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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Principles of fMRI 1 by Johns Hopkins University

836 ratings

About the Course

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is the most widely used technique for investigating the living, functioning human brain as people perform tasks and experience mental states. It is a convergence point for multidisciplinary work from many disciplines. Psychologists, statisticians, physicists, computer scientists, neuroscientists, medical researchers, behavioral scientists, engineers, public health researchers, biologists, and others are coming together to advance our understanding of the human mind and brain. This course covers the design, acquisition, and analysis of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data, including psychological inference, MR Physics, K Space, experimental design, pre-processing of fMRI data, as well as Generalized Linear Models (GLM’s). A book related to the class can be found here:

Top reviews


Jan 9, 2023

Taken in concert, the lectures and the reading are thorough if complex. However, this is a complex topic. Probably should be listed as an intermediate course at least, but a very good introduction.


Aug 30, 2020

It was a wonderful beginning to a topic details of which were unknown to me. Thank you to both the instructors for making the videos crisp, informative and understandable. Thank you very much.

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1 - 25 of 161 Reviews for Principles of fMRI 1

By Sadoun

Jun 10, 2018

Too much theory. No practice and practical online sessions on SPM for example.

By Katrina T

Oct 17, 2018

Simple things are explained in difficult way. Too much definitions, not enough explained in own words.

By Zaeem H

Apr 26, 2019

It's not really a beginners course. Reviews most of the important fMRI statistical analysis concepts. Additionally, the information regarding MR Physics involved was invaluable.

By Maansi D

Apr 19, 2016

Instructors tend to talk too fast and read off the slides verbatim instead of thoroughly explaining the topic

By Vu

Jul 1, 2017

While I enjoy a tough course, this course was actually pretty tough to follow because of the huge amount of statistical knowledge required to be able to understand each module. I think that the course description was a bit misleading for us because I really thought that we would come across examples of fmri studies for us to interpret rather than get into the statistical aspects of these medical machines.

By Aleksandr M

Sep 20, 2017

A very good introduction, but you would need some decent knowledge in statistics to fully understand the methods part. Standard undergrad psychology courses in statistics should be enough.

By Francesco C

Apr 23, 2017

Very clear introductory course about fMRI. It touches almost every concept needed to understand an MRI experiment. Many complex topics were explained in a very clear and concise way.

By Catherine S

Aug 1, 2016

Whenever examples were given, things became much clearer, but there often weren't examples. In many instances it would have been nice if there had been a second take of the video taken to prevent potentially confusing mis-speaking from making it into the lectures. Obviously you get what you pay for, and it's great that I got a vague overview of the subject for free, but I easily aced the course without feeling like I'm at all prepared to run an fMRI experiment.

By Marcel D S

Jun 26, 2018

Very densly packed course with many great information. Sometimes it went a bit too fast, though. I wish there was a bit more explanation for some of the more advanced ideas. Still a very good course that made me confident to start analyzing some fMRI data that I have at hand.

By Alina M

Aug 9, 2016

As a person who actually studied physics and knows a little about data science, I am literally baffled the way information presented and lectures speak. Really don't recommend this cource at all. because Week 1 materals is a imcomprehenisble mess full of incorrect explanation and vague definitions.

By Bushra k ( A P

Apr 25, 2020

Really lots of new knowledge,But not exactly not relevent from my field but learn alot new things that very helpfull for my further study.Thank you COURSERA for upgrade my knowledge.

By chenqingwei

Mar 28, 2018

Very fasinat

By Sam W

Feb 28, 2017

This is a great course to have available. However, I do think that in order to truly grasp many of the concepts, you need to either have a good baseline statistical background (ie, more than one college stats course), or be willing to spend a lot more time looking up many of the concepts (though many can only be found referenced in papers). For those who are engaged in applied statistics/signal processing, this would probably be fine. The course was very interesting, but I do wish they spent a bit more time breaking down the statistical measures and more examples/figures/analogies to make the course overall more coherent, and encourage a deeper understanding from a big picture perspective. It would be helpful if they had optional supplementary videos that dive deeper into the stats for those who could use it.

By Amy O

May 20, 2020

I found it hard to follow at times. I would have greatly appreciated some pdf to compliment the videos. There was a LOT of information presented each week, hard to remember it all when it came to quiz time. Given these points, I’m less inclined to do the second course even though I think it would be interesting.

By Isabella

Jun 27, 2017

I feel like this course could have been improved with an actual run through of examples, rather than just going by the board, ie. screen capturing the data analysis operations. It was all-in-all very helpful though!

By Мария

Sep 28, 2019

Thank you so much! Its not a nightmare anymore when I begin to think about dealing with fMRI statistics! Step by step you opened all tricky (maybe not all but I feel that I am able to face all of them now) moments in this field. I feel really happy that I have found this course and I'm very greateful for such opportunity! Thank to all of the people who are making such opportunities possible!

By Getentey

May 19, 2020

This is an excellent course. Really helpful for future neuroimaging fMRI studies. Nicely explained the theoretical and practical cases of various fMRI models and techniques. It would be more helpful if the statistical data analysis part was more elaborative or given reference content. Enjoyed the full course and thanks to the Professors and Coursera.

By Sabrina K

Oct 4, 2017

Very nice course - very detailed and well structured, thank you very much for offering! I enjoyed all lectures and also learned while trying to pass the quiz ;) ..only a small criticism, sometimes the subtitles have small (verbal) mistakes in it and I prefer having one compact lecture as I could already see it will be made in fMRI principles 2.

By Khoa M

Aug 29, 2021

A pretty challenging but interesting course. It also tells me I should pump up my data science knowledge before studying further neuroimaging in the future. :') A small point but I also love this course compared to the previous one as it did not hide available options in the quiz feedback. Thank you so much to the instructors Tor and Martin!

By Monica L

Mar 11, 2016

I was incredibly impressed by the way in which Professor Lindquist and Professor Wager were able to take relatively complex concepts, and present them in a way that was engaging and accessible. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone interested in familiarising themselves with fMRI research.

By Dorian L

May 23, 2020

A really good overview of fMRI experiments and analyses! The course go into details with clarity and is interesting to follow. Although the part of Design Matrices is a bit difficult and I'd like to have some "beginners explanations", this course is a must in a neuroscience perspective.

By Klebert T

Oct 17, 2017

It's a fast paced course that presents useful tools to understand fMRI methods and interpretation of findings. There is some mathematical content that will use a background of matrices operations and transformations as a prerequisite. Review some of that and you're good to go.

By Dephie H

Sep 9, 2018

I personally like this course very much. I have a overview of the basic fMRI techniques from the course. It is well organised and relatively easy to understand. I would like to recommend to others. Also, thanks for the instructors of the this course: you are very helpful!

By Janzaib M

Jan 22, 2019

This is course gives a very comprehensive understanding of fMRI technology. The course can be further improved by adding some practical or visual assignments instead of quizzes only.

Thank You, Coursera!!

Thank You, John Hopkins University & University of Colorado Boulder.

By Carmen B

Jun 27, 2020

Very interesting with challenging yet foundational information. I had to go over the videos many times, but felt really good when I finally grasped a difficult concept. A good balance between theory ("the why") and execution ("the how"). Ready for fMRI 2!