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Learner Reviews & Feedback for First Step Korean by Yonsei University

52,073 ratings

About the Course

This is an elementary-level Korean language course, consisting of 5 lessons with 4 units, and covers 4 skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The main topics include basic expressions used in everyday life, such as greetings, introducing yourself, talking about your family and a daily life and so on. Each lesson covers dialogues, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, quizzes and role-plays. After completing this course, you will be able to 1. read and write Korean alphabet. 2. communicate in Korean with basic expressions. 3. learn basic knowledge on Korean culture. It’s fun and easy to follow! Enjoy it!...

Top reviews


Aug 28, 2021

I have learned so much and I really enjoyed learning this beautiful language. I know that I will learn to speak and read with lots of practice and perseverance. Thank you so much for this opportunity!


May 18, 2020

A really good starting point to understand what's the Hangeul is constituted of and have a taste test on daily conversation. Last 2 modules were of quick pace which encourages me to revisit more often

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1201 - 1225 of 10,000 Reviews for First Step Korean

By Nicolli P

Jul 8, 2021

Um curso extremamente completo. Estudei apenas 3 dias por semana e é o suficiente para aprender bastante. Tudo é muito bem explicado, os exercícios são bem completos e me ajudaram muito a fixar a matéria. Obrigada Yonsei University.

By Juliana M L B

Sep 30, 2020

I'm really thankful for this course because it helped me a lot to understand a few Korean vocabularies and conversations. I hope that there will be part 2 of this course that will take us to an intermediate level. Thank you so much!

By Mahek M

Sep 13, 2020

Loved this course. Everything was explained so well. The differences between korean and western culture was portrayed well. Overall an amazing course to start with. I can now read and write korean well and speak and write a lot too!

By AyeshaFoad I

Sep 1, 2020

one of the best online courses in existence... weeks are really well planned out, teachers pronunciations are spot-on and it is overall really fun and interesting.... thank you Ms. Seung Hae Kang and Yonsei university!!!! 고맙습니다 !!!

By Lovely C

Jun 20, 2020

I love that the explanations are easy to understand. I just hope that we could talk more about formal rather than informal examples since you cannot just talk informally to people you've just met. Thank you so much for teaching!!!

By Ayusha T

Apr 2, 2020

It was the best experience to be a part of this learning process. I respect the language and culture even more now. I feel more connected to people by knowing their language. Huge respect to the teacher for perfect teaching.


By Zainab k

Nov 30, 2017

First Step Korean course by Yonsei University is a really helpful , easy and student friendly way to learn Korean. As I am still doing the course I am pretty sure that i will be able to speak fluent Korean by the end of the course.


Sep 24, 2017

Great course. Material outlined in an orderly manner for the student to connect concepts with daily life, eg number and time / date. However, as with any language, success depends on how much you revise the concepts and practice it.

By Alexandru-Nicolae L

Aug 11, 2017

This course is easy to follow, very nicely structured and the instructors make sure you understand the words and their pronunciation. I took this course to prepare for a hospital internship at Konyang Uni and it proved very helpful!

By Deena Z

Jun 3, 2016

With clear explanations, good pacing, and wonderful activities to practice reading, I enjoyed the lectures and am very grateful to be learning such a culturally rich language such as Korean. Thank you for giving me this opportunity!

By Pamela D

Jul 10, 2022

El curso está muy completo y contiene muchas herramientas para practicar, lo recomiendo para quienes van comenzando a aprender el idioma y para los que ya tienen conocimiento de el alfabeto y comienzan a leer o escribir en coreano.

By Tigger L

Jun 21, 2022

Professor Seung Hae Kang was excellent for this course! I wish there was an intermediate and advanced class with professor Seung Hae Kang . She taught pronounciation as well as the vocabulary and phrases. I will miss her lectures.

By Angela y

Jan 15, 2022

This was a great short course that taught a lot of the basic expressions you would need to know to hold a conversation in Korean. I really appreciate the breakdown of the words and the conversations towards the end of the lessons.

By Natalia R

Aug 2, 2021

Really good course for those that want to learn the Korean language. As a college student who was self-teaching herself Korean, this course really helped supplement and review all the materials I've already learned and would learn.

By Eman M H

Jun 16, 2021

it's a very good step for anyone who needs to learn korean cuz the teacher is someone from the Yonsei University - highly recommended this couser it's very usfeul - and i wanna thank the teacher very much for this good information

By Aicha B

Apr 27, 2021

L'enseignante a rendu la langue Coréenne plus facile et simple a comprendre, elle est très compétente. Merci à l'université de YONSEI de nous offrir une opportunité d'apprendre cette langue. Je vous souhaite une bonne continuation.

By Mena J

Apr 11, 2021

During this course the instructor went through the sentences thoroughly and explained what each word meant and why each particle was placed and when to use them. This was very helpful to me and I overall enjoyed taking this course.


Mar 19, 2021

Me encantó el curso. Además de aprender sobre el alfabeto coreano y mucho vocabulario, me siento preparada para poder tomar el segundo nivel de este idioma.

Sin duda alguna es el comienzo ideal para aprender coreano. 연세대학교 감사합니다 !

By Karen P

Mar 9, 2021

Great intro of the Korean language if you have little to no knowledge of it. Print out the lecture notes prior to the lesson so you can follow along and make your own notes along the way. Thank you for making this course available!

By Nandini R

Oct 11, 2020

A great course! Love how vocabulary are repeated from time to time to help refresh your memory. The introduction and description of the history of the characters was an insightful section. Absolutely enjoyed working on this course.

By Tasnim J S

Sep 14, 2020

This course was really helpful for me. As i was a toddler in hangul, i didn't know anything about korean alphabets or how they're are written but now i can speak, read and write hangul. Thanks to the teacher who taught this course.

By Josie A

Aug 30, 2020

Thank you for giving this free lesson on Hangeul. This was very interesting, entertaining and I gained lots of new learning from this course. Keep up the great work. Hoping to see new lessons in the future. Thank you. Kamsahamnida!

By Paulina E E B

Jul 27, 2020

Hola mi nombre es Paulina, mi idioma natal es el español, siempre quise aprender y entender la base del coreano, por lo que este curso me ayudó bastante, espero mejorar y reforzar lo aprendido, muchas gracias por esta oportunidad!!

By Abegail B

Jul 10, 2020

This is a fun course for people who want to learn the Korean language. The lessons are useful in everyday life and the way it's presented was very clear and comprehensible even to those with little or no background in the language.