Oct 7, 2021
This course is really a great start to learn Korean language. It taught me Hangul, particles used, vocabularies and how sentences are made. Thank you to Professor Seung Hae Kang and Yonsei University.
May 18, 2020
A really good starting point to understand what's the Hangeul is constituted of and have a taste test on daily conversation. Last 2 modules were of quick pace which encourages me to revisit more often
By Alberti M
•Jul 24, 2020
I really loved how everything was divided into sections and explained one at a time. Also, the pace is quite slow so you, as a beginner, can follow easily. For visual learners there are images which help you memorize faster and the listening part in the quizzes it's really clear. Thank you so much for this course, I really learned so many things!
By Lucia V
•Jun 13, 2023
Quede muy conforme con la experiencia, si bien por cuestiones personales me demore más de lo que toma el curso, los videos son cortos pero tienen la informacion necesaria, fundamental los ejercicios de practica armando conversaciones y el lenguaje adicional. Quede encantada incluso con las tareas! recomiendo mucho probarlo no se van a arrepentir!!
By Consuelo E T
•Nov 26, 2020
For a beginner like me, I find First Step Korean an effective tool in learning basic Korean. The lessons are practical and useful in everyday life. They are presented in a way that is easy to follow and understand. That makes learning interesting and fun. I hope to be able to practice what I've learned and be conversational in the language soon.
By Anthea A
•Nov 7, 2020
This course has helped me to understand the basic of Korean Language. Since this is for the first learner, I think the curriculum team has been successful made the course to be very organized and neat. I am enjoying how the instructor can explain the course very clear. I wish there will be more course like this for intermediate and advanced level.
By Ion D D L
•Oct 3, 2020
Excelente curso para introducirse en el idioma coreano y practicar lectura y conversación. El formato de cada clase hace que el estudiante mantenga el interés constante en seguir avanzando y aprendiendo. Una vez lo terminas sientes que puedes mantener una conversación simple pero fluida hablando en coreano. ¡Muchas gracias a la Universidad Yonsei!
By Saeeda A
•Sep 7, 2020
The course content was very structed and easy to follow, both visually with the format of the videos and readings and the content itself. It's always difficult to learn a language, and the layout of the course and the way the instructor spoke made everything easy to follow, and the more complicated aspects of the course were really well explained!
By Arifa T R
•Aug 19, 2020
I am grateful to Coursera for giving me the opportunity to learn Korean language.Learning Korean was so much fun that I've finished my course very fast.Now I can understand basic Korean words and phrase.Thank you Professor Seung Hae Kang for teaching us so nicely with patience.I want to say thanks to Yonsei University for providing your support.
By Gemma M
•Dec 5, 2019
Great for total beginners or those who have little knowledge (or confidence) in korean. If you already have an understanding of basic korean, like myself, then you may find it slightly easier than others. Short lectures but very informative. Forums are very helpful! You learn very useful basic words/phrases. Makes the grammar easier to understand.
By Siti R S B
•Mar 2, 2022
thank you for the learner I like it and really enjoy it during the learning process, I am more motivated to improve my learning methods so that I can study directly at Yonsei University, hopefully one day I can study on that campus. thank you for the knowledge and material that is very easy to understand. thanks for all greetings from Indonesia.
By Stella M
•Jul 5, 2021
Me encantó llevar el curso, la profesora explica muy detalladamente cada módulo, las fichas son excelentes. Lo único que rogaria es que hubiera subtítulos en espanol, para los que manejan el inglés les sera más facil. Pero para los que sabemos little bit del idioma, pues repasaremos y reforzaremos cosas también del inglés. Por lo demás satisfecha
By Frida
•Oct 5, 2020
This was my first time taking an online language course and I loved it! Thank you so much Professor Seung Hae Kang for teaching this course and thank you for the material you offered me so I could study and use it for my quizzes. I really enjoyed learning a different language than the ones I already speak and I am excited to learn more Korean! 💜
By Eboni P
•Aug 23, 2020
I wish there was a part 2 of this course. I learned so much that I want to keep going. This course takes you from a very beginner to having a very decent grasp and understanding of the language and how to use it. From all the super expensive Korean courses I have taken, this one is the most concise to get you speaking faster. I highly recommend!!
By Jennifer H
•Sep 1, 2019
Well structured and organised. I didn't feel like I needed any other resources or background knowledge to finish this course. I'm actually quite surprise of how much I learned in only a couple of weeks of these short lessons. I only wish there were more exercises to practice with, but overal very happy with the course. Would definitely recommend!
By Elizabeth J
•Sep 27, 2020
El curso esta muy bueno, aprendí mucho, te enseña bien la gramática, escuchas y practicas con conversaciones naturales y te dan vocabulario de se usan en el día a día, lo mejor de todo es que lo puedes ajustar a tu horario ya que las clases están disponibles en cualquier momento y puedes verlas cuantas veces quieras. Me encanto muchas gracias.
By shruti j
•Jul 5, 2020
The course content is properly divided into modules and the lectures and notes are very helpful in understanding core concepts.The discussion forums were active and the moderators helped us whenever we were stuck.It was an awesome experience and I had a lot of fun learning this new language.Professor Kang was an awesome teacher. Thankyou so much
By Homa J
•Nov 21, 2021
I personally really enjoyed the course and found the information was presented in an easy to understand format (espeically the lecture notes!). I understand why this might be a tad bit too fast for absolute beginners to the language but for people like me who have been exposed to the language but are unable to speak it, this course is perfect.
By hằng t
•Feb 2, 2021
I want to show my great gratitude to my teacher, and for this course. Thanks to this precious chance, I can learn basic Korean. Now I can read the language, I will keep loving and learning Korean until one day I can visit your country. During this hard time (covid-19), I hope that you and your family will be safe and healthy. Thank you so much.
By Akhdan M
•Jul 27, 2020
Definitely interesting course. Got so much knowledge about Korean Hangeul and culture as well, especially for me as beginner to Korean language. The materials delivered clearly though the presenter quite seemed not interesting, but it doesn't really matter. This course is totally recommended! Thank you Mrs. Seung Hae Kang and Yonsei University!
By Swarnasree C
•Jun 25, 2020
I totally loved this entire course! I got to learn the basics thoroughly and can now make sentences as well. The pattern of this course is very interesting which will make one to learn more and more. Heartfelt thanks to Coursera, Yonsei University, and Professor Seung Hae Kang for this opportunity. Wishing you all lots of happiness and success!
By Alonso M
•Jan 18, 2022
Muy bueno, no hablo mucho sobre gramtáica, fue aprender msá de un modo natural, debes dedicar mucho tiempo a memorizar los números principalemtne, es lo que msá tiempo toma de este curso. Mi lectura aunque básica mejoró bastante. Si lo recomiendo. Solamente me gustaría que hubiera un chat en tiempo real para poder practicar o preguntar dudas.
By Heidi J R
•Jun 21, 2020
Fist of all I want to thank my Instructor for teaching me everything...It is very helpful to me and I really enjoy learning with this.I learned so many things and I guess when I will go to Korea I can speak some Korean words and communicate some Korean friend of mine using the knowledge that I learned through this course...Thank you very much.
By Muhammad T A
•Apr 18, 2020
I took a Korean lesson for beginners a few years ago. I think this course is a good way to refresh my memory rather than going through the books. There are some things that aren't taught where I took the lesson years ago but I get them here. You don't even need a subtitle to understand what the teacher said. A good place to study basic Korean.
By Wendell
•Jan 16, 2023
This is really a great starter for those who have zero knowledge on korean language prior to enrolling. This teaches almost everything you will need to start or have a decent conversation. The homeworks as well help summarize what the video modules have, in that way you are able to have in a compact setting when you're not able to take notes.
By Johanna J J
•Apr 15, 2021
Me encanta, gracias aprendí mucho con ustedes y quiero seguir aprendiendo mucho más.
No es facil pero me gusta aprender de su cultura su idioma todo. Por eso doy y dare lo mejor de mi para seguir aprendiendo con ustedes! Muchas gracias por este hermoso curso. Aunque si supiera mejor el inglés supongo que me iria un poco mejor.
Saludos. 감사합니다
By Daniela O
•Nov 29, 2020
This course will help you with the basics. You'll learn how to write and read Hangul, you'll know how to count numbers in Korean, you'll know how to say the time and date in Korean. And to make sure that you have learn from the lectures, they give you quizzes. This course is excellent for beginners! I highly recommend you taking this course.