Jun 14, 2022
I like this course very much! The coding assignment is easy but always incldues all the essential things we need to learn. I feel so happy that I jsut finished my first unit testing project.
Aug 27, 2020
I love this course, the explanation is great, the assignments are very challenging. I learned many things from software testing. Thanks, Prof. Mike Whalen and Mr. Kevin Wendt
By Alexey E (
•Aug 4, 2023
Assessments rate process is confusing. Literally impossible to get what is wrong. Resolving by guessing.
Discuss forum inside course used by others to share answers to email rather then suggest how and what to do.
Build in AI consultant gives nice answers except one: Are you human or machine?
I still have questions but during course you are almost alone with all your misunderstandings.
By Lucas K M G M
•Dec 11, 2020
O curso ele elucida bastante a parte teórica sobre testes, relatórios e o seu funcionamento. Explicando assim outras habilidades que serão exigidas no mercado. O curso pode ter melhorias na parte da explicação de como compilar e executar o código, pois para quem tem muitas dificuldades ou não conhece Java, é difícil compreender alguns trechos do código dos testes.
By Sotiris T
•Mar 29, 2023
This course is super interesting, the only thing wrong is that it's not updated. The programs used for the assessments, the gradles used are all very old. please update it all to be applicable with the latest java, and gradle.
By Daniel C
•Feb 4, 2025
the grading doesn't work properly. i had to read the forum to find a workaround on every assignment because i wasn't getting any good results even if i did everything ok.
By William M
•Jan 3, 2021
Expected knowledge of programming and use of Eclipse is more than I expect for this course. I cannot find where I can donwload the sources mentioned in the week 4 videos.
By Aleksandra Z
•Jan 20, 2022
Course itself is very good. Minus one star for assignments where without forum help you are not capable to gain 10/10, even though tests are successful on your Pc
•Aug 30, 2021
I learnt more from this course only difficult found is the assignment submission .Troubleshooting of assignment eaten more time finally did it. Thanks
By Budi S
•Sep 8, 2021
Quite challenging yet very educating course. The practice assignments are very good hands-on example and provides insight into testing
By Francisco B
•Nov 23, 2020
En los foros no hay demasiada ayuda si es que alguien se traba en alguna instancia del curso. Más allá de eso , el curso es completo
By Monica S
•Aug 1, 2022
It's a complete course, but the final activity is too confuse. It is worst to who the english is not the native language
By Mohammed Y
•Dec 18, 2022
It was good journey to learn, it wont stop here. But hoping for the job opportunity using this Ceritificate.
By Carlos W R M
•Aug 24, 2021
It's an amazing course, you learn a lot, the only problem is that one fo the last assesments is quite buggy.
•Oct 13, 2023
This course is not for the beginner. You have to have a knowledge of JAVA for doing unit test.
By Abhijeet M
•Apr 29, 2022
Need few basic clarification of manual testing as well-including defination and differences.
By Sertsedengle S (
•Mar 7, 2022
The course is a bit old and the tasks are incompattible with the new java.
By Alexandra R
•Dec 29, 2020
Too much unit testing. Otherwise it was great and helpful.
By Avani R
•Sep 28, 2024
I just found the coding parts a bit hard to implement
•Jul 29, 2021
good and learnt so much about software software
By Andrés N
•Sep 5, 2022
Estuvo muy largo pero se aprendio mucho.
By Navjot S
•Aug 5, 2021
A little difficult for manual testers
By Shital S M
•Sep 27, 2020
Software testing is very good course
By Amit R
•Nov 21, 2020
informative about software testing
•Oct 16, 2022
Course is simply really great :)
By Rifat z
•Sep 5, 2020
It's a very effective course.
•Jul 4, 2021
Very interesting Course