Aug 30, 2020
Understanding and application of Personal Branding with the fundamental skills to build leadership skills in the personal branding success in business is very important in today's E-network business.
Apr 13, 2020
Course material was very helpful and beneficial. The instructor brings enthusiasm to the course and transmits the message very smoothly. I learnt a lot from this course! Thank you for everything.
By Naresh K G
•Sep 26, 2020
It is a good course but very preliminary. It could be updated.
By Adriana C P
•Sep 12, 2024
Valioso, pero valdría la pena actualizarlo ya que es del 2015
By Mahtab A
•Dec 30, 2020
it was great but I think it's better to update it's material.
By Adriana U
•Aug 5, 2020
Interesante curso sobr la introducción al personal branding .
•May 23, 2020
It Needs to update the materials but basic concepts are good.
By Oluwaseun A
•Apr 29, 2020
It gives insight on how to build a reputable personal brand.
By Nada A
•Apr 3, 2018
Very primitive course that shares common sense information.
By Shahik A F C
•Jul 1, 2020
I loved the contents but I hoped to learn more, thank you.
By Krzysztof P
•Jan 8, 2023
Too much focus on Twitter compared to others SM platforms
By Lauren K
•Jul 11, 2017
I expected more content but found some interesting tips.
By Mayra B C
•Sep 1, 2020
It's introdutory only, but have important informations
By Ayush S
•Apr 22, 2020
The things taught in the course can be self discovered
By Maryna S
•Feb 15, 2019
You need to renovate this course. Most data is too old
By Simona R
•Jan 14, 2016
It is an interesting course, but mostly for beginners.
By Md. M R
•Sep 18, 2020
A course that is extremely beautiful and instructive.
By Snigdha S
•Jan 19, 2022
Had hoped for more hands on content and less theory.
By Saranphon H
•Jun 25, 2020
I think the contents of this course are too general.
By Ashutosh R
•May 12, 2020
It,s very basic like in 2020 we are all aware of it
By Ahmad N
•May 17, 2020
it was like a self promotion course for the author
By Giuliano L
•Mar 31, 2020
The course was good, but found it a little bit old
By Hendrik - J
•Feb 5, 2016
Relevant, to the point and natural presentations
By 佐藤Fristy T
•Nov 1, 2020
The level of this course is too easy for me
By ana m m
•Oct 25, 2020
The course is out of date on some topics
By Aytaj M
•Jan 1, 2021
The questions were sarcastic and funny.
By Koenraad S
•Dec 3, 2020
Nice introduction for real newcomers!