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Learner Reviews & Feedback for How Computers Work by University of London

558 ratings

About the Course

Computers are everywhere, they aren't just the desktops and laptops we use for work but the phones in our pockets and even the watches on our wrists are also computers. You probably use a computer every day and in fact you are reading this on a computer! Just because we use computers all the time, doesn't mean that we understand them, or find them easy to use. Computer Science is the science of computers, it is the field of knowledge that experts use to understand computer systems. Knowing a little computer science will help you understand the computers all around you. This isn't a how-to course for a particular piece of software, instead you will learn some fundamental concepts that you can apply to any software or computer system. You'll apply these concepts to the kind of computer systems we use every day, including word processing applications, e-commerce, the internet and web sites. You will learn how to apply computer science concepts to solve problems in daily computer use and generally be a better computer user. Taking this course could be the start of your career in computer science, and the course is an introduction to the Bachelors in Computer Science from University of London, but it is also for you if you just want to learn a little computer science to help you better understand the computers you use in your ordinary life....

Top reviews


Mar 25, 2023

Amazing course once you start this you'll get a basic introduction about computers, How the webpages work. Hat's off to University of London for providing this course in simply way and fun manner


Aug 13, 2020

Your course gave me a lot of knowledge to make me understand the computer and also show me how to deal with the problem with my computer by the logic which you have been guided. Your cours

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26 - 50 of 160 Reviews for How Computers Work



Jan 15, 2022

Excellent course. I like how the teacher explains concepts simply for all level of learners to understand.

If anything I wish the course were taught more in depth, but I guess it's for later courses.



Mar 25, 2023

Amazing course once you start this you'll get a basic introduction about computers, How the webpages work. Hat's off to University of London for providing this course in simply way and fun manner

By Thanaphat d


Aug 13, 2020

Your course gave me a lot of knowledge to make me understand the computer and also show me how to deal with the problem with my computer by the logic which you have been guided.










By Monica H


Mar 25, 2024

It has been my first experience in learning from virtual platforms. I have a great interest and motivation in STEM areas. I really want to continue my learning path from Coursera.

By Iuliia B


Nov 26, 2019

This course helped me a lot to understand the basics of how computers work. I was very interested in this topic and I am happy the course matched my expectations.

By Hamza M


Jul 6, 2019

Very well thought out and structured lecture, even though I work in IT, I learnt a few new concepts which will be helpful in day to day work.

By ashley n


Sep 2, 2024

Very beginner friendly, the AI tools that help students better understand the information allow for a more accessible and digestible course.

By Pouyan S


Mar 5, 2020

I truly enjoyed going through this course and i have learned so much about computers, networks, websites and how they work in internet.

By Sylvana F


Nov 7, 2020

I am so glad I took this course. It taught me so much and it gave me the confidence I needed to seriously change careers. I loved it!



Sep 23, 2020

It was sooo nice. It I clude basic level and some advance level tooo. Goood course. I would recommend everyone to take up this course

By Zakariye M A


Nov 25, 2022

Incredible Instrucor + Top University Has Offered Me As free This Course Thanks To University Of London also coursera Platform

By Denys B


May 1, 2022

Great cource with very good basics. Even as sysadmin with expericence 10+ years I find out good info for me. Thanks!

By Adan G


May 25, 2021

This course has opened a whole new world and has been the start in a new journey to become a Computer Scientist.

By Tunahan G


Dec 8, 2020

thanks to Mr. Gillies for this course. I feel like there's so much more but i am ready to learn. Thank you,sir

By Kevin G (


Jan 28, 2020

Clear and concise introduction about how computers work. I really liked the focus on abstraction and security.

By Peter M


Jan 18, 2022

It is an awesome and well taught course. It has helped me to deepen my understanding of how computers work

By Ahmed M E E


Feb 27, 2022

I think it is very good for beginners Even though I knew most of the course, I was very pleased with it

By Kolawole A Y


May 22, 2020

It was a wonderful experience..i really appreciate COURSERA Teams for bringing this together for us

By Valentin V


Sep 7, 2022

Even if it`s just a basic but really easily "digestible" course, thank you, University of London!

By Izhar K K


Nov 22, 2019

One of the great course(s) learning about computer. It is like Welcome to the digital world.

By Kitija O


Aug 5, 2020

a nice course to take for rainy days to understand a bit better the world that we live in.

By Banke O


Sep 10, 2019

I loved the way the instructor explained it. Straight to the point and easy to understand.

By Konstantin


Nov 4, 2022

Thanks a lot! Very cool course, which explains a lot of difficult stuff in an easy way.

By Ayan Z


Mar 19, 2020

it is really interesting and I really recommend it to learn about how computers works

By Miguel A T


Jun 26, 2020

Great course to learn a glimpse of what Computer Science and network is about.