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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Principles of fMRI 1 by Johns Hopkins University

836 ratings

About the Course

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is the most widely used technique for investigating the living, functioning human brain as people perform tasks and experience mental states. It is a convergence point for multidisciplinary work from many disciplines. Psychologists, statisticians, physicists, computer scientists, neuroscientists, medical researchers, behavioral scientists, engineers, public health researchers, biologists, and others are coming together to advance our understanding of the human mind and brain. This course covers the design, acquisition, and analysis of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data, including psychological inference, MR Physics, K Space, experimental design, pre-processing of fMRI data, as well as Generalized Linear Models (GLM’s). A book related to the class can be found here:

Top reviews


Jan 9, 2023

Taken in concert, the lectures and the reading are thorough if complex. However, this is a complex topic. Probably should be listed as an intermediate course at least, but a very good introduction.


Aug 30, 2020

It was a wonderful beginning to a topic details of which were unknown to me. Thank you to both the instructors for making the videos crisp, informative and understandable. Thank you very much.

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101 - 125 of 161 Reviews for Principles of fMRI 1

By David S

Mar 18, 2016



Jul 21, 2020


By Ali O m

Nov 1, 2020


By Sevda M

Oct 31, 2020


By Esat I

Feb 14, 2019


By Surendra M

Mar 10, 2016


By Ms. A S J

Aug 27, 2024



Jul 8, 2020


By Sayan C

Jun 11, 2017


By Jhaiman B

May 20, 2023

The first half of the course is informative and easy enough to follow. However, the last half (which is all about statistical analysis) I feel could have been laid out differently or could have used more practical examples over theory.

Even if you start with the first course in the series of four for the specialization, this course seems to require more background knowledge when it comes to experimentation and statistics if you want to really understand it.

The order in which things were presented was sometimes confusing. For example, there are instances when terminology is defined well-after it has already been used to explain concepts. For example, things like t-tests, p-values, and 'power' were talked about in Week 3 as if they should already be known, only to be explicitly defined near the end of Week 4.

Also, not a huge complaint, but sometimes it seemed like the instructors relied on the presentation slides a little too much; reading word for word and not expanding on it much.

Good information overall, but the teaching could be improved.

By Vladimir M C O

Oct 4, 2016

The language is clear. The video edition is fine. The mathematical parts were illustrated fantastically. In my case , practice made master, meaning that I saw the videos several times and searched on wikipedia and googled words a few times. Maybe some ideas would've been better understood if it had been included the use of a special software such as AFNI or SPM, that's why I didn't give the five stars to the course.

By Bee S

May 8, 2020

Super good! I think the only thing that lacked was that in week 2, there was a lot of reading verbatim off slides which wasn't very engaging. However, in Week 1 and in week 4 particularly, I really enjoyed the analogies and explaining of the context. TBH the best part IMHO was the explanation of the physics of fMRI and the spinning top example. Overall great stuff!

By Daniele S

Oct 28, 2020

The course is very interesting, well designed and useful. The only negative point is that sometimes topics are introduced without focusing on the details, which I found usually useful to understand the big picture. However, this is not a major problem because you could always look up to different resources online.

By Elaheh S

May 16, 2018

Thank you for the course. If I want to correctly rate it, is somewhere between 3 and 4. I think the chosen topics were very good. The slides and examples were very good too. However, as I am a medical doctor the mathematical point of view and the rate of the speech in that parts were a little bit confusing for me.

By Pitshaporn L

May 26, 2020

A lot of content are mathematical concepts behind the data acquisition. I would like to learn more regarding the data acquisition per se. But overall, the course has given me the principle idea of fMRI and its advantages in comparison to the other imaging techniques.


Mar 18, 2024

This is not a beginner's course. But if you are serious about starting a functional MRI study or project, it is a good place to start and prime your brain about the new jargon associated with this field. Strong background in mathematics or statistics is recommended.

By Elisabeth H

Feb 5, 2019

The course is well structured and provides very detailed information, but it's also very fast-paced, which now and then makes it difficult to follow (especially for non-native speakers). Also, a lot of statistical knowledge is required.

By Pedro O

Nov 18, 2016

Some of the mathematical models and statistical models were hard to understand had I not taken mathematical and statistical classes on my masters. I really appreciated the slides for each individual modules; it made it easier to follow.

By Mohammad A

Nov 16, 2016

Statistics should definitely be a pre-requisite for this course. I study clinical pharmacology and my knowledge of stat was limited to mean, median and mode and standard deviation haha. good course though for whoever studied statistics.

By Leonardo H N M

Mar 22, 2021

Some questions in the tests were weird, for example, when saying MRI to refer to fMRI. It is hard to know when this is a tricky part in the question or just a generalization you guys are doing. So it happens with other questions.

By Merin M

Nov 1, 2017

This course was really useful for me. The faculties gave a basis for fMRI. As the course progressed to 4th week it became little hard to digest because of more technical terms.

By Antonis G

Jun 15, 2020

Great course which introduces one to the basic principles of fMRI and Statistical Analysis.

Some hands on exercises and projects might help to better understand some concepts.

By Kuek Z C (

May 26, 2020

I learnt a lot from the course, even if it is just a surface understanding. It'll really help with when I need to pick up selective content for reals in the future.

By Sukeerthi S

Apr 27, 2020

Thanks for organising such course. I am very happy in attending this course. But It would be excellent if some more explanations on the concepts are clear.


Jul 14, 2021

Professors explain very kindly, and the contents are well organized. It would be better if they could add SPM practice for the audience. Thank you a lot!