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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning Technologies Foundations and Applications by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

183 ratings

About the Course

This course, Learning Technologies Foundations and Applications, is one of the two four-week MOOC courses that form part of Instructional Design MasterTrack Certificate. After completing the course, you will be able to: 1. Identify suitable learning technology applications for problem-solving tasks. 2. Evaluate learning technology solutions based on Cognitive Load Theory and related multimedia learning design models. 3. Justify the selection of learning technologies for solving organizational problems based on evidence and best practices....

Top reviews


Aug 18, 2020

The course was informative and the diverse instructors friendly. The historical lesson on PLATO also made me want to go to University of Illinois to study.


Jul 15, 2020

this course is very interesting I learn a lot of new things especially in using some technologies and in handling the learning abilities of the learners.

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1 - 25 of 52 Reviews for Learning Technologies Foundations and Applications

By Jaime S


Oct 7, 2020

I have learned a lot from this course. That said, it shares a number of issues with Instructional Design Foundations and Applications, which seems to be its companion course, and which I recently completed. As such, my remarks will be similar, too.

The design of this course could stand to be further enhanced, based on the very principles and concepts that it covers. The videos are far too long and too unvaried to be engaging or memorable. The "talking head" format of the videos adds little value; I suspect that providing the lessons in the form of slide presentations that students could work through on their own would have been just as, if not more, effective. Creating smaller chunks of content would also make everything more manageable.

Some of the content is either outdated or missing. The orientation video, for instance, mentions synchronous sessions and peer reviews, but neither element was required. The second module does not discuss global citizenship at all, even if it is identified as a key concept. The same module also only mentions the seven affordances of technology-enhanced learning very briefly, without sufficient detail.

With regard to the assessments, I found the quizzes a bit frustrating, because they contemplate very thin slices of the content that students are expected to have thoroughly digested beforehand—a three-item quiz for a 30-minute video appears to be rather disproportional. Moreover, the items seem to be improperly weighted: an item where one has to select all of the correct choices has the same number of points as an item where there is just one correct choice. Finally, there is no application involved. At best, the quizzes test one's reading comprehension.

By Luis A F S


Jun 23, 2019

It is a very good training if do you want to learn about Instructional Design Theories, Models and Methodologies.

By Shiela V Z P


Jul 15, 2020

this course is very interesting I learn a lot of new things especially in using some technologies and in handling the learning abilities of the learners.

By Christopher C


Apr 2, 2020

Solid course overall. Not particularly demanding or challenging. Readings and videos are useful, but quizzes are not extensive enough to sufficiently assess "mastery" or even comprehension. More assessment types are needed, i.e. peer-review assignments, projects, etc. This course is a good first exposure to Learning Tech for those with or without a background in education.

By Lee S Y


Jul 24, 2020

This course is better designed than ID Foundation course. It's more manageable and easier to learn. However, there could be better interactivity and application of theory to enable learners to internalise the theory.

By Deleted A


Jul 9, 2019

This course is both invigoring, and challenging. Not one dull moment. I recommend it to a person who is curious and interested in learning instructional design and learning technology applications, and how it working in preparing a design.

By Jiawei L


Aug 18, 2020

very clear presentation to get basic knowledge of learning technology and instructional design

By Quratuain H


Jul 30, 2019

A challenging yet highly engaging course!



Nov 19, 2019

Very helpful course for teachers and trainers. This course can guide trainers to improve their learning deliberation style and provide very effective tools for ensuring maximum transfer of training during a learning session.

By Nims B


Apr 23, 2021

The lecture style is not engaging

By Filianti


Jun 13, 2020

Very interesting course. During this co-19 pandemic, I took many courses related to Instructional Design from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Learning videos are very interesting, do not make me feel bored in learning. On the contrary, I became interested in paying attention to every instructor's explanation.

The majority of the tasks given are very supportive so that students understand the material practically. In this course, I gained knowledge about Learning Technologies Foundations and Applications, especially if it functions as a tool in facilitating courses for workers.

By Mario J R M


Aug 6, 2020

Excellent course, very important All information, taking into account: Learning, design and technology, Environments and cognitive load (TEELE),

To very personal information, I break down the whole course, I make the graphics, etc., and I enjoy the course better

Congratulations on your work

By Raghad N


Sep 29, 2020

This course provides foundational information about using learning technologies in designing courses. The shared resources open the doors for further exploration of the related topics. Some material needs to be updated. Overall, it was a useful course and I would recommend it to others.

By Trixie E C


Jun 26, 2020

Thank you Cousera for giving me this another wonderful learning opportunity. This course boosts my self-confidence to handle subjects related to learning technologies. Every activity in this course was worth it. Keep it up! God bless!

By Natalia S


Mar 6, 2021

Thanks to this course I have great fundamentals on eLearning. Also, I can identify areas of improvement I’m my work thanks to the Cognitive Load theory and 4c model for ID.

By Nimmala S


Aug 18, 2020

The course was informative and the diverse instructors friendly. The historical lesson on PLATO also made me want to go to University of Illinois to study.

By Inés S


Apr 18, 2023

This course was very informative and interactive. It was great being able to complete on my on pace and times.

By Maanka a A


May 14, 2021

This course was absolutely great it gives you a lot of information about the technology and education

By M B


Nov 11, 2022

I learned some valuable information that I can apply immediately.

By Mahad M K


May 23, 2021

I have experienced many discussions when performing this course.

By Junxiang


Aug 5, 2021

A great entry level course of learning technology and design!

By Adebimpe O


May 6, 2020

Thoroughly enjoyed it and gained new skills! Thank you!

By Dr.Shobha M D


Sep 7, 2020

provide brief information about learning technoogies

By Dr. F O


Feb 25, 2021

Great course- modeling the content taught.

By Laiba T


Nov 21, 2020

Very informative and interesting course