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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Moralities of Everyday Life by Yale University

3,345 ratings

About the Course

How can we explain kindness and cruelty? Where does our sense of right and wrong come from? Why do people so often disagree about moral issues? This course explores the psychological foundations of our moral lives....

Top reviews


Mar 13, 2021

Professor Bloom is knowledgeable, fair, and often humorous without disrupting the quality of the lectures. The use of examples and mixture of teaching media were great. I highly recommend this course.


Sep 11, 2024

I enjoyed the course very much.Continuous reading of the material is useful for me to change my behaviour for the better.Personally I am benefited from the course to live an honest and peaceful life.

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676 - 700 of 760 Reviews for Moralities of Everyday Life

By Ali K S

Jul 4, 2020

Even though, it's prevalent that lectures took place close to 5-years ago, they're very prevalent till today. They were enlightening, case-specific and educational. Event though there were room to dispute, argue and present alternative points of view- one can't for all it was pre-recorded and saved in a virtual bubble. None-the-less, highly worth it and highly recommended!

By David D

Mar 5, 2017

Generally quite good in reviewing a multitude of aspects. I did miss not having my responses evaluated even though I decided just to audit this course. On almost all occassions others courses let you evaluate your learning as you go so this was disappointing.

I did purchase Bloom's book which I find easy to read and very complimentary to the course.

By Claire B

Jun 9, 2018

Great speaker, easy-to-follow videos, interesting cases and stories. The whole course makes you think differently about the (moral) week you just had! Yet, I give it 4 out of 5 stars, cause somehow I feel like I'm lacking some "hard" knowledge. But it surely was a very nice and interesting introduction to moralities!

By Balajee T N

Nov 12, 2024

An excellent course with insights into human behaviour and morality. My suggestion is that a large body of wonderful spiritual literature from the East has been excluded (e.g. No reference to the Vedas, Upanishads or Bhagavad Gita). These areas will be the focus of future of research, I can daresay. Thank you

By Haifa M

Oct 29, 2020

A fantastic course that gives you a holistic outlook on morality and what guides people in making decisions and taking choices. Really leaves you thinking and ruminating about everything you have ever known. The professor lectures on everything from psychology to philosophy to anthropology and more!

By Mackenzie C

Oct 5, 2020

Beautifully crafted and wonderfully insightful. I would recommend taking notes and putting the speed of each video to x1.5 however. Regardless, I would highly recommend this to anyone wishing to gain a better understanding of what it means to be human in a world full of questionable humanity...

By Stephanie F

Sep 21, 2020

This was a pretty good class in terms of critical thinking. It gave valid comparative contrasts from a number of different perspectives. It tried remaining neutral while arguing a number of different viewpoints to give those participating valuable critical thinking skills.

By Felix H

Oct 7, 2024

I found this course versatile and useful. This sea of information really worked my brain, but that was the goal. I learned a lot and found out about the morality of everyday life. Thank you for the many interesting book recommendations, reading materials, and videos.

By Andi R

Apr 30, 2020

For me, this was a lot of brain pain! However, the material is interesting and applicable to real world situations from politics to TV shows.

You will come out of this course a little more thoughtful and a lot better informed about why people do what they do.

By Ranieri d M

Mar 12, 2024

The course is very interesting and stimulating, yet it does not take into account the sociological approach, which could address some of the unresolved questions. Nonetheless, it is very engaging, and I recommend it.

By Alice D

Dec 3, 2016

You'll need to pay to take the quizzes, which is a bummer, but over all a very interesting, well done, and thought provoking look into morality and how we define what is moral.

By Divya N

Sep 27, 2016

Very engaging lecturer. I would have preferred the course to be a little more challenging, with perhaps a final exam or some extra readings. Nevertheless, highly recommended.

By Abhinav L

Oct 29, 2024

Comprehensive coverage of theories and experiments of morality; however does not go into detail on the relationship between morality and law, and morality and human rights.


May 26, 2020

i have gained a lot of knowledge through this course and it taught me that being in a society is all about one's individuality and the morals they learnt.

By Elizabeth A S

May 5, 2020

It was interesting but went on a bit long.

I think that the instructor could have gotten all of his I tended material in if he tightened each lecture.


May 21, 2020

I found the course quite interesting although the extension was too long. I think is a good introduction but not something to learn a lot from.

By Silvio C

Jul 24, 2022

Curso muito bom, acrescentaria questões como moralidade de grupo nos setores Públicos (Justiça e Política) e como esses impactam a sociedade

By mrs v

Sep 9, 2020

Very good course and fascinating reading. Some of the reading material was unavailable due to broken links/removed videos.

By Mechthild K

Apr 29, 2021

Very interesting course on a topic i have not thought about much before. Difficult to squeeze into a short time frame.

By Jangsen

Aug 13, 2021

Quite good, i would suggest if Paul would take some time to explain graphs as an optional class. Like office hours.

By Shubhabrata G

Aug 21, 2022

The course was good but not much attractive, after some times it feels bored. But the instrubctor was good.

By Michael B

Jan 18, 2022

Very well presented by a very knowledgeable professor but seemed to dodge some of the trickier questions.

By Lisa S

Nov 21, 2016

It seems the teacher was under the influence of psychological drugs. He lacked the qualities of humans.

By Basel E

Jun 26, 2020

it is a very helpful course I have learned a lot of things about psychology and human being behaviors

By G J

May 27, 2020

The best life skills i have learend ,form here like ,connections and commnunicating skills ,thanks .