Sep 26, 2020
I really like this course. It was very useful to me and allowed me to improve my music making.I have come to know a lot more about using a synthesizer.Thank you all teachers for creating this course.
Jan 9, 2018
I was pleased with this course. Loudon looked a lot Younger. At first I was critical of the synth (Strobe 2) and of the Course Style But I was impressed by Other Students. Thanks Loudon - Le
By Robert J
•Feb 22, 2018
Good as a introduction but too simple for me- only really a beginner level I would say. But explained very well and goes over definitions and how sounds are created well!
By Bertha E A P
•Sep 9, 2021
I didn't have much feedback although I was in the forums and I joint the discussions
By Illona M
•Apr 23, 2016
basic knowledge about synthesis that you get anywhere on the net.
By Andrew S
•Aug 15, 2016
I understand that this is a project centered course, however I do not feel like I walked away with a solid foundation of what goes into creating synthesizer sounds. Sure I learned that I can change parameters within a synthesis program and thereby get various sounds, but that's about all. I was expecting to gain fundamental understanding of the various parameters and what they really do and a more solid understanding of the process of creating custom patches rather then following an example and subsequently making minor adjustments so that it fits my style.
By Norbert P
•Jun 21, 2020
The course material and the lesson modules provided by berklee is absolutely worth it.
However the peer-grading system pretty much collapses on this one.
The number of compulsory reviews should at least be two or three to catch up with all the submissions waiting to be reviewed. Now, many students are waiting for weeks for their submissions to be reviewed.
Depending on the submission, the reviewing process, if taken seriously, is a very, very challenging chore.
IMHO, the course -at least for the stripped-down Coursera version- is up to an overhaul.
By Anna S
•Aug 28, 2023
Some good content in here, but felt rushed through, hastily put together, and the course felt messy and disjointed. A lot of annoying admin in the first week including signing up for various third party services, some of which felt completely unnecessary. I don't like Strobe which I found to be buggy and would rather have used my own DAW, but the entire course is built around Strobe. You have to download other people's Strobe files for grading and Coursera doesn't accept any liability if you download a dodgy file - I got put off the course after I downloaded something a bit suspect, and was wary of downloading any more strangers' files after that, but sadly that prevented me from progressing further in the course or getting my grade! To be clear, I am very willing to grade other people's work, and would happily listen to any mp3s, look at screen shots whatever. So that was super disappointing and so it was a complete waste of time and money. I didn't think the quiz questions were particularly helpful from a learning viewpoint; they felt sloppily put together. The course lacked repetition of key learning points. The video resolution quality was poor which meant at times it was hard to see what Loudon was clicking on. I have done several Berklee courses before and loved them. Sadly, I just felt so frustrated with this one. It also says 3-5 hours per week but you need to invest a lot more time than that. I have never not completed a course before in my life, let alone a short 4 week one. So this is saying something. I just cannot recommend this.
By Chris R
•Jan 8, 2018
The videos are poorly edited, with jump takes every 2 seconds, which is quite dizzying. the whole course is complete fluff. the videos take upwards of 10 minutes to convey 2 minutes of information. infographics dont include ADSR settings. the Official Facebook page for the course, which is supposed to be for discussion is full of people using it for self promotion, including the page admin. that is just wrong on so many levels. I'm glad I chose the free audit option, instead of paying fifty bucks because it appears the only tangible benefit (if you can call it that) is that your projects can be graded by people whose only qualification is that they also got suckered out of fifty bucks. Hello...I can post my projects to anywhere on the internet and just ask for feedback. All in all, this course has caused me to particularly lose faith in Berklee, but also in Coursera and online education as a whole.