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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Operations Research (1): Models and Applications by National Taiwan University

520 ratings

About the Course

Operations Research (OR) is a field in which people use mathematical and engineering methods to study optimization problems in Business and Management, Economics, Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, etc. This course introduces frameworks and ideas about various types of optimization problems in the business world. In particular, we focus on how to formulate real business problems into mathematical models that can be solved by computers....

Top reviews


Nov 6, 2022

The course are very good conduct, I have explore into the OR and get better understanding of how to create a problem and solved it using Excel Solver. I cannot wait to continous to another course.


Dec 30, 2022

I enjoyed the way how the teacher explained the basic concepts of this course so softly and understandably. I recommend it to anyone who wants to have complete insight into operations research.

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1 - 25 of 121 Reviews for Operations Research (1): Models and Applications



Dec 7, 2021

This course is very helpful to understand the basics of operation research, after this course you will know where to apply linear, integer and non-linear programming.

By Anna J


May 10, 2021

I am new to this field of operations research and I really enjoyed this course, learned a lot. I never used math before this way, it was great fun! Thanks!

By Alejandro B F


Feb 20, 2022

This is the best and most useful course I have taken in Cousera. Highly recommended.

Excellent content, almost optimal, unimprovable. An excellent professor, very knowledgeable, pedagogical, with very good communication skills.

I have a degree in BA and work as the Operations Manager at a big mall, and have found very useful the knowledge I have acquired with this course.

Looking forward to taking the other courses in the series.

By Can


Jan 28, 2023

5 stars because it is a 100% free course. It is not ethical to give it a less-than-perfect rating.

On the other hand, "Introduction to an Introduction of Operations Research Applications Using Excel" would be a more fitting title. There are also some obvious mistakes in the course material.

1.25X playback speed is recommended. The TA in this course is SUPER cute! You don't want to miss the lab sections.

By Rupkatha G


Jul 6, 2021

The instructor explained everything in his slides in the most lucid manner possible. I specially liked the last quiz wherein instead of MCQs, we had to put in the exact correct answer only to score a 100%. This actually checks the knowledge of the student as well as gives them the confidence to solve future problems at ease, as per my surmise.

By Pavit S


Jul 4, 2024

good introduction course for the operation research field, with top-down approach learning. Start with practical application and go down to theory in this specialization.

By Shivraman K


Jul 6, 2021

Great instructor and really good material!

Would have liked if he had provided references for further reading (books).

By Rufat I


Apr 21, 2021

Nice introductory course for Linear Programming with a variety of real life application examples.

By qiqichen


Jun 26, 2021

great course for beginners, got new insights about how to formulate a model for practical issues

By tak y


Mar 2, 2021

cute girl

By Dr C G


Feb 21, 2021

The instructor is very boring. He just reads a sheet and there are no practical examples. It is an easy course, but the Forum is absolute in Zombie state, i.e. dead. Course part 2 is even worse. If you give the right answers it is rated "not right". Also in the part 2 of the course, the forum is dead and there is no discussion and no responses to questions etc. This course is a total waste of money.

By math t ( T


Feb 17, 2023

It is one of the most comprehensive, well-organised, mathematical-oriented and a solid course in Mathematical Programming. It was very well organised unit by focusing on a lot of interesting cases in Operations Research covering topics in Linear, Integer and Nonlinear Programming with special case studies in Network Planning, Portfolio Management, Linear Regression and CRS-model.

This course is mostly designed on a compact and brief presentation of several example models in Operations Research as a basis for the second part of this **bootcamp** in Operations Research and Mathematical Programming. At the end of this course, professor presents a complete real life model providing the motivation as the strategic management approach until to write down the mathematical formulation.

By Christian J H


Aug 12, 2022

Very well explained and well paced. For me personally, the assignments could've stood to be just a hair more challenging but nonetheless perfect for reinforcing the concepts. This is just the first of 3 courses by the same team after all, so it serves as a perfect foundation leading into what's to follow. Great balance between Mathematical concepts and how those concepts apply to the real world in very useful ways! And finally a course with consistent notation that's clearly laid out up front! :)

By Shaikh S R


Sep 11, 2022

The topic in this course has been described in a very precise and understandable way. I have spent last few months to understand LP but could progress a little and lastly i found this course. Although i am a Master student of Logistics in Germany but i still found this course very essential and related to my academic studies as well as for future profession. Thanks to the Professor and TA for their student friendly orientation and turning such a difficult topic to a easier one!!

By Daniela M


Aug 11, 2022

This course was incredible! As someone who wants to study OR in university, this provided a broad and comprehensive introduction to the subject, and it definitely helped me adjust to many new concepts. The teacher was always excited to explain the problems and examples, which made it easier to understand the lectures. The curriculum is well thought out and overall, this course is truly worth it!

By Maximilian F


Oct 2, 2022

Excellent course. It gives a great introduction to linear programming, (mixed) integer programming and non linear programming. The course explains very well which problems can be solved eachby method and how to write specifications for these type of programs. The assessment exercises are not trivial. To solve them you have to thorouglly understand the lecture content.

By Joseph C


May 10, 2021

the course is freshing, very different from the traditional OR courses.

And the teachers cold joke is some what pretty funny, I have learned a lot in this course, i will recommended for Taiwanese student especially in industrial engineering, for the teacher's speed isn't too fast and the pronouncing is pretty clear, really love it.

By Solomon W


Nov 10, 2021

It is a good introductory course on optimizations. It does cover the business, mathematical modeling, and applications which is quite impressive to cover in a 6 weeks course. The presentation is outstanding. The course notes are very useful. This is one very organized MOOC delivery. Thank you professor and staff!

By Muhammad M N H


Nov 20, 2023

This course is very helpful to understand the basics of operation research, either if you are new learner or take this courses as a refreshment. However, I think it would be better if for each assignments are provided with the explanation / insight about why the answer is correct.

By Gabriela P


May 18, 2021

Excellent class. Very well explained. Very logical and concise. The only thing I would recommend is to, at least, mention that the problems can be solved with open source libraries like pulp for linear problems and cvxpy for convex ones. I used those to solve the final quiz.

By Wayne W C


Mar 26, 2021

Have learned about how to transform real problem to conceptual model, conceptual model to mathematical model, and finally get computer model. With computer model resolved by Excel, we could get candidate optimal solution.It's a pleasant learning journey!

By Camilo E B C


Dec 20, 2021

Grate course to begin in the Operations Research's huge field, the way that the professor introduces each type of programming is very easy to understand and to find applications to solve real world's business problems through different models.

By Korawich S


Feb 4, 2024

One of the best course in coursera. This course provide me the sense of OR and clearly mathematical for modelling the real world problem. Professor and the team of this course do the best work that I'm very appreciate. Thank you!

By Yening L


Oct 8, 2021

optimal course structure for contents delivery.

we're empowered with both 'the big picture' and 'tactical details in problem solving'

friendly and inviting teaching style - a big thankyou to both the professor and the T.A

By Keangsinh T


Nov 6, 2022

The course are very good conduct, I have explore into the OR and get better understanding of how to create a problem and solved it using Excel Solver. I cannot wait to continous to another course.