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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Love as a Force for Social Justice by Stanford University

420 ratings

About the Course

The objectives of this course are: -To introduce participants to different concepts of love, to empower them to be conscious of the power of love and the possibility of practicing it in everyday life, and to highlight in particular the idea of love as a force for social justice. -To communicate a sense of personal strength and empowerment by actively learning from each other and beginning to define how participants can apply their learning in service to society. This course will explore the concept of agape love (compassion/kindness) as a force for social justice and action and as the inspiration for service and the application of knowledge to positive social change. Biological, psychological, religious, and social perspectives of love will be discussed, drawing on the expertise of people from a variety of disciplines. During the six-week course, the following topics will be raised and discussed: kinds of love/defining love; non-violent communication; love and the biology of the brain; love as a basic concept of religious and ethical beliefs (e.g., Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Gandhian); love applied in action, and poetic expressions of love as a social force. This curriculum aims to foster a sense of the importance of love as a key phenomenon in creating community, connection, and functional societies among humans. Course materials will draw from a variety of sources. One of the goals of the class is to provide participants with some knowledge of the literature of love, and readings for the course are listed in the outline of the course on the pages that follow....

Top reviews


Jun 18, 2021

Excellent concepts, theoretical models and practical applications of social justice work in educational institutions, business and non-profit and health care settings. Anindita Ganguly, Ph.D.


Aug 24, 2020

Anne Firth Murray was a wonderful professor. Loved her interviews as well as the structure of her class. Great experience and I would take any of her classes. Thank you!

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26 - 50 of 143 Reviews for Love as a Force for Social Justice

By Todd H

Dec 2, 2020

Enjoyed the course. Was pleased that it covered different dimensions and expressions of love. I was glad to see that guests kept from making the class political or about a specific social agenda.

I had a few points deducted when student graders missed understood or did not completely read my assignments but other readers did, so I do suggest having more than one grader.

Finally, I want to say thank you to Professor Murray for creating and offering the course.

By Jessica W

Feb 22, 2021

I completed Anne Firth Murray's other course, International Women's Health and Human Rights, before this one, and I felt this course was a nice follow-up. Could also be done prior to the other course. I found that this course really helped me to develop some of my own beliefs about my place in my society and the larger world. New ideas and concepts were presented in the context of Agape Love, and I feel I have a new set of eyes moving forward.

By Margaret W

Nov 19, 2020

This course was the perfect course to take in 2020. By focusing on loving kindness, in my personal life and more broadly, and with the assignments that challenged us to make changes in our own life, I was able to rewrite the negative script of injustices that has been looping through my mind this year. I highly recommend this class for anyone looking to make a difference in our world.

By Skylar L

Jul 7, 2020

My only complaint about this course was that I wasn't able to give it the full attention it deserved. I didn't really know what to expect while coming into this course, but if I had to briefly sum it up, I would say that this course is about identifying acts of love, the history of love, love in action, and love on a bigger scale. Highly recommend this course.

By Iasmin L G

Jul 23, 2020

The course is marvelous, outstanding. The teacher Anne Firth Murray is stunning and extremely clever. The course and the topics overcame my expectations. Everyone else should do this course, it is a big lesson of humanity and empathy. I feel more human after this course and I can, finally, see my role at the society while woman and while person.

By Steve F

Jul 25, 2020

This was an excellent course. Thank you.

We had a local discussion group and enjoyed getting together weekly to discuss the material. If there is one thing we would add to the course, it would be a discussion of forgiveness and its relation to agape love.

Thanks again for understanding and compassion you are providing globally. Well done.

By Stuart O

Oct 17, 2023

I took this course as I launch my retirement. It will change my life. I really wish I had taken it early in my life. I recommend it wholeheartedly. Thank you to Professor Firth Murray for putting together this remarkable and unique learning experience. Thank you to the other learners who shared their thoughts throughout the course.

By Carmen S

Jul 22, 2020

I am delighted that I took this course. I have learned so much about Love and its relationship with Social Justice. Living a life with love is instrumental in fostering and assessing social justice. l feel such a difference in my attitude toward others. This course is an inspiration for a career path. Thank You, Carmen Schaye

By Rosaura S E

Aug 31, 2020

Content and instructor conversations are very well structured and organized. Is a course that helps us explore and deepen in those things we value, question and often hope were changed and which can bring justice with a little more openness to the different experiences of love which lead to empathy and social justice.

By Pia T

Oct 16, 2020

I liked reading about the different love and hear people speak about their resurge, experiences and participating in the discussions. I got more viewpoints, and also saw how people could overcome very difficult situations.

I'm happy I took the class, even I had to start 3 times, it was worth while.

thank you


By Mona K

Mar 27, 2021

I absolutely loved the course, it landed in my mailbox at the perfect time and aligned with the inner work and self development I have been working. I learned the word agape love and got to understand it at a much deeper love in all areas of life. Thank you for this course, I am so grateful.

By Ann T

Dec 28, 2021

I have learned much from this course, about religions, about business ethics, but most of all about the power of love and kindness and non-violent action. I am working through the book on non-violent communication, tring to learn not to be too aggressive when making my views known.

By Catherine M

Feb 17, 2021

I found this course incredibly interesting and thought provoking. I enjoyed learning the tenets of various religions, how similar they are and how they relate to loving kindness and social justice. The science behind brain function and compassion was also enlightening.

By Amy J

Jul 10, 2020

This was an incredibly empowering and timely class especially during such this tumultuous epoch in world history. I thoroughly enjoyed the talks, readings, and writing assignments, and I urge anyone with an interest in the broadest and deepest forms of love to enroll.

By Preethy M

Oct 10, 2020

I am happy that I did this course. Looking forward to its continuation or the next level of the course. Could learn that love is such a powerful force and by aligning to it we could make a just society. I would recommend this course to everyone I know. Thank you .

By Eni H

Oct 17, 2022

I wish everyone would take this course. This world would be a better place. The professor is amazing and I really enjoy not only the readings she assigns, but also the discussions she has with the other professors she invites. \

Thank you for creating this course!

By Jessica D

Jul 19, 2020

Exceptional class with great concepts, knowledge, beliefs and values. The structure of class was doable. Loved all the readings and guest speakers. Amazing class: Love as a Force for Social Justice. Thank you very much! Jessica Domanay, Los Angeles, CA

By Jacqueline A

Jul 7, 2021

This course helped me to realize that much of what I do is inspired by Agape in the search for Social Justice. Readings and videos covered a wide range of perspectives. I enjoyed this course and it will help to inform my actions.

By Martina C P

Jun 15, 2020

What I really loved about this course is that it reinforced the idea of how strong love is as a force for a better world. How lobe for others and compassion is essential in social change. Thanks for teaching this wonderful course

By Patricia I O

Nov 2, 2022

Estoy empezando el curso, por ahora me encanta y me agrada, se que seguirá así: ¿Cómo reacciona nuestro cerebro al sentir Amor? Super me encanta. Adelante!! ¡¡Vamos!! Gracias, gracias, gracias Ann Firth Murray.

By Acalia R

Jul 4, 2021

I loved this course! I've learned so much more about the different types of love and how love fits into everything from relating to strangers and business to religion and romance. Thanks for this amazing course.

By Tina B

Apr 11, 2021

This course has reminded me that love is more than a feeling. Love is a choice, and love is also a skill, a skill we can all work on. Agape lovers can change the world with love. It's not banal, it's radical.

By Daithi M W

Mar 31, 2018

Very stimulating and interesting course. There's a big variety of different perspectives on the main topics. Also, I thought the assignments and extra reading were all very informative and thought-provoking.

By Mehraneh k p

Nov 12, 2023

This course was very interesting with comprehensive discussions of the influence of religions, society and the individual on the concept of love in creating world peace, which I enjoyed participating in.

By Gabriela P

Aug 22, 2020

ES un curo que proporxiona bases sòlidas para abordar el trabajo en filantropìa con el corazòn abierto y un mejor entendiiento de la compasiòn y el amor por elpròjimo como las fuerzas de la filantropìa