Oct 6, 2020
Wonderfully tied together, and certainly a lot more reading material provided - which I suspect will further enhance my understanding of the topic. Definitely a class that could help anyone.
May 19, 2019
Amazing experience of blended learning. I think this course is a must do for anyone with a penchant for Neuroscience, Behavioral medicine and Phiolosophy. What are we; but rational beings.
By Minyan S
•Aug 19, 2022
Well explained, detailed and fun.
I have reviewed a lot and it is deeper than what I learned in my own school.
By Murtaza H
•Dec 26, 2020
A highly intellectual and informative course covering not just the main theme but a lot under one umbrella
By Melissa A
•Apr 27, 2020
My favourite class so far. Very insightful, great professor, truly enjoyed the readings and the material.
By Jim W
•Dec 17, 2021
I know myself and others much better now. Patience, Listening, and Introspection make the world better.
By Elizabeth M
•Apr 10, 2021
Another stellar course from U. Edinburgh and Mitchell Greene. Looking forward to the third installment.
By Niven N S
•Aug 11, 2021
The course was everything I expected it to be. It blew my mind. Excellent, i need more like this !
By Srinivasan L N
•Oct 13, 2020
Insightful and thought provoking. Learnt a number of skills to pause and analyze the way I think.
By Sabina C
•Nov 11, 2021
I loved this course a lot. I learned a number of things that i can now apply in my daily life.
By Meabh C
•May 28, 2021
Interesting course, great content and a variety of different presentations of the information
By Aigerim
•Apr 16, 2020
Thank you so much! I really enjoyed this course. I discovered lots of new things for my self.
By Kaveetha R
•Aug 24, 2020
Really enjoyed the course, well presented and interactive, the topics covered very beneficial
By Fredrik E
•Aug 28, 2022
Exceptional teacher delivering a very insightful way for us to better understand ourselves.
By Alexandra N
•Aug 8, 2023
I loved the course content and how the course materials are available at different levels
By Bruno T
•Jan 23, 2021
It is a really great course and a great couse which will certainly helps in my formation.
By Claire
•Nov 28, 2020
A fantastic and wide-ranging course. Covers a lot of material in a clear and concise way.
By Joanne M
•Oct 15, 2020
Professor Green was wonderful; he is extremely knowledgeable and the course is practical.
By Alejandro B F
•Sep 21, 2020
Great content. It really helps to know yourself.
Can´t wait for the next one of the series
By Robbi K
•Apr 20, 2023
It was very well done. I love the drawings! I am looking forward to the third series.
By Hannah L C
•Jan 26, 2022
It's very helpful for me as this course dive into the deeper level of our unconscious.
By avantika t
•Aug 18, 2021
this course has increased my knowledge ten folds and im very thankful i opted for it
By Hamish A
•Apr 12, 2021
This is a worthwhile course for anyone taking the path to wisdom and self-knowledge.
By Veronica R A
•Dec 15, 2020
It was really interesting! I enjoyed to watch the videos and doing the Quiz. Thanks
By Filipa M
•Sep 1, 2022
Briefe summury of the power os the unconscious. Great teacher, great examples.
By Joseph C K W
•May 9, 2023
Great introductory course to psychoanalysis and understanding of basic terms.