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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Korean Economic Development by Yonsei University

405 ratings

About the Course

You will review the evolution of the Korean economy decade by decade since Korea’s independence from Japan in 1945. Major policies of each decade will be explained and their effect on the Korean economy will be analyzed. Also, the backgrounds and limitations of important policies will be scrutinized. By doing so, you will be able to compare the Korea experience with the other developing countries’. 1. You will be able to explain how the miracle of the Korean economic development was made possible. 2. By examining internal and external conditions behind the decision making of major policies in Korea, you will be able to draw lessons that can be applicable to today’s developing countries. 3. You can explain how the Korean economy has interacted with the global economy in the past. 4. You can observe how economic theories and models can be applied to the Korean case....

Top reviews


Aug 4, 2021

Dear Professor,Thank you for this quick glance study for Korean Economic Development it helps me much to fully understanding of Korea and their tackling challenge to be a developed country. :)


Jul 1, 2017

This was a really fun course. I really enjoyed it a lot. I could understand easily. There wasnt too much of overwhelming information presented in a boring way. It was a really nice.

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101 - 103 of 103 Reviews for The Korean Economic Development

By Cedric E

Aug 20, 2017


By Farhodjon A

Oct 9, 2017


By Galeanaa

Mar 17, 2023

En un examen no me deja ver las respuestas incorrectas y correctas, está congelado eso está ocasionando que no pueda terminar mi curso