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Learner Reviews & Feedback for iOS App Capstone by Meta

29 ratings

About the Course

In this capstone course, you’ll demonstrate your proficiency in your new skill set by creating a native iOS app. At this point in the program, you've gained all the skills you need to successfully complete this project. But you might need to refresh your memory when it comes to the previous courses in the program. For that reason, each module in this course will take you through a brief recap of relevant content from previous courses in the program. And don't worry, there will be links too so you can review content in more detail if necessary. In this way, you will be guided through the process of building the Little Lemon app which allows you to show off your new development skills. This course is ideal for intermediate learners who would like to prepare themselves for a career in iOS development. On completion of the capstone project, you’ll have an interactive mobile application that you can share with recruiters and impress potential employers with. To complete this course, you will need experience in iOS and a good understanding of the Swift programming language. Additionally, it always helps to have a can-do attitude! By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: -Build a native iOS mobile app -Publish and sell it on the Apple Store...

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1 - 7 of 7 Reviews for iOS App Capstone

By Viorel H


Jul 12, 2023

Its horrible. Its awful. I don't understand how can you gloss over such a crucial subject as "Data Flow" in iOS - the guy literally just reads from the screen like a PHD to another PHD - no context, explanation, NOTHING. You definitely would understand more just reading documentation than hearing his nonsense without context.. I just don't get it. And then you require answers ONLY FOR THIS in this capstone. This is definitely the last course I'm doing from Meta and probably from other tech companies too. Its BS. and PLEASE EXPLAIN: WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU USE CHECKMARKS INSTEAD OF BULET POINTS FOR 1 ANSWER QUESTIONS? JUST WHY? WHAT THE HLL IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS? This course was a complete pain when I could've been way better off checking youtube or just reading documentation. No, META doesn't mean quality. This is what happens when you take a bunch of bored corporate guys&girls, put them in a room, give them a tenis-table and add a task to do tech courses. Its awful. It feels till the end that is made just to be done as a task from managers, not for you to actually learn something in iOS. Find other courses guys. Not this one... I just regret the wasted time after work.

By Carlos O


May 6, 2024

I believe having a React and React Native Course mixed with swift course is confusing. it starts with all the swift basics and by the end they push all react lessons and by the end you dont remmber most the swift content like the core data lesson which is the hardest one.

By Dana C


Jul 17, 2024

The competency levels among peers differ significantly. My code is correct and can run, but because the peer themselves do not know how to operate it, they just let your assignment fail, claiming your code cannot run. Even though I followed all the course guidelines in my submission, I even created specific instructions to help peers understand how to run it. After waiting three days, I finally received a grade, but it was a fail due to the peer's lack of ability. After resubmitting, I have now waited four more days without anyone grading it. This means that from my first submission, despite my code being correct and meeting all criteria, a week has already passed, and I still can't complete this course. Coursera should learn from Udacity and have professionals review assignments, ensuring that work is graded within 24 hours of submission. This peer review assignment mechanism on Coursera is truly terrible.

By Adolfo C


Jun 27, 2023

Excellent guidance for creating the minimum viable product for the little lemon app. It's in the styling that you can let your creativity flow and create an app you can call yours!

By Kevinho M


Jun 7, 2023

Great course!

By T


Jun 22, 2024


By Jorge E R M


Aug 29, 2023

The assignment instructions weren't clear and also you get to review assignments in JavaScript instead of Swift. It can be improved.