Mar 4, 2020
A perfect course to understand all senses of plants in a straightforward way and I must admit the way professor Daniel chamovitz helped me to better acknowledge this course was satisfactory for me.
Aug 15, 2021
I really liked this course, the professor was engaging, clear, and informative, and did a great job explaining and simplifying the more complex biology topics so that it was digestible for beginners.
By Gil K
•Jan 12, 2018
מעניין, מחדש, פוקח עיניים.
By Laura M
•Jun 5, 2020
Ive enjoyed very much
By gowtham K
•Apr 19, 2018
good course.........
By Apurva B
•Sep 2, 2018
Interesting course
By Suleiman M
•Aug 21, 2022
Totally love it!
By Ayoubpp
•Aug 26, 2017
Very nice course
By Muhammad S
•Dec 3, 2023
excellent work
By Alex L
•Jul 20, 2017
very difficult
By Susan L
•May 23, 2024
Many thanks!
By Wang X
•May 12, 2022
very helpful
By Deleted A
•Mar 9, 2022
I'm just a retired backyard gardener that wanted to know more about plants. However, I should have done a little more research before committing myself to this course. I didn't realize it would be at the cellular level and was totally unprepared for that. Most of what was taught I'll never use in the real world, but I still found the information fascinating. The biggest take-a-way I got from this course was it completely reinforced my belief in God and that it takes more faith to believe in the evolution theory than it does to believe in creationism. All the inner workings and complexity of plants at the cellular level just showed me more and more that the theory of evolution is nothing but an agenda pushed by spiritually blind "educators" that refuse to believe in a Creator. I'm sure that wasn't the professors intentions, but that was the greatest thing I got from this course and so I must thank him for settling that issue for me. Plants are truly amazing inside and out and to say it all happened by chance is complete nonsense. So thanks again for enlightening me and for solidifying the fact that a Creator was indeed involved in creating plants.
By Ginger B L
•Jul 8, 2020
Professor is interesting but I just don't get it. Algebra is much easier. No wonder I do not have a green thumb.
By Nell T
•Aug 14, 2023
good content, but the quiz formatting is difficult and doesn't allow you to learn from mistakes
By Desiree P
•May 18, 2023
When you heve the wrong answers to can not ask for help
By Dr. D B
•Feb 5, 2020
This course was horrible
By Omar A
•Jan 6, 2024
I want to remove it