Mar 23, 2023
It's a great course, loved the way Prof. Karl Schmedders explains things. However one area of improvement of this course is - the methods adopted in the exercises needed to be covered in the lectures.
Apr 27, 2022
Wow. What an amazing journey. Engaging, exciting, and as far from broring as it is possible while providing actual knowledge. Perfect balance. The only downside of this course is that is it too short.
By Daniel S
•Mar 8, 2022
I enjoyed this introduction to probability, especially using excel for problems in the last few lectures. It was a little harder to understnad what the TA exercises were at the end of some lectures. I think a little more time and explanation in those exercises would have been helpful. Good overall!
By bx2
•Oct 15, 2022
I really liked prof. Schmedders and the idea of building the intuition for probability in general. I do think that the "final" excercises were a bit too easy. Perhaps not filling them up for students would be a better way to retain what they learned. I know that for me that would be the case :)
By Max G
•Jan 26, 2019
An interesting course in probablity and statistics. In some cases the equations given are not explained clearly enough. I would have preferred a demonstration of how the equations were actually derived, but perhaps that was beyond the scope of this course.
By Ibrahim N
•Jan 13, 2018
A very good course, especially if you are interested in the applications of probability theory. The title fulfills itself and this course is kind of an alternative approach to the very popular problem: how to understand probability theory in a better way.
By Antonio P
•Aug 30, 2019
Excellent teaching of a well designed introductory course about probability. I’ve appreciated how much can be taught while keeping tough maths out of sight. I’ve also appreciated the connection between theory and non-scholastic, real life applications.
By Nithin B
•Sep 25, 2020
From a quick introduction to real-world examples where probability is used gave an overview on the topic of probability. Sharing the raw data and generate a summary in excel or libre office calc would be a good thing to get hands-on experience.
By Tengfei H
•May 6, 2017
The course is very interesting. It has taught me a lot about basic ideas/definitions/applications of probability. But the difficulties of the exercises may be raised a little bit to bring a little bit more challenge to this course.
By Rasha A A M
•Oct 18, 2020
Thank you very much for this wonderful course mixed with great effort and sincerity by those in charge of it . This course is a great blend of theory and practice with a very interesting presentation of every day life applications.
By Jennifer G
•May 4, 2020
I enjoyed taking this course. It was fairly intuitive as it was billed. I had a little difficulty downloading some of the reading materials but the information provided in the videos was sufficient to take the quizzes.
By aineko
•Feb 22, 2018
Good and remarkably easy introduction to probability theory. The chosen real world applications really helped me to understand the subject better. Might have to recap some lessons to really grasp the subject.
By shailaja s
•Mar 5, 2022
Excellent course. Makes maths interesting. I understood the bell curve which i did not understand in school and lost marks because i did not attempt that question . i feel better now having done this course.
By Jawad
•Aug 14, 2021
The passion of the instructor was great and motivating to learn this course.
There were some errors in the transcript. It would have been great if the instructor prepared a pdf format of each lecture note.
By Mayank J
•Jun 15, 2017
As written in course introduction this course covers basics of Probability. Instructor is good and explains everything from scratch. Would recommend this course for someone who want to learn about basics.
By Prashant
•Apr 15, 2018
This COURSE is quite interesting to learn many new thing which has explained very interestingly by karl
but add more on this as many topics are missing in this course and teach more on excel part
•Jul 8, 2024
I expected more of advanced Mathematics in this course which was not available. Overall, it was an excellent course clearly citing many applications of Probability Analysis.
By Joaquin A M
•Nov 14, 2022
Gran curso, muy didáctico, amigable, al comienzo resulta un poco abstracto pero con ir practicando y resolviendo los ejercicios se hace muy agradable y comprensible. Gracias
By Shriya S
•Jun 5, 2020
This course was pretty amazing! I learnt so I much about how to calculate probability, and Professor Karl gave many examples too, which made me understand the concepts well.
By Yun S
•Jun 20, 2024
some section tests are not aim on concept review or calculation techniques, which acts as "information catching/remembering" of the video type, such as test 4.7 and 4.8
By Marcomini D U
•May 25, 2020
This course has been extremely powerful giving a lot of intresting example of ststistics application far away from my previous knowledge on industrial process.
•Sep 19, 2019
This course covers very basic and does not explain how the normal distribution works, the maths behind it, and does not have rigorous exercise for practice
By Prajjwal a
•May 20, 2017
I really liked the ease with which Karl taught some of the most intriguing concepts of probability. I would suggest more numerical s to be included.
By Hasan B
•Feb 1, 2017
Very nice and entertaining course
Sometimes the quizzes can be a bit frustrating. They could be set better.
Also, often the quizzes are very trivial.
By Nikita Z
•Jul 4, 2023
Everything is nice, but why did they give 30 min for quiz? The time estimation is wrong, I did this course by 4 days by studying 3 hours per day
By Suman C .
•Jul 8, 2023
Karl and dean had done a great job. This course refreshed my knowledge and advanced it in probability. Thanks, Coursera for such good courses.
By Roland R
•Mar 25, 2020
I loved the practical examples which really helped me to grasped the essence of statistics without becoming confused with theoretical formulas