personas, familia, amigos y compañeros, es algo sorprendente como nos hacemos daño nosotros mismos, me ha enseñado a amarme ha ser mas feliz, mas amable y amoroso, la meditacion es algo fenomenal prepara tu dia para que sea mejor.

Gracias mil Gracias por su conocimiento compartido ojala logren contagiar a millones de personas

By Subir K G

May 6, 2018

This course is the beginning of my journey to positivity and explore further within me as well as all around to make life full of joy and happiness for all in mind, body and spirit. It is the joy in giving to others much more than making only myself happy. Real happiness lies in making others happy by exploring positivity resonance in every possible opportunity. This short course helped me to navigate my journey of life at this age of 74.

By Fernanda V

May 17, 2020

Este curso te permite cambiar la perspectiva sobre las emociones. Tiene un enfoque científico fundamental y abre el espacio para reflexiones profundas, prácticas y un entendimiento de la importancia de el desarrollo social, humano, colectivo a partir de un buen entendimiento de estas emociones. Adicional es un estudio genial para entender procesos de trabajo en equipo, reconciliación, procesos de resolución de conflicto entre otros.