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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Industrial Biotechnology by University of Manchester

3,449 ratings

About the Course

Fossil fuels have been the primary energy source for society since the Industrial Revolution. They provide the raw material for the manufacture of many everyday products that we take for granted, including pharmaceuticals, food and drink, materials, plastics and personal care. As the 21st century progresses we need solutions for the manufacture of chemicals that are smarter, more predictable and more sustainable. Industrial biotechnology is changing how we manufacture chemicals and materials, as well as providing us with a source of renewable energy. It is at the core of sustainable manufacturing processes and an attractive alternative to traditional manufacturing technologies to commercially advance and transform priority industrial sectors yielding more and more viable solutions for our environment in the form of new chemicals, new materials and bioenergy. This course will cover the key enabling technologies that underpin biotechnology research including enzyme discovery and engineering, systems and synthetic biology and biochemical and process engineering. Much of this material will be delivered through lectures to ensure that you have a solid foundation in these key areas. We will also consider the wider issues involved in sustainable manufacturing including responsible research innovation and bioethics. In the second part of the course we will look at how these technologies translate into real world applications which benefit society and impact our everyday lives. This will include input from our industry stakeholders and collaborators working in the pharmaceutical, chemicals and biofuels industries. By the end of this course you will be able to: 1. Understand enzymatic function and catalysis. 2. Explain the technologies and methodologies underpinning systems and synthetic biology. 3. Explain the diversity of synthetic biology application and discuss the different ethical and regulatory/governance challenges involved in this research. 4. Understand the principles and role of bioprocessing and biochemical engineering in industrial biotechnology. 5. Have an informed discussion of the key enabling technologies underpinning research in industrial biotechnology 6. Give examples of industrial biotechnology products and processes and their application in healthcare, agriculture, fine chemicals, energy and the environment....

Top reviews


Mar 6, 2021

Great course. Im a chemical engineering, applying for master's in Chemical Biotechnology. This course really helped in understanding the basics of this amazing field. Thanks guys. Humans are awesome.


Apr 29, 2020

Very informative and very well organised course and it really helped me provide a good insight into the world of Biotechnology, the applications in the health sector and its potential in the future.

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76 - 100 of 800 Reviews for Industrial Biotechnology

By Seema S


Jun 2, 2023

I received wonderful knowledge about industrial processes working in the field of biology for

1. the betterment of human beings to cure harmful diseases.

2. to encourage the young scientists for further levels of research.

3. to improve the quality and quantity of pharmaceutical chemicals for better effects.

Thanks to Coursera. Thanks to be authentic.

By Antonio J


Feb 18, 2021

Se trata de un curso muy interesante e instructivo enfocado a comprender algo más el rol que tiene la biotecnología a nivel industrial, papel que no se trata tanto en la universidad donde se da mayor importancia a la investigación. En conclusión gran curso que sirve como complemento o como iniciación a a la biotecnología.

By Ilya G


Jun 15, 2020

Good introduction in to the area. Gives even a non-specialist a good understanding of the current state, trends and developments in the field and related areas, as well as provides numerous sources for further reading. I enjoyed taking it, and hope that investing in this course will later pay off by advancing my career.

By Aman P


Dec 10, 2020

This is a very much informative and interesting course. I can’t express my feelings that How much I am excited to complete this fantastic course. A very much standing ovation to the course makers and professors. Thanking you all for the fantastic course which helps in boosting my knowledge in the area of Biotechnology.

By Bhaskar J N


Sep 4, 2020

An excellent introductory course for researchers of Industrial biotechnology. Every aspects of of advancements of industrial applications of biological systems were covered and well explained by experts of respective fields. I highly recommend this course for fellow researchers focused in bio-industrial sector.

By M. S


Aug 1, 2020

This was a very informative and insightful course about the numerous applications of Biotechnology in the industry, and also about the growing futuristic trends in the fields of biopharmaceuticals, bioenergy and biomaterials.

I sincerely thank the course instructors for putting up this wonderful course.

By Farah G


Dec 15, 2017

Even as a graduate student in MSC biotechnology, i found this course immensely helpful in not only acting as a refresher for all the basic stuff ,but also a good update on the new things going on in parts that are not in my immediate interest. Thanks to the awesome Manchester team for an amazing Mooc!

By eldina m


Mar 10, 2022

This course provides a lot of information from base knowledge about enzyme dan it principle untill how enzym impact in large production scale such as pharmaceutical, etc. This course is not only supported by one particular nowledgement perspective but also from other multi-disciplinary knowledge.

By Ofonagoro U H


Jan 21, 2025

the course is interesting and the tutors were able to break the topics down in its simplest form even with pictures however anybody studying the course still need to make further research and studies for a whole understanding incase you haven't had any initial knowledge about biotechnology.

By Akhilesh G


Apr 9, 2019

Overall, a great brush-up course for a biotechnologist but is not at all recommadable to someone new to this field. Applicative part is imprevise and i learnt many new things about molecules i knew but did not acknowledge. I would refer this course to every biotechnology aspirant.

By Guillem P


Dec 5, 2021

Super helpful, it has helped me to gain the necessary knowledge about the field i'm most interested in (which is biopharmaceuticals). It's also really complete and it gives you the basic knowledge to make you want to search for more information and knowledge on this field.

By Maria d S R


Oct 5, 2023

Interesante, permite tener una visión mas amplia de lo que se esta haciendo en otros países, en el área de biotecnología molecular, y muy ampliamente la tecnología enzimática, diversas aplicaciones en producción de energía, y nuevos fármacos biológicos muy importantes.

By Murii L


May 20, 2024

Me gusto, aunque la traducción en algunas palabras no fue la mas opima pero si se lograba entender los conceptos, muy completo cada una de las unidad, sirve también para complementar y recordar conceptos o información que se nos podría haber olvidado en algún momento.

By Aedrian A


Jan 18, 2021

This is an extremely interesting course and has widened my understanding of career & research options in biotechnology. Nevertheless, I think that at least a collegiate-level grasp of biology and chemistry is necessary to appreciate the material.

By Yatin T


Feb 7, 2021

It was a wonderful experience learning this course which such great experienced professors. This course helped us with great understanding of the role that pharmaceuticals play in day to day life. Would recommend many more to do this course.

By Claudia R


Dec 31, 2020

This course was wonderful, it make more interested about the biochemical engineering branch being a chemical engineering undergraduate student, I hope someday I could make a master about this topic in Manchester University. I really love it.

By Kamini T


May 6, 2020

I really enjoyed this course. This course is very interesting and very helpful for me. This course gives me alot of knowledge and interest in this course.I learn many things from this course and really i enjoyed this course...Great course.

By youssef b


Apr 7, 2021

c'est un cours très intéressant, il occupe tous ce qui est en relation avec les bioénergies , l'ingénierie eczématique, aussi les domaines de biopharmaceutique et le design des biomatériaux. excellent cours et je vous remercier infiniment

By A G


Jul 26, 2020

Great insight offered by University of Manchester into the field of Industrial Biotechnology. Being a Chemical Engineering student, I learnt a lot, especially the industrial aspects, and realized the tremendous potential in this subject.

By V V


Jan 25, 2024

The course was a wonderful experience for a true life science enthusiast and I shower my gratefulness to the Coursera, University of Manchester and all of it's professors for this delightful learning experience. With regards!

By Lorena R


Nov 7, 2022

The course is very interesting and deals with biotechnology in healthcare and pharmaceuticals, but in the general part it deals with the main objectives of biotechnology and the bioprocess. Congratulations for the initiative.

By Arune V


Jan 1, 2020

Really enjoyed the insightful pieces of experience the professors give us about what they do within the field of Industrial Biotechnology along with their description of whatever concept they explain. Keep up the good work!

By Haroun T E B


Apr 11, 2020

It was really a nice course, I enjoyed every bit of it, the lectures had covered all the essential subjects of the Industrial Biotechnology, thanks for everyone who participated in the creation of this high quality course!

By Rodrigo T B


Aug 28, 2020

Great Course to keep the knowledge fresh and also to learn a lot about different ways in which you can innovate in Biotechnology. I struggled a little with week four, but anyways it was a great course I enjoyed it, Thanks

By Venkataraghavan R


Jul 30, 2020

The course from Manchester University, England, has provided the essential insights and scintillated on the cutting-edge technology in Industrial Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, and Biopharmaceutical Technology.